1,131 research outputs found

    Spectra of primordial fluctuations in two-perfect-fluid regular bounces

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    We introduce analytic solutions for a class of two components bouncing models, where the bounce is triggered by a negative energy density perfect fluid. The equation of state of the two components are constant in time, but otherwise unrelated. By numerically integrating regular equations for scalar cosmological perturbations, we find that the (would be) growing mode of the Newtonian potential before the bounce never matches with the the growing mode in the expanding stage. For the particular case of a negative energy density component with a stiff equation of state we give a detailed analytic study, which is in complete agreement with the numerical results. We also perform analytic and numerical calculations for long wavelength tensor perturbations, obtaining that, in most cases of interest, the tensor spectral index is independent of the negative energy fluid and given by the spectral index of the growing mode in the contracting stage. We compare our results with previous investigations in the literature.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The accelerated expansion of the Universe as a quantum cosmological effect

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    We study the quantized Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model minimally coupled to a free massless scalar field. In a previous paper, \cite{fab2}, solutions of this model were constructed as gaussian superpositions of negative and positive modes solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and quantum bohmian trajectories were obtained in the framework of the Bohm-de Broglie (BdB) interpretation of quantum cosmology. In the present work, we analyze the quantum bohmian trajectories of a different class of gaussian packets. We are able to show that this new class generates bohmian trajectories which begin classical (with decelerated expansion), undergo an accelerated expansion in the middle of its evolution due to the presence of quantum cosmological effects in this period, and return to its classical decelerated expansion in the far future. We also show that the relation between luminosity distance and redshift in the quantum cosmological model can be made close to the corresponding relation coming from the classical model suplemented by a cosmological constant, for z<1z<1. These results suggest the posibility of interpreting the present observations of high redshift supernovae as the manifestation of a quantum cosmological effect

    Covariant Bardeen Perturbation Formalism

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    In a previous work we obtained a set of necessary conditions for the linear approximation in cosmology. Here we discuss the relations of this approach with the so called covariant perturbations. It is often argued in the literature that one of the main advantages of the covariant approach to describe cosmological perturbations is that the Bardeen formalism is coordinate dependent. In this paper we will reformulate the Bardeen approach in a completely covariant manner. For that, we introduce the notion of pure and mixed tensors, which yields an adequate language to treat both perturbative approaches in a common framework. We then stress that in the referred covariant approach one necessarily introduces an additional hyper-surface choice to the problem. Using our mixed and pure tensors approach, we were able to construct a one-to-one map relating the usual gauge dependence of the Bardeen formalism with the hyper-surface dependence inherent to the covariant approach. Finally, through the use of this map, we define full non-linear tensors that at first order correspond to the three known gauge invariant variables Φ\Phi, Ψ\Psi and Ξ\Xi, which are simultaneously foliation and gauge invariant. We then stress that the use of the proposed mixed tensors allows one to construct simultaneously gauge and hyper-surface invariant variables at any order.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, revtex4-1, accepted for publication in PRD, typos fixed, improved discussion about higher order gauge and foliation invarianc