13 research outputs found

    Parameters of adaptability and stability of winter durum wheat varieties according to various forecrops in the Rostov region

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    The article summarizes the study results of adaptability parameters of winter durum wheat depending on its forecrop. The study was carried out in the Rostov region in 2015-2017. As the objects of the study there have been used 8 winter durum wheat varieties ‘Donchanka’, ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat Donskoy’, ‘Kristella’, ‘Lazurit’, ‘Oniks’, ‘Diona’ and ‘Eyrena’. The variety ‘Donchanka’ was taken as a standard variety. In the field trials the varieties were sown after weedfree and green fallows, and after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for grain. The obtained data showed that green fallow was the most favorable forecrop for winter durum wheat, an average yield of which was 7.69 t/ha. When sown after various forecrops, all varieties had different adaptability parameters. The best forecrops were weedfree fallow (‘Kristella’ with 7.78 t/ha, ‘Lazurite’ with 7.74 t/ha), green fallow (‘Agat Donskoy’ with 8.30 t/ha, ‘Lazurit’ with 8.46 t/ha) and peas (‘Oniks’ with 7.41 t/ha, ‘Diona’ with 8.11 t/ha). Among the whole set of the varieties, the variety ‘Agat Donskoy’ (bi>1) proved to be the most highly responsive, while maintaining in most cases high stable yields (si2 <1), productivity of the varieties sown after all forecrops, except sunflower, was 6.93-8.30 t/ha. With productivity increase of 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 1.16-5.15 t/ha. The variety ‘Eyrena’ is recommended for cultivation on an extensive background, since through the years of study it turned out to be the least responsive - with productivity increase by 1 t/ha, it improved its indicator (bi) by 0.01-0.55 t/ha after such forecrops as peas, sunflower and maize for silage

    Breeding and genetic approaches to the estimation of quality prospects of winter durum wheat hybrids

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    One of the main requirements for the quality of winter durum wheat grain is the development of varieties with tough elastic gluten. The breeding process in this direction will be more successful if the assessment of the trait is known at the early stages. In our study SDS-sedimentation was used for such an assessment. In addition to assessing the quantitative severity of the SDS-sediment index, the breeder should be aware of the efficiency of high-quality progeny selection in generations of hybrids, the prospects of the population, the breeding value of the initial components involved in hybridization. In this regard, the main purpose of the conducted research is to reveal the efficiency of selection for the gluten quality from SDS-sedimentation in hybrid populations (F2 – F4) of winter durum wheat using breeding and genetic parameters. There have been presented the study results of 14 hybrid combinations of winter durum wheat obtained from crossing of the varieties with different or equal amount of sediment. It was shown that the response of hybrid populations (F2 – F4 ) to the selection of high-qualitative genotypes with different intensities was ambiguous, and in most combinations it was low or absent. The realized heritability in the groups of selection greatly varied depending on the severity of the selection; on the parental forms taken for hybridization; on the environmental conditions during the grain formation and ripening. There were identified such promising hybrid populations as “Kremona” × “Kurant”, “Terra” × “Kremona”, “Kremona” × “Terra”, “Zolotko” × “Aksinit”, “Zolotko” × “Kremona” in which the genotypic shift and realized heritability are revealed in all generations and selective groups

    Селекционно-генетическая оценка гибридов озимой твердой пшеницы на качество клейковины

