56 research outputs found

    Retinal neurovascular coupling in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension and its association with the level of glaucomatous damage

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    Purpose: To analyze neurovascular coupling in the retina of untreated primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and ocular hypertension (OHT) patients. Patients and methods: Maximal vessel dilation in response to flicker light was analyzed with Retinal Vessel Analyzer (RVA) in temporal superior/inferior arterioles and veins in 51 POAG patients, 46 OHT and 59 control subjects. RVA parameters were compared between groups, between contralateral POAG eyes, and correlated to intraocular pressure, visual field mean defect and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Results: POAG eyes demonstrated generally smaller response of all vessels to flicker light than the other two groups (ANOVA p = 0.026; mean arterial flicker response in percent of baseline, averaged superior and inferior was 3.48 ± 2.22% for controls , 2.35 ± 2.06 % for POAG patients , and 2.97 ± 2.35 % for OHT patients; corresponding values for venules were 3.88 ± 1.98%, 2.89 ± 1.72%, 3.45 ± 2.77%). There was no difference in flicker response between the eye with more and less advanced damage in each patient of the POAG group (ANOVA p = 0.79). Correlation of flicker response to intraocular pressure (IOP) was borderline at best, correlations to the level of glaucomatous damage were not significant. Correlation of flicker response of superior and inferior vessels of the same eye was significant for the arteries (Pearson r = 0.23, p = 0.004), as well as venules (r = 0.52, p < 0.001). Conclusion: General vessel response to flicker light was decreased in POAG patients, compared to normal controls and OHT patients. In contrast to significant correlation between the two contralateral eyes of the flicker response itself, only its borderline correlation to IOP was seen. There was no correlation to the level of damage, altogether indicating a systemic dysregulation phenomenon. Grants: Swiss National Foundation Grant 3200B0-113685, Velux Stiftung Grant, Freie Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG) Grant, Pfizer Inc. Grant Clinical trial registration reference number: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0043020

    Dynamics of retinal vessel response to flicker light in glaucoma patients and ocular hypertensives

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    Purpose: To analyze dynamics of retinal vessel dilation response to flicker light in patients with glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Patients and methods: Response to flicker light was measured in retinal vessels by means of Retinal Vessel Analyzer. After the baseline 50seconds long diameter recording of inferior and superior temporal artery and vein, three flicker stimulations of 20seconds duration was applied, with a 80seconds break in between. Area under the curve of the vessel diameter (AUC) was compared during 3 flicker periods in the open angle glaucoma patients group (POAG, n = 47) and ocular hypertensives (OHT, n = 46) and age-matched healthy controls (n = 56) Results: POAG eyes demonstrated smaller response of all vessels to flicker light in general than the other two groups (p = 0.0008), but the response dynamics was significantly different between the groups (p = 0.038), showing in three flicker periods a delayed increasing response in the POAG and OHT groups, and remaining stable in healthy subjects. Conclusion: General vessel response to flicker light was decreased in POAG patients despite the slow improvement in repeated flicker stimulation, indicating an altered response patter

    The influence of evening walks on the emotional state and sleep quality of medical university students

