231 research outputs found

    Effect of Default on Profitability in Kenyan Listed Companies

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    The study investigated the whether the default measures of liquidity and solvency are associated and whether default measures are related to firm profitability. A total of 41 firms were selected to be in the study sample out of 46 non-financial listed firms in the Nairobi Securities Exchange during years 2013 to 2017 and panel data regression analysis was employed. The findings revealed that liquidity and solvency are significantly and negatively associated while the default measures lacked a significant relationship with profitability in Kenyan listed companies. The findings implied that there is no need for firms to focus too much on the relationship between default and profitability including invest heavily in liquidity in order to meet short term obligations as nowadays it is possible for firms to either convert non-cash assets quickly or borrow on short notice from financial institutions in case of an urgent need to meet liquidity shortages. These findings are consistent with the shitability theory

    Is There Profit from Bonus Share Announcements in Nairobi Securities Exchange?

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    The question of whether the announcement of issuance of bonus shares by quoted companies is news to stock market participants or it is anticipated by the market has been the subject of research. If the announcement is anticipated, then stock prices should not change drastically during the days surrounding the announcement date. This research employed the event study methodology by using the bonus announcements of eighteen NSE listed companies that occurred during the year 2005 to 2010. The t-test statistic was employed to test the significance of the average abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns from zero. It is possible to profit from bonus share announcement when the abnormal or abnormal returns are significant from zero. The results of t-tests on the average abnormal return (AAR) and the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) indicated that abnormal returns were significantly different from zero which implied that implied that there is an anomaly in the semi-strong form efficiency of the NSE with regards to bonus announcements as it is possible to profit from such announcements which is regarded as news by NSE investors

    Is there profit from bonus share announcements in Nairobi Securities Exchange?

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    Published on Research Journal of Finance and AccountingThe question of whether the announcement of issuance of bonus shares by quoted companies is news to stock market participants or it is anticipated by the market has been the subject of research. If the announcement is anticipated, then stock prices should not change drastically during the days surrounding the announcement date.This research employed the event study methodology by using the bonus announcements of eighteen NSE listed companies that occurred during the year 2005 to 2010. The t-test statistic was employed to test the significance of the average abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns from zero. It is possible to profit from bonus share announcement when the abnormal or abnormal returns are significant from zero. The results of ttestson the average abnormal return (AAR) and the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) indicated that abnormal returns were significantly different from zero which implied that implied that there is an anomaly in the semi-strong form efficiency of the NSE with regards to bonus announcements as it is possible to profit from such announcements which is regarded as news by NSE investors.The question of whether the announcement of issuance of bonus shares by quoted companies is news to stock market participants or it is anticipated by the market has been the subject of research. If the announcement is anticipated, then stock prices should not change drastically during the days surrounding the announcement date.This research employed the event study methodology by using the bonus announcements of eighteen NSE listed companies that occurred during the year 2005 to 2010. The t-test statistic was employed to test the significance of the average abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns from zero. It is possible to profit from bonus share announcement when the abnormal or abnormal returns are significant from zero. The results of ttestson the average abnormal return (AAR) and the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) indicated that abnormal returns were significantly different from zero which implied that implied that there is an anomaly in the semi-strong form efficiency of the NSE with regards to bonus announcements as it is possible to profit from such announcements which is regarded as news by NSE investors

    Are Good Companies Good Stocks? Evidence from Nairobi Stock Exchange

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    The search for abnormal stock returns seems elusive for many investors in efficient markets unless there are anomalies in such markets. This has led to the development of numerous stock selection methods including the application of technical and fundamental analysis in an attempt to beat the market. There is uncertainty as to whether good companies that are defined by strong earnings and sales growth are also good stocks whose prices appreciate and outperform other stocks in the market. This research employs a study sample consisting of 32 companies listed in the NSE to establish the relationship between good companies and good stocks. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient and descriptive statistics techniques were employed. The results indicate that there is a strong positive correlation between the good companies and good stocks in the NSE.