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    The breeding and genetic assessment of winter durum wheat hybrids on gluten quality The improvement of grain quality is one of the principle directions in winter durum wheat breeding, as the present automated pasta producers need raw material with qualitative and strong gluten. The breeding process will be successful if the estimation of qualitative traits is known at the early stages. It would be an important criterion of selection while sorting out the breeding material and it would reduce the amount of work at the further stages of breeding. In our study for that purpose we have used a method of SDS-sedimentation, which is widely applied for the breeding work with spring and winter soft wheat. Thus the main purpose of the researches was to study variability and heritability of gluten quality in the hybrid populations F2-F4 of winter durum wheat by SDS-test. It has been done to determine the generation and the possibility to use it as a criterion of selection on quality and as a criterion on selection of parental pairs for hybridization. There have been studied 14 hybrid populations obtained by the crossing of varieties with contrast and similar SDS-indexes. They are the variety ‘Kurant’ with super-strong gluten (SDS of 40 ml and more), the variety ‘Terra’ with strong gluten (SDS of 35-39 ml), the varieties ‘Zolotko’ and ‘Aksinit’ with average gluten (SDS of 30-34 ml), the varieties ‘Kremona’ and ‘Gelios’ with weak gluten (SDS of less than 30 ml). The study of winter durum wheat sown in a green-manured fallow land was carried out in the FSDSI ARC ‘Donskoy’s laboratory in 2012-2014. It has been established that according to the amount of SDS-sedimentation the hybrids took an intermediate position among the parental forms with a shift to the best parent. The most hybrids had average indexes of the trait in the limits of parental variability. The SDS-sedimentation is a slightly variable trait. The coefficient of the variability was about 5-10%. It has been shown that genotypically controlled variability of SDS-sedimentation (H2) in the generation F2 was about zero, F3 and F4 hybrids possessed larger and more stable SDS-sedimentation in dependence on hybrid combinations, therefore it’s better to start selection of qualitative genotypes with F3. The degree and, especially, the frequency of transgressions in the generations of major winter durum wheat hybrids are small or absent in relation to parental forms with a higher value. However, it becomes possible to select qualitative progenies at the level of the average sedimentation value of the best parent or with the sedimentation value of more than 35 mm. We should exclude the use of two low-qualitative varieties or average varieties with low-quality in winter durum wheat hybridization on high quality

    The commercial varieties of winter durum wheat varieties and the features of their seed-growing

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    The article presents the information about significance and spread of durum wheat, the reasons of deficit of durum grain in the country and the ways to improve production of this valuable crop. One of the ways is to introduce the commercial varieties of winter durum wheat ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat donskoy’, ‘Kristella’, ‘Lazurit’ and ‘Oniks’, listed in the State Register of breeding achievements in North-Caucasus and Nizhniy-Volga region from 2010 till 2015. The new varieties possess high genetic potential of productivity. The average productivity during the years of trials (2011-2015) was 6.81 t/ha (the variety ‘Kristella’), 7.37 t/ha (the variety ‘Lazurit’); in the favourable year of 2014 they produced 8.24 and 8.80 t/ha respectively and in the unfavourable year of 2012 they gave 4.96 and 6.0 t/ha. The varieties ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat donskoy’ and ‘Lazurit’ have got a high degree of frost resistance; the varieties ‘Kristella’ and ‘Oniks’ have got the average degree, giving way to ‘Donchanka’ on 8-18% with high drought tolerance especially in the period of ripening. The variety ‘Kristella’ belongs to the middle early maturing group, the varieties ‘Amazonka’, ‘Oniks’ and ‘Diona’ belong to middle maturing group and the varieties ‘Agat donskoy’ and ‘Lazurit’ belong to middle later maturing group. The varieties of short stem type are resistant to lodging (4-5 points), excluding ‘Amazonka’ which gives way to other varieties on 1-2 points. The varieties are tolerant to brown and yellow rust, powdery mildew; average tolerant to septoriosis, root rots and snow mold; they are highly sensitive to bacteriosis and fusarium of head and grain. The grain quality (vitreousness, nature weight, content of protein and gluten and its quality, falling number) is high and meets the demands of GOST for durum wheat. The technological and cooking properties of pasts are good (yellow and cream colors of pasta, strength of 800-900g, total assessment of 3.8-4.0 points). The sowings of the varieties of durum wheat both seed-growing and commercial are necessary to place apart from the sowings of winter soft wheat (at the distance of 200-500 m, not less) to avoid biological and mechanical contamination


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    The article gives the results of a consistent assessment of breeding material of durum winter wheat with the use of express assessment methods as SDS-sedimentation and analysis of gliadin electrophoregrams. A consistent assessment allows forming a necessary amount of breeding samples with good and high grain quality right to competitive variety trials. It can be confirmed and characterized by the conventional and time-consuming technologies, that allows the farmer to choose promising competitive varieties with good quality and productivity when sending them to SVT. For the recent years of such practice we sent 11 varieties of durum winter wheat of FSBSI ARRIGC named after I.G. Kalinenko. They are ‘Aksinit’, ‘Kurant’, ‘Amazonka’, ‘Lazurit’, ‘Kristella’, ‘Oniks’, ‘Kiprida’, ‘Diona’, ‘Teya’, ‘Eyrena’ and “Yakhont’. They exceed the standard variety in grain quality, in productivity, in gliadins, that gives them opportunity to keep their position in the market of seeds


