1,824 research outputs found

    Quantitative PET/CT imaging and dosimetry of 89Zr labelled compounds

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    Lammertsma, A.A. [Promotor]Boellaard, R. [Promotor]Huisman, M.C. [Copromotor

    Scattering in PT\cal PT and RT\cal RT Symmetric Multimode Waveguides: Generalized Conservation Laws and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking beyond One Dimension

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    We extend the generalize conservation law of light propagating in a one-dimensional PT\cal PT-symmetric system, i.e., T1=RLRR|T-1|=\sqrt{R_LR_R} for the transmittance TT and the reflectance RL,RR_{L,R} from the left and right, to a multimode waveguide with either PT\cal PT or RT\cal RT symmetry, in which higher dimensional investigations are necessary. These conservation laws exist not only in a matrix form for the transmission and reflection matrices; they also exist in a scalar form for real-valued quantities by defining generalized transmittance and reflectance. We then discuss, for the first time, how a multimode PT\cal PT-symmetric waveguide can be used to observe spontaneous symmetry breaking of the scattering matrix, which typically requires tuning the non-hermiticity of the system (i.e. the strength of gain and loss). Here the advantage of using a multimode waveguide is the elimination of tuning any system parameters: the transverse mode order mm plays the role of the symmetry breaking parameter, and one observes the symmetry breaking by simply performing scattering experiment in each waveguide channel at a single frequency and fixed strength of gain and loss.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Vision-Based Production of Personalized Video

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    In this paper we present a novel vision-based system for the automated production of personalised video souvenirs for visitors in leisure and cultural heritage venues. Visitors are visually identified and tracked through a camera network. The system produces a personalized DVD souvenir at the end of a visitor’s stay allowing visitors to relive their experiences. We analyze how we identify visitors by fusing facial and body features, how we track visitors, how the tracker recovers from failures due to occlusions, as well as how we annotate and compile the final product. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach

    Long-lived Giant Number Fluctuations in a Swarming Granular Nematic

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    Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts or bacteria are examples of living matter with spontaneous orientational order. How do these systems differ from thermal equilibrium systems with such liquid-crystalline order? Working with a fluidized monolayer of macroscopic rods in the nematic liquid crystalline phase, we find giant number fluctuations consistent with a standard deviation growing linearly with the mean, in contrast to any situation where the Central Limit Theorem applies. These fluctuations are long-lived, decaying only as a logarithmic function of time. This shows that flocking, coherent motion and large-scale inhomogeneity can appear in a system in which particles do not communicate except by contact.Comment: This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS. The definitive version is to appear in SCIENC

    Underwater Sound Characteristics of a Ship with Controllable Pitch Propeller

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    The time-dependent spectral characteristics of underwater sound radiated by an oceanic vessel have complex dependencies on ship machinery, propeller dynamics, and the hydrodynamics of the ship exhaust and motion, as well as onboard activities. Here, the underwater sound radiated by a ship equipped with a controllable pitch propeller (CPP) is analyzed and quantified via its (i) power spectral density for signal energetics, (ii) temporal coherence for machinery tonal sound, and (iii) spectral coherence for propeller amplitude-modulated cavitation noise. Frequency-modulated (FM) tonal signals are also characterized in terms of their frequency variations. These characteristics are compared for different propeller pitch ratios, ranging from 20% to 82% at a fixed number of propeller revolutions per minute (RPM). The efficacy and robustness of ship parameter estimation at different pitches are discussed. Finally, an analysis of one special measurement is provided: propeller pitch and RPM over the duration of the measurement when the ship changes speed. The 50% pitch was found to be a crucial point for this ship, around which the tonal characteristics of its underwater radiated sound attain their peak values while broadband sound and associated spectral coherences are at a minimum. The findings here elucidate the effects of pitch variation on underwater sound radiated by ships with controllable pitch propellers and has applications in ship design and underwater noise mitigation