140 research outputs found

    Magnetic field and plasma inside and outside of the Martian magnetosphere

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    Simultaneous magnetic and plasma measurements, carried out by wide angle plasma detectors in the Mars environment, are compared in order to identify regions with significantly different physical properties. Magnetograms and ion spectra indicate changes in the magnetopause and magnetosphere of Mars that are associated with the dynamic pressure effect of the solar wind

    Ecosystem and human health assessment to define environmental management strategies: The case of long-term human impacts on an Arctic lake

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    Abstract There are rich deposits of mineral and fossil natural resources in the Arctic, which make this region very attractive for extracting industries. Their operations have immediate and vast consequences for ecological systems, which are particularly vulnerable in this region. We are developing a management strategy for Arctic watersheds impacted by industrial production. The case study is Lake Imandra watershed (Murmansk oblast, Russia) that has exceptionally high levels of economic development and large numbers of people living there. We track the impacts of toxic pollution on ecosystem health and then -human health. Three periods are identified: (a) natural, pre-industrial state; (b) disturbed, under rapid economic development; and (c) partial recovery, during recent economic meltdown. The ecosystem is shown to transform into a qualitatively new state, which is still different from the original natural state, even after toxic loadings have substantially decreased. Fish disease where analyzed to produce and integral evaluation of ecosystem health. Accumulation of heavy metals in fish is correlated with etiology of many diseases. Dose-effect relationships are between integral water quality indices and ecosystem health indicators clearly demonstrates that existing water quality standards adopted in Russia are inadequate for Arctic regions. Health was also poor for people drinking water from the Lake. Transport of heavy metals from drinking water, into human organs, and their effect on liver and kidney diseases shows the close connection between ecosystem and human health. A management system is outlined that is based on feedback from indices of ecosystem and human health and control over economic production and/or the amount of toxic loading produced. We argue that prospects for implementation of such a system are quite bleak at this time, and that more likely we will see a continued depopulation of these Northern regions

    Assessment of the New Set of Reagents AmpliSens <i>Brucella spp</i>.-FL with Hybridization-Fluorescent Detection

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    At CRIE, Moscow and RRAPI Microbe designed is the set of reagents for detection of Brucella spp. DNA in biological materials and cultures of microorganisms by means of PCR with hybridization-fluorescent registration of the results. This reagent set, AmpliSens ® Brrucella spp.-FL, is supplied in two modifications versus the mechanism of the results registration (FRT - real time and FEP - end-point). High diagnostic value of the reagent set is determined in medical trials at L.A. Tarasevich Institute. The set is registered as medical device

    Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision in the Preparations to and Management of the “G-20” Summit in Saint-Petersburg, 2013. Communication 2. Management and Priority Areas of Anti-Epidemic Activities as Regards “G-20”Summit Campaign

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    Specified are the priority areas as regards anti-epidemic activities relevant to the carrying out of the event itself. Characterized are the factors that require participation of auxiliary force for straightening of laboratory control within the frames of epidemiological surveillance. Justified is the involvement of mobile specialized anti-epidemic teams (SAET) with a view to provision of laboratory control over ambient environment objects for the presence of PBA of the I–II groups of pathogenicity. Discussed is the tactics of SAET mobilization for the provision of mass event support. Outlined is the necessity of application of the state-of-the-art methods for express- and rapid diagnostics within the frames of laboratory support as concerns monitoring activities in the course of the Summit as such

    Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision in the Preparations to and Management of the “G-20” Summit in Saint-Petersburg, 2013. Communication 1. Epidemiological Risks and Core Operations for Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision in the Preparations to the Summit

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    Established are the basic principles of sanitary-epidemiological welfare provision in the preparations to and managing of the public event by the example of “G-20” Summit. Outlined is the significance and essentiality of epidemiological risk assessment. Specified are the areas of priority as regards anti-epidemic activities in the run-up period. Established is the priority of epidemiological surveillance and laboratory control over the places of residence of participants, caterers and supplying companies, and public catering facilities

    Infection of an Individual with Plague in the Gorno-Altaisk High-Mountain Natural Focus in 2014. Communication 1. Epidemiological and Epizootiological Peculiarities of Plague Manifestations in the Gorno-Altaisk High-Mountain (Sailyugemsky) Natural Plague Focus

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    For the first time ever since the discovery of the Gorno-Altaisk high-mountain natural focus in 1961, registered has been a case of human plague infection. It occurred in the consequence of the grey marmot cutting that was caught in the territory of one of the persistent epizootic regions of the natural plague focus. The outbreak was localized and eliminated following complex anti-epidemic measures, including medical treatment of the patient; identification, isolation and management of the contact persons, both to the patient and marmot; withdrawal and disposal of marmots’ carcasses, obtained during unauthorized commercial hunting; specific and non-specific prophylaxis of the disease. Also for the first time ever received have been the evidences of concurrent circulation of the strains, subspecies Y. pestis ssp pestis and Y. pestis ssp. altaica in the regions of cohabitation of Pallas’ pika (Ochotona pallasi), Siberian souslik (Citellus undulatus), and grey marmot. Specified is the necessity to reconsider the tactics of epizootiological plague monitoring in enzootic territories where circulation of various Y. pestis subspecies is registered

