81 research outputs found

    Using the mineral component of building refuse in heavy metals sorption from their mixture

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    The sorption properties of the sand-breakstone mixture based on the mineral component of building refuse of the 0-10 mm fraction with respect to Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ ions were studied using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The mechanisms of accumulation of heavy metal ions on the surface of the mixture particles are described. It was found that after washing the contaminated material distilled water, the residual concentration of metals in the filtrate does not exceed the established sanitary and hygienic standards. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of applying the results in reclamation of technogenic formations or production of materials for the technical stage of reclamation using technogenic soils

    Software choice for support method of "360 degrees"

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    The article describes the approach to soving the problem of choice of software for the support of the the metod of “360 degrees”, that provides the estimation of personal competencesyesBelgorod State Universit

    Blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) ‒ the results of varieties and accessions study according to adaptivity and a set of commercialbiological traits

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    Cultivation of grain legumes including blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is an important reserve for increase of high protein feed production. The aim of the research is to find perspective blue lupin varieties and accessions according to yield, adaptivity, the duration of vegetation period and biochemical indices in south-western area of the Central part of Russia. In 2019-2021 six blue lupin varieties and four accessions developed in the All-Russian Lupin Scientific Research Institute have been tested in competitive variety trial (Vityas was standard variety). The trials were laid on sod-podzolic, loamy soil with the moderate fertility level. The average grain yield of varieties in the trial was 2.07 t/ha, of standard variety – 1.85 t/ha. The varieties Bryansky kormovoy, Uzkolistny 53 and accessions BSv 51-19, USN 53-236 and SBS 56-15 had the highest grain yield. Their grain productivity varied from 2.17 to 2.29 t/ha. Statistically significant increase to the standard was 0.32-0.44 t/ha. The accessions BSv 51-19 and USN 53-236 had the maximum grain yield by adaptivity coefficient of 110%. According to the green mass yield and adaptivity Bryansky kormovoy and new promising accessions SBS 56-15, USN 53-236 and BSv 51-19 have been noted: the increase to the standard according to the green mass yield was 5.0-7.0 t/ha, the adaptivity coefficient was 104-110%. By the duration of vegetation period (80-89 days) all varieties and accessions were included into the group of early-ripening. The new tall variety Belorozovy 144 had the longest vegetation period (89 days). According to the alkaloid content in the grain (0.031-0.063 %) all tested varieties and accessions were included into the low-alkaloid group. The varieties Smena, Uzkolistny 53 and the accession SBS 56-15 were characterized by stable low index (0.031-0.039 %). The content of raw protein in the seeds of tested varieties and accessions of blue lupin varied in the range of 32.0-33.8%. According to the set of positive traits, Bryansky kormovoy variety and accessions USN 53-236 and SBS 56-15 have been noted

    Local and systemic production of 45 cytokines in complicated proliferative diabetic retinopaty

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is multifactorial by its origin, involving many cytokines and growth factors. Studies of cytokine levels in biological fluids seem to be relevant for an in-depth understanding of the disease pathogenesis. The purpose of the work was a comparative analysis of 45 cytokines at systemic (blood serum (BS)) and local (vitreous humor (VH)) levels in the patients with complicated proliferative DR, showing various features of the clinical pattern. The content of cytokines was tested in 53 samples of BS and 32 samples of VH in 53 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe proliferative DR. We used the multiplex analysis technique by means of xMAP platform and Luminex xPONENT 3.1 program using 45-plex sets (Procarta Plex «eBioscience», Austria). 25 cytokines were detected at significant amounts in BS test samples, and 27 cytokines were revealed in VH specimens. Sensitivity limits of the test system allowed to find significantly higher levels of 7 cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IP-10, MCP-1, HGF, LIF and VEGF-A) in VH samples, than in the BS, thus indicating to their local intraocular production. Correlations between the contents of VEGF-A growth factor and amounts of cytokines, including those involved in inflammatory reactions, are shown in VH, thus presuming the interrelation of pathogenetic components, i.e., inflammation and neoangiogenesis. The features of intraocular cytokine content were determined for various manifestations of diabetic ocular changes. Hemophthalmus has been shown to be associated with increased IL-8 and IP-10; iris rubeosis, with increase in LIF; proliferative DR activity was associated with higher MCP-1 levels, and extremely severe changes were related to increase in IL-6 and EGF. Testing of cytokines in biological fluids is informative when studying the mechanisms of inflammation, neoangiogenesis, and protective responses in pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy


