1,174 research outputs found

    Portfolio as a tool to design individual trajectory of professional future of the individual

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    The article analyzes the possibilities of using the portfolio in terms of University education. It is proved that the use of the portfolio contributes to the solution of important psychological and pedagogical tasks, such as stimulating motivation for learning, striving for a high level of achievement, the development of reflexive and evaluation skillsАнализируются возможности использования портфолио в контексте вузовского обучения. Доказывается, что использование портфолио способствует решению важных психолого-педагогических задач, таких как стимулирование мотивации к обучению, стремление к высокому уровню достижений, развитие рефлексивных и оценочных навыко

    Gender identity of women managers in education

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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of gender identity. Is devoted to the empirical investigation of the specificity of gender identity of women occupying managerial positions, describe the specifics of their gender and role performance. The necessity of remedial measures aimed at expanding the role of the repertoire of women leadersВ статье проводятся результаты эмпирического исследования специфики гендерной идентичности женщин, занимающих руководящие должности, описывается специфика их гендерных и ролевых характеристик. Обосновывается необходимость коррекционных мер направленных на расширение ролевого репертуара женщин-руководителе

    The project of individual educational trajectories of students

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    The article considers the problem of designing individual educational trajectories of students as a means to achieve variability, flexibility and individualisierung education. Special attention is paid to difficulties of implementation of individual educational trajectories in the practice of the educational process of the UniversityРассматривается проблема проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студентов как средства, обеспечивающего вариативность, гибкость и индивидуализированность образования. Особое внимание уделяется сложностям внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в практику учебного процесса вуз

    Professional identity of graduates-bachelors

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    Рассматривается роль двухуровневой системы высшего образования в становлении профессиональной идентичности студентов. Обосновывается предположение о том, что новый образовательный контекст способствует развитию профессиональной идентичности выпускников-бакалавров. Приводится эмпирическое исследование профессиональной идентичности студентов, обучающихся на разных уровнях подготовки (специалитет и бакалавриат)The article discusses the role of two-level system of higher education in the development of professional identity of students. Justifies the assumption that new educational context contributes to the development of professional identity of graduates-bachelors. Provides an empirical study of professional identity of students studying at different levels: «specialist» and «bachelor

    The image of attractive employer in the performance vypusknikov pedagogical university

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    The article discusses the concept of "image of an attractive employer" and emphasizes the importance of its targeted formation. The analysis of results of empirical research of an image of an attractive employer at graduates of pedagogical higher education institution is resultedВ статье рассматривается понятие «образ привлекательного работодателя» и подчеркивается значимость его целенаправленного формирования. Приводится анализ результатов эмпирического исследования образа привлекательного работодателя у выпускников педагогического вуз

    Individual educational trajectories in the context of higher education

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    The article reveals the content of the concept of individual educational trajectories, analyzes the benefits of implementing individual educational trajectories of the system of higher education, substantiated the effectiveness and necessity of implementation of individual educational trajectories in the educational process of the university. It describes the competencies, emerging as a result of the introduction of the design of individual educational trajectories of studentsВ статье раскрывается содержание понятия индивидуальные образовательные траектории, анализируются преимущества внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в систему высшего профессионального образования, обосновывается эффективность и необходимость внедрения индивидуальных образовательных траекторий в учебный процесс вуза. Описываются компетенции, формирующиеся в результате внедрения проектирования индивидуальных образовательных траекторий студенто

    Professional orientation of students-psychologists

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    The article analyzes the concept of “professional orientation of the individual”. Results of empirical research of features of professional orientation of students of psychological faculty are presentedАнализируется понятие «профессиональная направленность личности». Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования особенностей профессиональной направленности студентов психологического факультет

    Features of professional motivation of specialists with various experience of pedagogical activity

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    The article analyzes the problem of professional motivation of a specialist in the situation of global reforms in the field of education. Empirically investigated the specificity of professional motivation of school teachers, depending on the length of pedagogical activityВ статье анализируется проблема профессиональной мотивации специалиста в ситуации глобальных реформ в сфере образования. Эмпирическим путем исследуется специфика профессиональной мотивации школьных учителей в зависимости от стажа выполнения педагогической деятельност

    Characteristics of algocenoses of small water reservoirs at the territory of the National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama" being influenced by oil production

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    There was investigated chemical composition of water and bottom sediments as well as characteristics of algocenoses (number of species, population, biomass, saprobity index, Shannon index for population and biomass) in 8 water reservoirs at the territory of the National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama" (the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia). The water reservoirs under investigation are polluted with oil as a result of accidental spills at time of its transportation and production which has been carried out at the water shed area since the sixties of the 20th century. Oil products accumulation in bottom sediments was revealed, their content in sediments exceeded the content in water by 47-889 times. There were determined dominant complexes of algae species depending on the range of oil products content in water and bottom sediments. A response reaction of algae to high oil products concentration in water (0.48-1.44 mg/l) and bottom sediments (9137-17780 mg/kg) is expressed by reduction of species diversity and decrease of quantitative characteristics of algae up to complete disappearance. Through a correlation analysis there was identified a dependency between algal community indices (number of species, biomass, Shannon index for population) and a content of nutrient substances (ammonium salts, nitrites) as well as of ferrum. No significant correlation dependencies between oil products content in water, bottom sediments and the algal community indices were revealed


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    The aim of our study was to investigate the content of specific inflammatory proteins (C-reactive protein, fibronectin, cystatin C) in the blood and urine ofpatients with pyelonephritis, depending on the frequency of recurrences. Patients and methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out and included 64 female patients with uncomplicated pyelonephritis, over 18 years (mean 32.3 ± 9 years). We determined C-reactive protein (CRP), fibronectin (FN), and cystatin C CysC) in the blood and urine of patients using test kits «Dialab» (Austria) by immunoturbidimetric method. After the examination patients were divided into II groups: I (n = 34) – women with recurrent pyelonephritis and II (n = 30) – patients with sporadic pyelonephritis (up to 2 times per year). Results. The patients of group I showed the highest level of blood concentrations of CysC (p = 0.02) and a decrease of FN (p = 0.01). We found an inverse correlation between the number of recurrences of pyelonephritis per year and the blood level of FN (r = -0.42, p = 0.007). In addition, we determined a strong direct correlation between the urinary FN and blood level of CysC (r = 0.6, p <0.0001). Conclusions. Decrease of FN and growth of CysC in the blood ofpatients with recurrent pyelonephritis is the result offrequent inflammatory activity. Determination of specific inflammatory proteins in the blood and urine ofpatients with pyelonephritis can be used as alternative markers for diagnosis and monitoring of diseas