    Макроекономічні аспекти розвитку індустрії туризму в Україні та особливості їх регулювання

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    Макроекономічні аспекти розвитку індустрії туризму в Україні та особливості їх регулювання = Macroeconomic aspects of tourism industry development in Ukraine and the features of its regulation / І. О. Іртищева, Н. П. Тубальцева, І. В. Сіренко, Є. О. Селіванов, Є. В. Шарова // Вісн. ХНАУ. Сер. Економічні науки. – Харків, 2019. – № 4, т. 2. – С. 302–313.Визначено, що туризм являється прибутковою сферою будь якої національної економіки. Обґрунтовано, що Україна об’єктивно має всі передумови для інтенсивного розвитку різних направлень туристичної діяльності. Показано, що територіальна концентрація туристичних підприємств відбиває структуру попиту і залежить від добробуту населення регіону. Приведено статистичні дані як туристичних потоків через кордон України, так і світових лідерів за рівнем витрат на закордонні туристичні подорожі. Доведено, що стан транспортної інфраструктури більшості туристичних територій характеризується як незадовільний. Визначено загальний перелік проблем, які необхідно вирішувати для розвитку індустрії туризму в Україні. Запропоновано системні пропозиції щодо економічного розвитку цієї галузі.It is determined that tourism is a profitable area of any national economy. It is proved that Ukraine objectively has all the prerequisites for the intensive development of various areas of tourism. It is shown that the territorial concentration of tourism enterprises reflects the structure of demand and depends on the welfare of the population of the region. Statistical data of both tourist flows across the Ukrainian border and world leaders in terms of spending on foreign travel are presented. It is proved that the state of the transport infrastructure of most tourist areas is characterized as unsatisfactory. The general list of problems that need to be addressed for tourism industry development in Ukraine is determined. The systematic suggestions for the economic development of this industry are proposed.Определено, что туризм является прибыльной сферой любой национальной экономики. Обосновано, что Украина объективно имеет все предпосылки для интенсивного развития различных направлений туристической деятельности. Показано, что территориальная концентрация туристических предприятий отражает структуру спроса и зависит от благосостояния населения региона. Приведены статистические данные как туристических потоков через границу Украины, так и мировых лидеров по уровню расходов на зарубежные туристические путешествия. Доказано, что состояние транспортной инфраструктуры большинства туристических территорий характеризуется как неудовлетворительное. Определен общий перечень проблем, которые необходимо решать для развития индустрии туризма в Украине. Предложены системные предложения по экономическому развитию этой отрасли

    Responsiveness of genes to manipulation of transcription factors in ES cells is associated with histone modifications and tissue specificity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In addition to determining static states of gene expression (high vs. low), it is important to characterize their dynamic status. For example, genes with H3K27me3 chromatin marks are not only suppressed but also poised for activation. However, the responsiveness of genes to perturbations has never been studied systematically. To distinguish gene responses to specific factors from responsiveness in general, it is necessary to analyze gene expression profiles of cells responding to a large variety of disturbances, and such databases did not exist before.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We estimated the responsiveness of all genes in mouse ES cells using our recently published database on expression change after controlled induction of 53 transcription factors (TFs) and other genes. Responsive genes (<it>N </it>= 4746), which were readily upregulated or downregulated depending on the kind of perturbation, mostly have regulatory functions and a propensity to become tissue-specific upon differentiation. Tissue-specific expression was evaluated on the basis of published (GNF) and our new data for 15 organs and tissues. Non-responsive genes (<it>N </it>= 9562), which did not change their expression much following any perturbation, were enriched in housekeeping functions. We found that TF-responsiveness in ES cells is the best predictor known for tissue-specificity in gene expression. Among genes with CpG islands, high responsiveness is associated with H3K27me3 chromatin marks, and low responsiveness is associated with H3K36me3 chromatin, stronger tri-methylation of H3K4, binding of E2F1, and GABP binding motifs in promoters.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We thus propose the responsiveness of expression to perturbations as a new way to define the dynamic status of genes, which brings new insights into mechanisms of regulation of gene expression and tissue specificity.</p

    Provision of Epidemiological Welfare on Plague under Aggravation of Epizootic Situation in the Pre-Caspian Sandy Natural Plague Focus in 2014

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    Reviewed are the lessons learned from cooperation between Rospotrebnadzor institutions in the provision of epidemiological welfare on plague under aggravation of epizootic situation in the territory of the Pre-Caspian sandy natural plague focus in 2014. Plague control measures combined epizootiological and epidemiological monitoring, specific and non-specific prophylaxis, training activities for medical and veterinary officers, instructional advice for medical facilities on matters of infection prevention, and sensitization campaign. Furthermore, vaccinated against plague were 4460 people, field disinsection over 50.5 km2 area was performed, as well as field deratization - 89.4 km2, township disinsection - 257.3 thous. m2, and township deratization - 329.1 thous. m2. Financial expenses on prophylactic (anti-epidemic) activities amounted to 23265.8 thousand rubles. Outlined was viability of preventive planning and prophylactic measures in the territories with forecasted aggravation of epizootic situation in natural plague foci of the Russian Federation