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    Objective: Methodology development for quality control of optically active pharmaceutical substances based on water isotopologues. Methods: Solutions of L-ascorbic acid, glucose, galactose and valine stereoisomers were prepared using deuterium depleted water (DDW-«light» water, D/H=4 ppm), natural deionized high-ohmic water (BD, D/H=140 ppm), heavy water (99.9% D2O). The optical rotation was observed using an automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2. The size distribution of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC) of water was recorded by low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method. Results: The infringement of Biot's Law was found for solutions of ascorbic acid, expressed in the absence of a constant value of the specific optical rotation  at a concentration of below 0.1%, depends on the D/H ratio. The inequality was established in absolute values of optical rotation for L-and D-isomers of valine in solutions with different ratios of hydrogen isotopologues. The mutarotation of glucose confirmed the first-order kinetics, and the activation energies were statistically distinguishable for BD and DDW. The mutarotation of the natural galactose D-isomer proceeded with a lower energy consumption compared to the L-isomer. In heavy water, the mutarotation of monosaccharides had different kinetic mechanisms. Polarimetric results correlated with the number and size of GHC, which confirmed the possibility of chiral solvent structures induction by optically active pharmaceutical substances. Conclusion: In the optically active pharmaceutical substances quality control there should be considered the contribution of induced chiral GHC of water to the optical rotation value that depends on the isotopic D/H ratio, the substance nature and the form of its existence at a given pH

    Линзовый растр как источник искажений в интегральной фотографии

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    Analysis of methods for recording and reproducing a three-dimensional image allows to distinguish two different approaches. The fi approach consists in formation of stereoscopic images, the second one provides the formation of an optical object model and includes particularly a group of integral photography methods .The use of integral photography methods for recording and reproducing volumetric images is relevant due to the lack of fl inherent for stereoscopic methods and relative simplicity of technical implementation. Lens raster used in this method is a possible source of image distortion. This paper aim is to determine the range of parameters of the lens system, namely, the allowable values of the pitch of the lens raster, providing distortions absence caused this raster.Types of possible distortions and sources of their occurrence are indicated. The requirements for the pitch of the lenticular raster are formulated, based on conditions of false information absence, absence of discontinuity of the image in depth and in the transverse direction, and invisibility of lens elements of the reproduction matrix.Studies shoed that the lenticular pitch is limited by the four inequalities, three of which limit the pitch value from below, and the fourth one from above. A set of conditions limiting the step of the lens matrix was analyzed. The boundaries of allowable step values depend on four groups of parameters: raster dimensions, location of the subjects, reproduction and observation parameters. Result of the method usage as a dependence of the allowable range of the pitch of the lenticular raster on transverse coordinate of the recorded point with fi values of other parameters is presented.Анализ известных методов записи и воспроизведения объемного изображения позволяет выделить два различных подхода. Первый заключается в формировании стереоскопических изображений, второй обеспечивает создание оптической модели объекта и включает как разновидность группу методов интегральной фотографии.Использование методов интегральной фотографии для записи и воспроизведения объемных изображений является актуальным вследствие отсутствия недостатков, присущих стереоскопическим методам, и относительной простоты технической реализации. Наличие линзового растра в данном методе является возможным источником появления искажений изображения. Целью настоящей работы являлось установление диапазона параметров линзовой системы для интегральной фотографии, а именно, допустимых значений шага линзового растра при условии отсутствия искажений, вызванных наличием этого растра.Приведены виды возможных искажений и указаны источники их возникновения. Сформулированы требования к шагу линзового растра, исходя из условий отсутствия ложной информации, отсутствия прерывности изображения по глубине и в поперечном направлении, а также незаметности линзовых элементов матрицы воспроизведения.Исследования показали, что шаг линзового растра лимитируется четырьмя неравенствами, причем первые три из них ограничивают значение шага снизу, а четвертое – сверху. Произведен анализ совокупности условий, ограничивающих шаг линзовой матрицы. Границы допустимых значений шага зависят от четырех групп параметров, связанных с другими размерами растра, расположением объектов съемки, параметрами воспроизведения и наблюдения. Приведен результат использования методики в виде зависимости допустимого диапазона шага линзового растра от поперечной координаты записываемой точки при фиксированных значениях других параметров