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    The article gives the information about highly productive variety of durum winter wheat ‘Lazurit’, the method of its selection, initial parent components, which have been taken for hybridization, about morphological traits of its head. The variety has been approved for use in the North-Caucasus region since 2014. Тhe characteristic of principal economic-biological traits and properties of the variety has been given. It’s the variety of new generation which ideally combines high productivity, grain quality, coarse grain, immunity to main diseases of the Rostov region, tolerance to abiotic stressors of the environment.      During the years of trials the average productivity of the variety ‘Lazurit’ was 7,40 t/ha (2008-2015), during the last 5 years (2011-2015) it was 7,37 t/ha with a maximum productivity of 8,80 t/ha and a minimum one of 6,00 t/ha. The average increase of productivity to the standard variety ‘Donchanka’ was 1,40 and 1,26 t/ha respectively. The high productivity of the variety is provided with higher productive tillering, coarse grain and a harvesting index. The characteristic of principal economic-biological traits and properties of the variety has been given. It’s the variety of new generation which ideally combines high productivity, grain quality, coarse grain, immunity to main diseases of the Rostov region, tolerance to abiotic stressors of the environment. During the years of trials the average productivity of the variety ‘Lazurit’ was 7,40 t/ha (2008-2015), during the last 5 years (2011-2015) it was 7,37 t/ha with a maximum productivity of 8,80 t/ha and a minimum one of 6,00 t/ha. The average increase of productivity to the standard variety ‘Donchanka’ was 1,40 and 1,26 t/ha respectively. The high productivity of the variety is provided with higher productive tillering, coarse grain and a harvesting index. Grain quality matches GOST classification demands Р-52554–2006 for durum wheat. They are 89% of grain vitreousness, 790 g/l of test weight (nature), 15,25% of protein in grain, 28,4% of gluten of the second group of quality, 35 ml of SDS-sedimentation, 431 sec. of falling number.The principle technological elements of variety cultivation which allow realizing its genetic potential of productivity and quality have been listed

    Tolerance of the selection material of winter durum wheat to leaf diseases

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    One of the main directions in winter durum wheat selection is to breed varieties resistant to the widely spread diseases in the Rostov Region. The development of our own initial material, its study in conditions of artificial infection, selection of resistant and tolerant samples for further introduction into the selection process is of great importance for the solution of this problem. The purpose of the research is to study varieties and lines of winter durum wheat on their resistance to leaf diseases under an artificial infection on the specially created infectious plots. The article gives the results of the immunological assessment of 114 varieties and lines of winter durum wheat to pathogens of brown, yellow, stem rust, powdery mildew, septoriosis (infectious field background) and pyrenephorosis (natural background). It was determined that the majority of varieties and breeding lines were resistant or slightly susceptible to the diseases: 74.3% to brown rust, 84.3% to yellow rust and 77.1% to powdery mildew. Winter durum wheat turned to be more susceptible to stem rust, septoriosis and pyrenephorosis. Only 15.8%, 38.7% and 28.1% of the samples were characterized with high resistance and tolerance to septoriosis, stem rust and pyrenephorosis respectively. The varieties and lines ‘Amazonka’, ‘Agat donskoy’, ‘Oniks’, ‘Lazurit’, ‘Teya’, ‘Irena’, ‘Yakhont’, ‘Yubilyarka’, ‘840/11’ and ‘993/12’ have been found tolerant to each pathogen and possess a group resistance to three-four kinds of diseases. Their characteristics on yield and other economically valuable characteristics and properties have been given. All of them are recommended as sources of sustainability for use in breeding programs

    The study of the varieties and lines of winter durum wheat in competitive variety-testing

