10,313 research outputs found

    Oliver Ranch Science School Complex & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending December 31, 2005

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    Executive Summary Activity highlights during the first quarter of Year Two include the following actions toward task agreement deliverables: Agenda and minutes prepared and distributed for two core group meetings Historical curriculum 100% completed Cultural curriculum 100% completed Night sky curriculum 50% completed Green Building curriculum 25% completed Communications/Outreach Plan revised and prioritized RRDLC newsletter under final review by BLM state offic

    Oliver Ranch Science School Complex & Wild Horse and Burro Facility: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending December 31, 2005

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    Executive Summary Activity highlights during the first quarter of Year Two include the following actions toward task agreement deliverables: Agenda and minutes prepared and distributed for two core group meetings Historical curriculum 100% completed Cultural curriculum 100% completed Night sky curriculum 50% completed Green Building curriculum 25% completed Communications/Outreach Plan revised and prioritized RRDLC newsletter under final review by BLM state offic

    Archaeological Research & Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending March 31, 2006

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    930 acres have been surveyed this quarter. 34 archaeological sites condition assessments were completed. Five archaeological reports were completed. 33 site records were completed. Crew members conducted archival research at the Western Archaeological Conservation Center (WACC) in Tucson, Arizona. Two new survey members have been hired and trained. Preparations for the summer archaeological field school are underway

    Archaeological Research & Data Management, Lake Mead National Recreation Area and Parashant National Monument: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending June 30, 2006

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    Interviews for the post-doctoral scholar position have been completed and a hire is imminent. 1,853 acres have been surveyed this quarter. 71 archaeological sites condition assessments were completed. 55 archaeological sites were recorded. The summer field school is underway

    Border parasites: schistosomiasis control among Uganda's fisherfolk

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    Copyright @ 2012 Taylor & Francis. This article has been made publically available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.It is recognized that the control of schistosomisais in Uganda requires a focus on fisherfolk. Large numbers suffer from this water-borne parasitic disease; notably along the shores of lakes Albert and Victoria and along the River Nile. Since 2004, a policy has been adopted of providing drugs, free of charge, to all those at risk. The strategy has been reported to be successful, but closer investigation reveals serious problems. This paper draws upon long-term research undertaken at three locations in northwestern and southeastern Uganda. It highlights consequences of not engaging with the day to day realities of fisherfolk livelihoods; attributable, in part, to the fact that so many fisherfolk live and work in places located at the country’s international borders, and to a related tendency to treat them as "feckless" and "ungovernable". Endeavours to roll out treatment end up being haphazard, erratic and location-specific. In some places, concerted efforts have been made to treat fisherfolk; but there is no effective monitoring, and it is difficult to gauge what proportion have actually swallowed the tablets. In other places, fisherfolk are, in practice, largely ignored, or are actively harassed in ways that make treatment almost impossible. At all sites, the current reliance upon resident "community" drug distributors or staff based at static clinics and schools was found to be flawed.The Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, Imperial College, under the auspices of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    Walking Box Ranch Planning and Design Quarterly Progress Report: Period ending April 10, 2011

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    UNLV participated in the two-day 65% Design Development project meeting and assisted in planning and design of the future WBR museum and field/research station. UNLV held several internal meetings to advance planning for IT and security at the ranch. UNLV (Cline) and BLM (McAboy) have begun a series of meetings regarding updating the current Task Order, requesting a two-year no-cost extension for the two Assistance Agreements, and to develop a concept plan for the future WBR operating agreement between BLM and UNLV. Weather station progress included adding a Pyrheliometer that measures solar radiation received to the station. Progress was made in making past weather information available via the website, and two technical papers on renewable energy were submitted for publication. UNLV has begun funding a UNLV photography project at the ranch that involves documenting historic land use in the Mojave Desert. Progress on the Multimedia Field Guides project that will develop and disseminate a modern geological and environmental field guide includes: 1) remote sensing and geologic data collection for the WBR area, 2) development of a preliminary geologic/surface-type map of the region, and 3) testing of technology at the field site. PLI educators (Allison Brody and Amy Page) will submit an application to the Clark County School District (CCSD) for a Professional Development workshop on Environmental Literacy in April 2011. The workshop, which will be held at the ranch, will be directed at sixth, seventh, and ninth grade teachers who teach earth science, life science and environmental science, and offer one professional development credit. A final business plan was received by UNLV from Dornbusch and Associates, and was disseminated to BLM and AECOM team leaders. UNLV and BLM will meet to discuss the plan in April 2011

    Nevada Interagency Volunteer Program: Helping Hands Across Public Lands – Phase II: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Covering July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011

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    The number of records in the volunteer database increased 5% from last quarter. The database now contains 8,918 records. Results show an average of 1,170 visits per month, and with an average of 2,681 pages viewed per month. Six National Public Lands Day events have been completed. The Interagency Volunteer Standard Operations Manual has been updated and made available to all other SNAP teams. Get Outdoors Nevada supported 16 volunteer events in a variety of ways. These events utilized approximately 600 volunteers whom contributed approximately 2,500 hours of service. Preparations for the 11/5/11 volunteer recognition banquet continued

    Southern Nevada Agency Partnership Cultural Site Stewardship Program – Program Expansion and Steward Retention: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending March 31, 2008

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    • The Cultural Site Stewardship Program has enrolled 352 site stewards, an increase of 30% over March 31, 2007. • Two classes were held in 2008 adding 29 new volunteer stewards. • Site stewards reported 38 significant site impacts 2008 YTD compared to 31 during the same period in 2007

    Lake Mead National Recreation Area Sensitive Wildlife Species Monitoring and Analysis: Quarterly Progress Report, Period Ending December 31, 2005

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    Topsoil replacement monitored at Willow Beach Wastewater Rehabilitation Project Desert tortoise surveys and monitoring conducted for Northshore Road reconstruction projects, and desert tortoise training provided to 9 construction contractors. Field work associated with the project to remove desert tortoise radio transmitters from animals on Mormon Mesa completed. Weekly data processing for Desert Bighorn Sheep monitoring associated with the Hoover Dam Bypass Project continued. Fall field surveys for relict leopard frogs completed (11 sites surveyed); last of this year’s head-started animals released; RLFCT meeting held. Work started on a digital database (GIS) of Peregrine falcon observations. Monthly shorebird surveys conducted (22 site surveys total); Access database of shorebird survey data was developed. Upcoming southwestern willow flycatcher surveys were planned and coordinated with other agencies. Point counts for several sensitive songbird species conducted (37 sites total); coordination and consultations to refine field methods for songbird study conducted. Upcoming bald eagle survey/census organized
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