110 research outputs found

    Biochemical blood parameters and level of endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies under heat stress

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    Global warming results in increased extreme weather  events, including heatwaves,  droughts and floods, which exceed plants’and animals’tolerance thresholds, thus posing a threat to the economy and agriculture. Under these conditions, heat stress becomes a vital problem for animal husbandry. The paper presents the study results of biochemical blood parameters and endogenous intoxication in cows suffering from hepatopathies  under heat stress. Based on the calculated temperature-humidity  index, it was established that during the summer season in the conditions of the Krasnodar  Krai lowlands, cows are under heat stress. Using the method of paired comparisons, two groups of animals (n = 10) were formed: the first group was a healthy livestock; and the second group consisted of animals suffering from hepatic pathologies.  Blood was sampled from all cows at the beginning of the experiment (the first decade of May) and at the end (the last decade of July). Laboratory tests of blood revealed that as the heat stress develops healthy cows show the increase in the protein concentration in blood, and, on the contrary, animals with hepatic pathologies demonstrate the inhibition of protein synthesis. The higher activity of aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase in the bovine serum in the summer season when compared to the spring season was established. The study of the endogenous intoxication level dynamics in cattle during the development of heat stress, showed that in both groups the concentrations of middle molecules (ММ) increased relative to the background data: in the first group (healthy cows) MM 237 – by 11.8%,  MM 254 – by 14.4%,  MM 280 – by 16.9%; in the second group (cattle with liver pathology)  MM 237 – by 16.9%,  MM 254 – by 20.3%,  MM 280 – by 33%. Thus, under heat stress, the endogenous intoxication in healthy livestock was almost 1.5 times less intense as compared to the animals suffering from hepatopathies

    Anisotropic Magnetoconductance in Quench-Condensed Ultrathin Beryllium Films

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    Near the superconductor-insulator (S-I) transition, quench-condensed ultrathin Be films show a large magnetoconductance which is highly anisotropic in the direction of the applied field. Film conductance can drop as much as seven orders of magnitude in a weak perpendicular field (< 1 T), but is insensitive to a parallel field in the same field range. We believe that this negative magnetoconductance is due to the field de-phasing of the superconducting pair wavefunction. This idea enables us to extract the finite superconducting phase coherence length in nearly superconducting films. Our data indicate that this local phase coherence persists even in highly insulating films in the vicinity of the S-I transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure RevTex, Typos Correcte

    Выявление маркеров оппортунистических инфекций у часто болеющих детей Северо-Восточных регионов России

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    The study is devoted to the clinical examination of frequently ill children in the North-Eastern regions of Russia and the laboratory detection of markers of herpesvirus infections, as well as pneumocystosis and the establishment of the relationship with their immune status.62 children aged 8—15 years were examined. Samples of serum and blood cells, sputum on markers of herpesvirus infections and pneumocystosis by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence reaction and rapid culture method were studied. Assessment of humoral immunity and determination of circulating immune complexes was performed by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay and immune turbodimetric analysis.The study shows the etiological role of herpesviruses. Active infection (acute, reactivation) was caused in 9.7% of cases of HSV-1,2, 12.9% — EBV, 6.5% — CMV, 19.4% — HHV-6. This is indicated by a large number of convalescents: with EBVI — 40.3%, HSVI — 27.4%, HHVI-6 — 8.1%, CMVI — 4.8%. Also, a significant number of children were found and latent form. The formation of the circulating immune complexes (CIC) is a physiological mechanism of protection of the body, and their excessive accumulation indicates the development of inflammatory processes and autoimmune diseases. In the increase in CIC observed mainly in individuals with latent infection: HSVI — 29.4%; HHVI-6 — 20.8%; CMVI — 16.7%, EBVI — 11.9%. It is important to note that in almost half of the cases the increase in CIC level occurred simultaneously with the increase in the concentration of total IgE. A survey of children on Pneumocystis showed that among them, dominated native — 11.3%, in which the sputum was identified pnevmotsisty. It should be noted that one child was found mixed infection with reactivated CMVI. Acute infection was diagnosed only in 6.4% of the patients.Исследование посвящено клиническому обследованию часто болеющих детей Северо-Восточных регионов России и лабораторному выявлению у них маркеров герпесвирусных инфекций, а также пневмоцистоза и установлению взаимосвязи с их иммунным статусом.Обследовано 62 ребенка в возрасте 8—15 лет. Были исследованы образцы сывороток и клеток крови, мокроты на маркеры герпесвирусных инфекций и пневмоцистоза методом ИФА, непрямой реакции иммунофлюоресценции и быстрым культуральным методом. Оценку состояния гуморального иммунитета и определение содержания циркулирующих иммунных комплексов проводили методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа и иммунного турбодиметрического анализа.В исследовании показана этиологическая роль герпесвирусов. Активная инфекция (острая, реактивация) была обусловлена в 9,7% случаев ВПГ-1,2, в 12,9% — ВЭБ, в 6,5% — ЦМВ, в 19,4% — ВГЧ-6. На это указывает и большое количество реконвалесцентов: с ВЭБИ — 40,3%, ВПГИ — 27,4%, ВГЧИ-6 — 8,1%, ЦМВИ — 4,8%. Также у значительного количества детей была обнаружена и латентная форма. Образование ЦИК является физиологическим механизмом защиты организма, а их избыточное накопление свидетельствует о развитии воспалительных процессов и аутоиммунных заболеваний. Повышение ЦИК отмечено преимущественно у лиц с латентной формой инфекции: при ВПГИ — 29,4%; ВГЧИ-6 — 20,8%; ЦМВИ — 16,7% и ВЭБИ — 11,9%. Важно отметить, что почти в половине случаев повышение уровня ЦИК происходило одновременно с увеличением концентрации общего IgE. Обследование детей на пневмоцистоз показало, что среди них преобладали носители — 11,3%, у которых в мокроте были выявлены пневмоцисты. Надо отметить, что у одного ребенка была обнаружена микст-инфекция с реактивированной ЦМВИ. Острая инфекция была диагностирована только у 6,4% обследованных

    Study of antioxidant properties of food additives obtained from secondary vegetable resources in testing laboratory animals

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    The data describing the composition of antioxidants contained in food additives obtained using innovative technologies from secondary plant resources formed at fruits and vegetables processing are given. It has been established that the researched food additives provide a reliable decrease in the mass fraction of malonic dialdehyde and diene conjugates in the blood serum of animals of the experimental groups as compared to the control group of animals. The obtained data allow drawing a conclusion that the researched food additives exhibit antioxidant properties. It’s been revealed that food additives exhibit hepatoprotective properties, along with antioxidant properties, characterized by a significant decrease in the level of activity of liver enzymes. By the degree of manifestation of these properties, the researched food additives can be arranged in a row (in descending order): “Grape seeds powder” ® “Apple powder”® “Pumpkin powder”

    Investigation of hypocholesterinemic properties of rape and sunflower lecitines

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    The data characterizing the effectiveness of hypocholesteronemic action of rapeseed and sunflower lecithins in experiments on laboratory animals are prsented. It has been established that rapeseed and sunflower lecithins exhibit hypocholesteronemic properties. It has been found that the degree of reduction in the mass fraction of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood serum of animals of the experimental group that received cholesterol + rapeseed lecithins in addition to the usual diet is higher compared to this index reduction in the blood serum of the animals of the experimental group that received, cholesterol + sunflower lecithins in addition to the usual ration