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    Received: 10.11.2022. Accepted: 12.12.2022.Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 10.11.2022. Принята к публикации: 12.12.2022.The problem of creating harmony in relation to the mental and physical health of students at the present time is quite serious. Modern universities of medical specialization are characterized by an increased intellectual load in conditions of insufficient physical activity, which necessitates increasing the stress resistance of the students’ organism. The means of physical culture used to reduce stress vary for different groups of people. The relevance of the choice of topic is due to the fact that evening walks are suitable for people of any age, including students, and have no contraindications. The purpose of the study: to compare the indicators of the emotional state and quality of sleep of students who take daily evening walks in the fresh air, and the indicators of their peers who prefer spending time at home. It is assumed that students who combine physical activity in the process of implementing elective disciplines in physical culture and sports with daily walks have higher rates of emotional state and sleep quality than their peers who do not use physical culture in their free time. The study involved 180 students of the Northern State Medical University. The analysis of the emotional state of students was carried out according to the method of L.A. Kurgansky and T.A. Nemchina. According to the results of the survey, students who take evening walks have higher indicators of emotional state than those who prefer spending time at home. To study sleep indicators, a questionnaire for scoring the quality of sleep by Y.I. Levin. According to the results of the survey, students who take evening walks have higher rates of sleep quality. The conducted studies have shown that the means of physical education can optimize the emotional state of students, reduce anxiety, tension and discomfort. Walking improves the quality of sleep. Thus, the studies obtained state the importance of systematic exercise, even the simplest and most accessible to everyone, such as evening walks in the fresh air.Проблема создания гармонии в отношении психического и физического здоровья студентов в нынешнее время достаточно серьезна. Современные вузы медицинской специализации характеризует повышенная интеллектуальная нагрузка в условиях недостаточной двигательной активности, что обуславливает необходимость повышения стрессоустойчивости организма студентов. Средства физической культуры, используемые для уменьшения стресса, для различных групп людей различаются. Актуальность выбора темы обусловлена тем, что вечерние прогулки подходят людям любого возраста, в том числе студентам, и не имеют противопоказаний. Цель исследования: сравнить показатели эмоционального состояния и качества сна студентов, совершающих ежедневные вечерние прогулки на свежем воздухе, и показатели их сверстников, предпочитающих домашнее времяпрепровождение. Предполагается, что студенты, совмещающие физическую деятельность в процессе реализации элективных дисциплин по физической культуре и спорту с ежедневными прогулками, имеют более высокие показатели эмоционального состояния и качества сна, нежели их сверстники, не использующие средства физической культуры в свободное от учебы время. В исследовании приняло участие 180 студентов Северного государственного медицинского университета. Анализ эмоционального состояния студентов осуществлялся по методике Л. А. Курганского и Т. А. Немчина. По результатам опроса студенты, которые совершают вечерние прогулки, имеют более высокие показатели эмоционального состояния, нежели, те, кто предпочитает домашнее времяпрепровождение. Для исследования показателей сна использовалась анкета балльной оценки качества сна Я. И. Левина. По результатам анкетирования студенты, которые совершают вечерние прогулки, имеют более высокие показатели качества сна. Проведенные исследования показали, что средствами физического воспитания можно оптимизировать эмоциональное состояние у студентов, снизить состояние тревоги, напряжение и дискомфорт. Во время прогулок улучшается качество сна. Таким образом, полученные исследования констатируют важность систематического выполнения физических нагрузок, даже самых простых и доступных каждому, таких как вечерние прогулки на свежем воздухе

    Construction of Recombinant Escherichia coli Strain – Producer of Basic Subunit of Toxin-Coregulated Pilus of Adhesion (TCPA) of Vibrio cholerae Biovar El Tor

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    Objective of the study is to construct recombinant E. coli strain – producer of TcpA protein of cholera agent El Tor, carrying tcpACIRS gene in its genome, and use the strains for antigen production. Materials and methods. Utilized was non-toxigenic genovariant strain of Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor from the “State Collection of Pathogenic Bacteria” at the premises of RusRAPI “Microbe”, as well as commercial E. coli strains and plasmids for cloning (Invitrogen, USA). Chromosomal DNA from V. cholerae cells was extracted using Charge Smitch gDNA Mini Bacteria Kit applying nucleo-sorption. To extract plasmid DNA from E. coli cells PureLink Quick Plasmid DNA MiniprepKits were used. The presence of tcpACIRS gene was assayed by PCR, using designed through our own efforts primers. DNA fragments were isolated from agarose gel with the help of PCR Clear-Up-System panel. SDS-PAGE was performed according to U.K.Laemmli method. Protein content of samples was measured by M.M.Bradford method. The panel for affinity chromatography was applied for recombinant TcpA protein purification. Results and conclusions. Constructed safe strain of E. coli is the producer of recombinant TcpA protein, basic subunit of toxin-coregulated pilus of adhesion of cholera agent biovar El Tor. The region of tcpA gene of Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor was cloned as part of vector plasmid pET302 by the restriction sites XhoI-BamHI in E. coli strain BL21(DE3)Star. In the stated design protein biosynthesis is under transcriptional control of phage promoter T7 and induced by isopropyl-ß-thiogalactoside (IPTG). Tested were the conditions for optimum TcpA protein production and the layout of its purification using affinity chromatography. It was demonstrated that TcpA is present in cells of intestinal bacterium, both in native form and as inclusion bodies. Overall TcpA protein production amounted to 60 mcg/ml. Obtained purified TcpA protein can be used for studies of its immunogenic and physical-chemical properties, as well as development of immune-diagnostic preparations to evaluate the level of TcpA production in various V. cholerae strains, and identification of antigen composition of cholera vaccine preparations


