1,157 research outputs found

    Instrumentation status of the low-b magnet systems at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

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    The low-beta magnet systems are located in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) insertion regions around the four interaction points. They are the key elements in the beams focusing/defocusing process allowing proton collisions at luminosity up to 10**34/cm**2s. Those systems are a contribution of the US-LHC Accelerator project. The systems are mainly composed of the quadrupole magnets (triplets), the separation dipoles and their respective electrical feed-boxes (DFBX). The low-beta magnet systems operate in an environment of extreme radiation, high gradient magnetic field and high heat load to the cryogenic system due to the beam dynamic effect. Due to the severe environment, the robustness of the diagnostics is primordial for the operation of the triplets. The hardware commissioning phase of the LHC was completed in February 2010. In the sake of a safer and more user-friendly operation, several consolidations and instrumentation modifications were implemented during this commissioning phase. This paper presents the instrumentation used to optimize the engineering process and operation of the final focusing/defocusing quadrupole magnets for the first years of operation.Comment: 6 pp. ICEC 23 - ICMC 2010 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 23 - International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2010. 19-23 Jul 2010. Wroclaw, Polan

    Efeito da suplementação alimentar no ganho de peso de ovelhas criadas em pastagem de B. brizantha.

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    A ovinocultura pode tornar-se uma atividade altamente rentável para o Amazonas, contribuindo para o abastecimento de carne no mercado local. Entretanto, há uma extrema carência de informações e tecnologia que permitam à ovinocultura uma melhor eficiência, como por exemplo sobre o uso de suplementação alimentar, prática comum no Estado do Amazonas, usando produtos de baixo custo disponíveis no mercado local. Em função disto, realizou-se um ensaio objetivando avaliar o efeito da suplementação alimentar sobre o ganho de peso de ovelhas criadas a pasto. Para tanto, dois lotes de dez ovelhas com peso médio de 27 kg foram mantidos em um sistema de pastejo rotacionado sobre B. brizantha, sendo que um deles recebeu suplementação de 300g diárias de farelo de milho (33%), farelo de trigo (33%) e casquilho de soja (33%). O GMD obtido com a suplementação foi 43% superior, comprovando a eficácia desta prática local de suplementação e permitindo sua recomendação

    Stock and carbon levels in the soil in the tree lines or pasture lane in integrated production system (iCLF) in the western Brazilian Amazon.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the stock (STC) and the C content (Ccont) in the soil in the tree lines or pasture lane of an integrated system iCLF with Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés sown after corn cultivation in western Brazilian Amazon

    Alterações na densidade do solo em um sistema agrossilvipastoril na Amazônia Central.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo medir as mudanças dos atributos físicos de um Latossolo Amarelo muito argiloso decorrentes da adoção de um sistema agrossilvipastoril

    TimeSpan: Using Visualization to Explore Temporal Multi-dimensional Data of Stroke Patients.

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    We present TimeSpan, an exploratory visualization tool designed to gain a better understanding of the temporal aspects of the stroke treatment process. Working with stroke experts, we seek to provide a tool to help improve outcomes for stroke victims. Time is of critical importance in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke patients. Every minute that the artery stays blocked, an estimated 1.9 million neurons and 12 km of myelinated axons are destroyed. Consequently, there is a critical need for efficiency of stroke treatment processes. Optimizing time to treatment requires a deep understanding of interval times. Stroke health care professionals must analyze the impact of procedures, events, and patient attributes on time-ultimately, to save lives and improve quality of life after stroke. First, we interviewed eight domain experts, and closely collaborated with two of them to inform the design of TimeSpan. We classify the analytical tasks which a visualization tool should support and extract design goals from the interviews and field observations. Based on these tasks and the understanding gained from the collaboration, we designed TimeSpan, a web-based tool for exploring multi-dimensional and temporal stroke data. We describe how TimeSpan incorporates factors from stacked bar graphs, line charts, histograms, and a matrix visualization to create an interactive hybrid view of temporal data. From feedback collected from domain experts in a focus group session, we reflect on the lessons we learned from abstracting the tasks and iteratively designing TimeSpan

    Soil fertility levels in the process of recovery of degraded pasture by iCL in the western Brazilian Amazon.

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    This study aimed to compare the soil fertility levels in degraded pastures and in the recovery process with iCL

    Resistência à penetração do solo em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta em solos de textura muito argilosa na Amazônia Central.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a resistência à penetração do solo em áreas cultivadas intensivamente com cana-de-açúcar, sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta e a floresta primitiva

    Produção de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta no Estado do Amazonas.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produção de uma pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha renovada por meio de um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental do Distrito Agropecuário da Suframa, pertencente à Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, localizada em Manaus-AM