    Hygienic characteristics of chronic gastroduodenitis among children living in the environment impacted by industrial chemical factors (case study: Perm krai)

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    The aim of this research is to carry out hygienic evaluation of the impact of industrial chemical factors on chronic gastroduodenitis among children. The research was carried out on the basis of Gubakha and Tchusovoi — industrial towns located in Perm Krai. The object of the research is children (655) aged 7-14 with chronic gastroduodenitis. The research determines that areas with industrial pollution (heavy metals, aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols) create adverse tendencies for the development of gastroduodenrtic pathology among children, increasing the incidence by additional 18 percent per year. Contaminated environment in the area affects children by increasing the level of Chrome+6, Manganese, Lead, Nickel by 1.4-7.1 times; aromatic and oxygen-containing hydrocarbons, aliphatic alcohols — by 1.5-3.8 times as compared to children living in areas with satisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions. Higher environment contamination leads to patogenetic abnormalities among children with chronic gastroduodenitis living in areas with industrial chemical pollution. It results in damaging homeostasis — antioxidant and immune — systems leading to the development of related syndromes — inflammatory, toxic, and hepatobiliary — followed by morpho-functional changes in gastroduodenal zones.Целью настоящего исследования являлась гигиеническая оценка воздействия техногенных химических факторов на течение хронического гастродуоденита у детей. Исследования выполнены на примере промышленно развитых городов Пермского края г. Губаха, Чусовой. Объектом исследования являлись дети (655 человек) 7-14 лет с хроническим гастродуоденитом. Установлено, что на территориях техногенного загрязнения среды обитания тяжелыми металлами, ароматическими углеводородами, алифатическими спиртами создаются прогностически неблагоприятные тенденции роста гастродуоденальной патологии у детей, характеризующиеся дополнительными случаями заболеваний на уровне 18% в год. В изученных условиях контаминация биосред у детей характеризуется повышенным уровнем содержания хрома+6, марганца, свинца, никеля в 1,4-7,1-раза, ароматических и кислородсодержащих углеводородов, алифатических спиртов — в 1,5-3,8 раза относительно показателей у детей в условиях удовлетворительной санитарно-гигиенической ситуации. В основе патогенетических нарушений при хроническом гастродуодените у детей в условиях воздействия техногенных химических факторов, лежит повышенная контаминация биосред. Результатом этого процесса является срыв систем поддержания гомеостаза — антиоксидантной и иммунной, что влечет за собой развитие взаимосвязанных и взаимоотягощающих синдромов — воспалительного, интоксикационного и гепатобилиарного с последующим формированием морфо-функциональных изменений гастродуоденальной зоны