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    This study shows that Yersinia pestis capsular antigen F1 conjugated to the CS nano-particles demonstrates apparent immunogenic effects. When injected to the test animals it was able to stimulate the production of specific antibodies under smaller antigenic load, it caused activation of the genetic apparatus in the immune system cells, and it stimulated hyperplastic processes in the lymphoid organs. Solutions of CS plus antigens appeared to be stable and caused neither general nor local responses in the test animals; they were easy to make use of, thus demonstrating their potentialities to be exploited as adjuvants in immunologic practices

    Drug Agranulocytosis

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    The paper covers the problem associated with the wide availability and uncontrolled use of over-the-counter medicines, particularly analgesics, antipyretics, and anticatarrhal agents, which lead to the occurrence of adverse drug reactions and poisonings and to considerable economic and human losses. The mechanisms of the pathogenesis of drug agranu-locytosis due to the intake of nonsteroidal analgesics and the diagnosis and treatment of this disease are described in detail. The case presented by the authors clearly demonstrates that the possible development of life-threatening complications due to the use of even submaximal permitted doses of widely spread and available anticatarrhal drugs. Key words: antipyretics, analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drug agranulocytosis, trepanobiopsy, myelo-gram, intensive care unit

    New Method of Plague Agent Lipopolysaccharide Obtaining

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    Put forward are two alternatives of a new method for optimization of conditions of LPS obtaining and purification from Y. pestis strains; as well as for avoiding application of poisonous and hard-to-remove reagents; for simplification and cost-cutting of the technique; and for rationalization of production waste management. This method involves preliminary salt-water extraction of bacteria, for elimination of easy-dissolving substances, with the subsequent fracturing using ultrasound in lysing buffer (0,1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8,0; 10 mmol of EDTA, 1 % Triton X-100). The first alternative for deproteinization of non-purified endotoxin is the commercial preparation of proteinase K (Sigma), the second one - an enzyme complex - proteovibrin, isolated from waste material accumulated in the process of cholera chemical bivalent vaccine production. Apart from this, introduced has been a phase of sample acidification by applying glacial acetic acid up to pH 3,2-3,4 to decontaminate LPS from nucleic acids. These two variations of the method provide for enhancement of LPS preparation quality as compared to prototype method, and for obtainment of plague agent endotoxin that is hardly distinguishable in physical-chemical properties, homogeneity, immunochemical activity and specificity from the antigen, manufactured by means of water-phenol extraction following Westphal O. technique

    Газоразделительные свойства мембран с диффузионными слоями из N-алкилированного поливинилпиридина и его комплексов с додецилсульфатом натрия.

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    O2 and N2 permeability of membranes with diffusive layers from quaternary poly(vinyl pyridine) and its complexes with sodium dodecyl sulfate was studied. The influence of a layer's chemical structure on these gases selectivity separation was shown.Изучены проницаемость O2 и N2 мембран с диффузионными слоями из кватернизованного поливинилпиридина и его комплексов с додецилсульфатом натрия. Показано влияние химической структуры слоя на селективность разделения этих газов

    The efficiency of tear substitute therapy at dysfunction tear basic secretion

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    Purpose: to evaluate the efficiency and tolerance of drops replacing tear with hyaluronic acid 0.15% (Hylabak, thea, France) for the treatment of tear film diseases, in particular blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome.Methods: 32 patients (range 38 to 72 years) with blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome were treated lubricant Hylabak 2-4 times a day during 7-30 days.Results: After treatment was detected the elimination of complaints in 30 of 32 people, increasing the stability of the tear film (increasing values of the samples Norn test from 7.3 ±0.5 to 10.1±0.6 seconds), as well as normalization of Schirmer test (from 8.8±0.4 to 15.2±0.5 mm).Conclusion: the study was showed high efficacy of lubricant Hylabak and subjective tolerability at blepharoconjunctival form of dry eye syndrome