    Influence of Board Characteristics on Financial Distress of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Nairobi County, Kenya

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    The importance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) cannot be underestimated. Despite their importance, they are faced with numerous challenges among them financial distress which threatens their very existence. The current research sought to establish the role of board characteristics in the financial distress suffered by Deposit Taking SACCOs in Nairobi County. The study is anchored inter alia on Agency Theory. Descriptive research design was adopted while Nairobi County was purposively chosen and a census was carried out on deposit taking SACCOs in the county. Secondary data was collected from SASRA using a data collection sheet and a panel data analysis performed using STATA software. The findings were presented using tables. The study concluded that there was a relationship between board characteristics and financial distress of Deposit Taking SACCOs where board composition, board education and board tenure have statistically significant and negative influence on financial distress. In conclusion SACCOs need to have lean boards, Board composition should also be improved by including more women on boards, there should be more inclusion of members with high and relevant education credentials, and SACCOs should have term limits for their members while an analysis too based on the Altman’s Z score models should be adopted for SACCOs. Another research may be carried out to establish other factors causing financial distress and how to turn around the SACCOs already in distress

    Pathogenicity of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) Sorok and Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill to adult Phlebotomus duboscqi (Neveu-Lemaire) in the laboratory

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    Background & objectives: Biological control of sandflies using entomopathogenic fungi is a possible alternativeto the expensive synthetic chemical control. It is potentially sustainable, less hazardous, and relatively inexpensiveand merits further investigations. The objective of this study was to identify the most pathogenic fungal isolate(s)to sandflies in the laboratory.Methods: Isolates of entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana were screenedfor their pathogenicity against Phlebotomus duboscqi. Adult flies were contaminated using the technique describedby Migiro et al (2010). Briefly, flies were exposed to 0.1 g of dry conidia evenly spread on a cotton velvet clothcovering the inner side of a cylindrical plastic tube (95 mm long × 48 mm diam). In all 25 sandflies weretransferred into the cylindrical tube and allowed to walk on the velvet for one minute, after which they weretransferred from the velvet into the cages in Perplex. Insects in the control treatments were exposed to fungusfree velvet cloth before being transferred into similar cages. The treatments were maintained at 25 ± 2°C,60–70% RH and 12L: 12D photoperiod. The experiment was replicated 5 times. The most pathogenic isolateswere selected for further studies.Results: A total of 19 isolates were screened against adult sandflies in the laboratory. Mortality in the controlswas approximately 16.8 ± 1.7 %. All the isolates were found to be pathogenic to P. duboscqi. Mortality rangedbetween 76.8 and 100% on all the fungal isolates tested. The lethal time taken to 50% (LT50) and 90% (LT90(mortality ranged from 3.0–7.8 days and from 5.3–16.2 days, respectively. The virulent isolates, causing mortalitiesof 97.5–100%, were selected for further studies.Interpretation & conclusion: The high susceptibility of sandflies to entomopathogenic fungi suggests that fungiare potential alternatives to chemical control methods. We conclude that application of entomopathogenic fungicould result in acute mortalities of sandflies and reduction of parasite transmission and subsequently, reductionof leishmaniasis risk. This method of biological control has great potential as a new strategy for leishmaniasiscontro

    Testing Of Consistent Trends in Stock Performance In The Nairobi Securities Exchange

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    Consistent stock performance contradicts random adjustment of stock prices in efficient markets and is thus anomalous despite the potential of generating significant profits for investors. This research set out to test the existence of consistent stock performance in the NSE during the years 2001 to 2010 and to examine whether consistent stock performance is  associated with efficiency of NSE. Balanced monthly closing averagestock price data was employed for 32 sample stocks drawn using purposive sampling technique from a population of 56 stocks listed in the NSE during the study period. In order to identify consistent stock performance, frequency tests were employed. In order to test association between consistent stock performance and efficiency of NSE 3 tests were employed including: t-test to test the significance of abnormal returns of consistentstock performance. Runs serial correlation test was employed to test serial correlation of stock returns. Spearman rank correlation was also employed to test volatility of stock prices with time. The results indicated weak presence of consistent stock performance in the NSE and that abnormal returns of consistently performing stocks were insignificant.There was also zero serial correlation of stock returns and stock prices of consistently performing stocks exhibited low volatility with time. The overall results indicate that NSE may be weak form efficient. This research contributes to new knowledge by combining the alternative definitions of consistent stock performance to minimize on the inherent weaknesses of each definition(cross sectional and longitudinal) which havein the past been studied independently.Key Words: Consistent stock performance, serial correlation, volatility, abnormal returns, stock market efficiency

    The Reactome BioMart

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    Reactome is an open source, expert-authored, manually curated and peer-reviewed database of reactions, pathways and biological processes. We provide an intuitive web-based user interface to pathway knowledge and a suite of data analysis tools. The Reactome BioMart provides biologists and bioinformaticians with a single web interface for performing simple or elaborate queries of the Reactome database, aggregating data from different sources and providing an opportunity to integrate experimental and computational results with information relating to biological pathways. Database URL: http://www.reactome.org
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