19,126 research outputs found

    Provisional specification for satellite time in a geomagnetic environment

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    Satellites in geosynchronous orbit were experiencing operational anomalies. These anomalies are believed to be due to the environment charging the spacecraft surfaces to a point where discharges occur. In designing future satellites for long term operation at geosynchronous altitude, it is important that designers have a specification that will give the total time per year, the particle flux density and particle energies that their satellites can be expected to encounter in these substorm environmental conditions. The limited data currently available on the environmental conditions are used to generate the provisional specification given in this report

    Very high voltage latching relay

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    Relay consists of high voltage reed switch actuated by rotating permanent magnet mounted on stepper motor shaft, with actuation assembly isolated from high voltage circuit. Unit can be modified for use as double pole or double pole double throw latching relay and can be used in either air or vacuum

    Discharge transient coupling in large space power systems

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    Experiments have shown that plasma environments can induce discharges in solar arrays. These plasmas simulate the environments found in low earth orbits where current plans call for operation of very large power systems. The discharges could be large enough to couple into the power system and possibly disrupt operations. Here, the general concepts of the discharge mechanism and the techniques of coupling are discussed. Data from both ground and flight experiments are reviewed to obtain an expected basis for the interactions. These concepts were applied to the Space Station solar array and distribution system as an example of the large space power system. The effect of discharges was found to be a function of the discharge site. For most sites in the array discharges would not seriously impact performance. One location at the negative end of the array was identified as a position where discharges could couple to charge stored in system capacitors. This latter case could impact performance

    Report on the flight performance of the Z-93 white paint used in the SERT 2 thermal control system

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    Evaluating flight performance of Z-93 white paint in SERT 2 spacecraft thermal control system by changes in paint absorptanc

    Environmentally-induced discharge transient coupling to spacecraft

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    The Hughes SCREENS (Space Craft Response to Environments of Space) technique was applied to generic spin and 3-axis stabilized spacecraft models. It involved the NASCAP modeling for surface charging and lumped element modeling for transients coupling into a spacecraft. A differential voltage between antenna and spun shelf of approx. 400 V and current of 12 A resulted from discharge at antenna for the spinner and approx. 3 kv and 0.3 A from a discharge at solar panels for the 3-axis stabilized Spacecraft. A typical interface circuit response was analyzed to show that the transients would couple into the Spacecraft System through ground points, which are most vulnerable. A compilation and review was performed on 15 years of available data from electron and ion current collection phenomena. Empirical models were developed to match data and compared with flight data of Pix-1 and Pix-2 mission. It was found that large space power systems would float negative and discharge if operated at or above 300 V. Several recommendations are given to improve the models and to apply them to large space systems

    Provisional specification for satellite time in a geomagnetic substorm environment

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    Satellites in geosynchronous orbit have been experiencing operational anomalies. These anomalies are believed to be due to the environment charging the spacecraft surfaces to a point where discharges occur. In designing future satellites for long term operation at geosynchronous altitude, it is important that designers have a specification that will give the total time per year, the particle flux density, and particle energies that their satellites can be expected to encounter in these substorm environmental conditions. The limited data currently available on the environmental conditions was used to generate the provisional specification given

    Preliminary report on the CTS transient event counter performance through the 1976 spring eclipse season

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    The transient event counter (TEC), senses and counts transients having a voltage rise of greater than five volts in three separate wire harnesses: the attitude control harness, the solar array instrumentation harness and the solar array power harness. The operational characteristics of TEC are defined and the preliminary results obtained through the first 90 days of operation including the spring 1976 eclipse season are presented. The results show that the Communications Technology Satellite was charged to the point where discharges occurred. The discharge induced transients did not cause any anomalous events in spacecraft operation. The data indicate that discharges can occur at any time during the day without preference to any local time quadrant. The number of discharges occurring in the one second sample interval are greater than anticipated. The compilation and review of the data is continuing

    Environmental charging of spacecraft-tests of thermal control materials for use on the global positioning system flight space vehicle. Part 2: Specimen 6 to 9

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    The NASA/USAF program on the Environmental Charging of Spacecraft Surfaces consists, in part, of experimental efforts directed toward evaluating the response of materials to the environmental charged particle flux. Samples of thermal blankets of the type to be used on the Global Positioning System Flight Space Vehicles were tested to determine their response to electron flux. The primary result observed was that no discharges were obtained with the quartz-fiber-fabric-covered multilayer insulation specimen. The taped aluminized polyester grounding system used on all specimens did not appear to grossly deteriorate with time; however, the specimens require specific external pressure to maintain constant grounding system resistance

    Performance of the SERT 2 spacecraft after 4 and one-half years in space

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    The SERT 2 satellite, launched in February, 1970, has recently been reactivated after being dormant for a year. The satellite orientation was changed to spin stabilization in 1973 and the satellite is now coning such that the active side of the solar arrays move into and out of the sun every 23 days. There is sufficient power to operate the ion thrusters for seven days of this cycle. The 2 ion thruster system was successfully operated; the electrical short in the accelerating grids had cleared during the year long dormant phase

    Rural environmental concern: Effects of position, partisanship and place

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    The social bases of environmental concern in rural America resemble those for the nation as a whole, but also reflect the influence of place. Some general place characteristics, such as rates of population growth or resource-industry employment, predict responses across a number of environmental issues. Other unique or distinctive aspects of local society and environment matter as well. We extend earlier work on both kinds of place effects, first by analyzing survey data from northeast Oregon. Results emphasize that “environmental concern” has several dimensions. Second, we contextualize the Oregon results using surveys from other regions. Analysis of an integrated dataset (up to 12,000 interviews in 38 U.S. counties) shows effects from respondent characteristics and political views, and from county rates of population growth and resource-based employment. There also are significant place-to-place variations that are not explained by variables in the models. To understand some of these we return to the local scale. In northeast Oregon, residents describe how perceptions of fire danger from unmanaged forest lands shape their response to the word conservation. Their local interpretation contrasts with more general and urban connotations of this term, underlining the importance of place for understanding rural environmental concern