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    The high heterosis effect was revealed in BLW×BM sows using boars of Yorkshire and Landrace breeds of Danish selection. The value of multiple farrowing was 6.48–5.50 % (P ≤ 0.05), of milkiness – 7.46–7.70 % (P ≤ 0.01), of the number of piglets at weaning – 9.2–8.2 % (P ≤ 0.05) and litter weight – 2.8 % (P ≤ 0.05). When combining BLW×BM sows with Yorkshire and Landrace breeds of pigs of Canadian selection the heterosis effect on multiple pregnancy, milkiness, number of piglets at weaning made 4.6 %, (P ≤ 0.05), 6.3–3.3 % (P ≤ 0.01) and 7.1–5.1 % (P ≤ 0,05), respectively.Высокий эффект гетерозиса выявлен у маток БКБ×БМ при использовании хряков йоркшир и ландрас датской селекции, показатель которого по многоплодию составил 6,48–5,50 % (Р ≤ 0,05), по молочности – 7,46–7,70 % (Р ≤ 0,01), по количеству поросят при отъеме – 9,2–8,2 % (Р ≤ 0,05) и массе гнезда – 2,8 % (Р ≤ 0,05). При сочетании маток БКБ×БМ с хряками пород йоркшир и ландрас канадской селекции эффект гетерозиса по многоплодию, молочности, количеству поросят при отъеме составил соответственно 4,6 % (Р ≤ 0,05), 6,3–3,3 % (Р ≤ 0,01), 7,1–5,1 % (Р ≤ 0,05)

    О патогенезе деструктивной пневмонии в период COVID-19: клиническое наблюдение

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    Community-acquired pneumonia is a potentially serious infection in children with high morbidity rate, risk of severe course and unfavorable outcomes. Specialists have noted the increased incidence of the destructive forms in the recent years.Aim. To present a clinical case of destructive pneumonia in a 1 year 2 month old child, hospitalized in the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Children’s City Clinical Hospital of St. Vladimir Moscow Healthcare Department”, and analyze it in terms of current understanding on the disease pathogenesis.Conclusion. During COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) pandemic, pulmonologists and pediatric surgeons encountered an unconventional course of destructive pneumonia. A large number of studies of pathophysiological processes in acute viral interstitial pneumonias have recently allowed to expand our understanding of the role of coagulation system. At the same time, new questions arose concerning the clinical course and development of the pathological infectious process.Актуальность проблемы внебольничных пневмоний в педиатрии объясняется высоким уровнем заболеваемости, риском тяжелого течения и неблагоприятного исхода. В последние годы отмечается увеличение частоты деструктивных форм заболевания.Целью работы явился анализ клинического случая течения деструктивной пневмонии (ДП) у ребенка 1 года 2 мес., госпитализированного в Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения города Москвы «Детская городская клиническая больница святого Владимира Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы» (2021), с точки зрения современных данных о патогенезе заболевания.Заключение. В условиях пандемии COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) пульмонологи и детские хирурги столкнулись с нестандартным течением ДП. В последнее время представления о роли системы коагуляции расширились благодаря увеличению числа исследований патофизиологических процессов при вирусных интерстициальных пневмониях, однако появились новые вопросы, касающиеся клинического течения и развития патологического инфекционного процесса

    Излечение саркоидоза по данным диспансерного наблюдения 1992— 1999 гг.

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    Sarcoidosis coruse was analyzed in 103 patients with long-term loss of sarcoidosis activity and 25 recovered ones. Favourable factors included well-timed diagnosing of the disease, initial moderate inhibition of immune system, an absence of pronounced bronchial obstruction. An acute course with fever, accelerated erythrocytes settling rate and lymphocytosis of broncho-alveolar lavage fluid are not considered to be signs of poor outcome.Анализировалось течение саркоидоза у 103 больных с длительной потерей активности процесса и у 25 человек с излечением. К числу благоприятных факторов течения отнесены: своевременное выявление заболевания, умеренно выраженное исходное снижение иммунитета, отсутствие выраженных обструктивных изменений бронхов. Острое течение с лихорадкой, высокой СОЭ, УЭ и лимфоцитозом БАС не являются признаками плохого прогноза