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    The study of the varieties and lines of winter durum wheat in competitive variety-testing The article presents the study results of 15 varieties and lines of winter durum wheat in the competitive variety-testing of 2016-2017 in the main economic-valuable properties and traits. All studied samples belong to low-height forms (81-90 sm). The standard variety “Donchanka” has 3.9 points in resistance to lodging. The varieties “Yubilyarka”, “Agat Donskoy”, “Teya”, “Yakhont” and the lines “993/12”, “840/11”, “840/12” have more than 4.5 points of resistance. On average the assessment of plant wintering ranges from 3.7 to 4.5 points. The varieties “Amazonka”, “Kristella”, “Oniks”, “Diona” and the line “840/12” have the maximum mark of 4.5 points. Frost tolerance of the variety “Donchanka” has been taken as 100%. The following varieties could preserve on 2.9-24.4% more alive plants during wintering than the standard variety: “Amazonka” (+24.4%), “Oniks” (+18.4%), “Diona” (+16.8%), “Lazurit” (+9.5%), “Teya” (+5.9%), “Yantarina” (+4.8%), “Agat Donskoy” (+2.9%). The lowest frost resistance has been shown by the lines “840/11” (83.2%), “840/12” (52.5%) and “993/12” (79.9%). On average the productivity ranged from 7.40 to 8.89 t/ha during the years of study. The productivity of the lines “840/12” (8.42 т/га), “993/12” (8.74 т/га), the varieties “Kristella” (8.62 т/га), “Lazurit” (8.76 т/га), “Yantarina” (8.89 т/га) had more than one ton of increase. All studied varieties and lines have high indexes of nature weight, vitreousness and protein content in grain. There have been determined positive correlations of productivity with plant height and nature weight of winter durum wheat grain (correlation coefficient of 0.65 and 0.59 respectively)

    Использование яровых сортов в селекции озимой твердой пшеницы

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    The use of spring varieties in the breeding of winter durum wheat The breeding works can be of great success due to presence and diversity of the initial material used in the hybridization process. The limited and insufficient diversity of the initial material makes the development of winter durum wheat really difficult. The research center ‘Donskoy’ applies the varieties of spring durum wheat in the hybridization with winter durum wheat for the development of its own initial material. On the example of the variety ‘Oniks’ obtained in the hybridization of highly productive drought tolerant variety of spring durum wheat ‘Novodanskaya’ with the productive half-dwarf variety of winter durum wheat ‘Aysberg odessky’ we have shown the technology of development and growing of hybrids and features of the breeding work with them. The article considers the study results of economic-biological traits and properties of the variety ‘Oniks’ introduced into the State List of Breeding Achievements in the North-Caucasus and Nizhne-Volzhsky regions. The variety successfully combines high quality of grain, heat tolerance, resistance to lodging inherited from spring durum wheat, short stem, good tillering, high potential of productivity inherited from winter durum wheat. The average yields through the studied years ranged from 7.03 t/ha to 8.31 t/ha with the least 5.97 t/ha. The average increase of productivity to the standard variety ‘Donchanka’ was 0.95 t/ha

    Methods for the development of the initial material in the process of winter durum wheat breeding and their efciency

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    The success in development of winter durum wheat varieties with a high adaptability to abio- and biotic stress conditions, large and stable productivity is usually determined by the diversity of initial material and methods for its preparation. The most efective method to develop genetic variability among winter durum wheat varieties and other grain crops is hybridization (intraspecifc, interspecifc, and intergeneric). The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the breeding material obtained in the breeding process among intraspecifc and interspecifc hybrids of diferent types of hybridization according to the main economically valuable traits and properties and to identify a more efective method/type of hybridization. The object of the study was 28 breeding lines of durum winter wheat identifed from the following types of hybridization: the 1st type was T. winter durum x T. winter durum (paired and gradual), 7 samples; the 2nd  type was T. winter durum x T. winter durum (paired), 3 samples; the 3rd  type was F1  (T. winter durum x. T. winter  durum) x T. winter durum, 4 samples; the 4th  type was T. winter aestivum x T. winter durum (direct and reverse), 7 samples; the 5th  type  was F1  (T. winter aestivum x. T. winter durum) x T. winter durum (triple), 7 samples. According to the comparative study results of  breeding material of intraspecifc and interspecifc hybrids, it has been found that intraspecifc paired and gradual hybridization, which  provided high productivity and grain quality was a more efective method for developing of winter durum wheat varieties. The rest  types of crossings, primarily interspecifc, could be helpful to obtain initial material with a high level of winter tolerance, resistance to lodging and diseases, for their further use in intraspecifc gradual hybridization