620 research outputs found

    The Association Between Advanced Maternal Age and Short Interpregnancy Intervals on Preterm Labor

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    Background: Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal and infant mortality and has become a major health concern due to the increasing rates of infant deaths in the United States (WHO, 2017). Studying maternal risk factors for preterm labor provides insight to this obscure condition and can assist in the identification of high risk women, as well as facilitate appropriate pregnancy planning. Purpose: Although research can be found on interpregnancy intervals and maternal age as independent risk factors for premature labor, gaps exist within the relation of these variables. This study was done to investigate whether there is a significant risk association between advanced maternal age (35 years and older) and short interpregnancy intervals on premature labor, that deems transferring out of a low risk birthing center to a more advanced hospitalized setting. Methodology: De-identified data regarding obstetric history, medical history, and pregnancy morbidity was abstracted from women who delivered at Baby + Co., a birthing center in Nashville, Tennessee, between the years of 2015 and 2018. The population set included 1001 women, 5 of which delivered preterm. Means and standard deviations for the two groups were calculated, and two sided t-tests and corresponding p-values were calculated. Result: There was no statistical significance regarding maternal age and preterm transfers (p-value of 0.762). However, there was a positive correlation between short interpregnancy intervals and preterm birth (p-value .007). Discussion: Due to the low risk population included in this study, there is a need for additional research conducted within a higher risk population set to determine the significance and interaction between advanced maternal age and short interpregnancy intervals on preterm labor

    A Comparison of Changes in Women\u27s Cardiovascular Fitness and Body Composition After Performance in Zumba, Tabata, and Cycling

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    Aerobic group exercise is important to prevent against cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases. Regular exercise can help to reduce the risk of these diseases and premature death. Group exercise classes have shown to be effective in reducing weight, blood pressure, and body composition Further research is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of these aerobic group exercise classes to one another. PURPOSE: To evaluate and compare the potential health benefits that may occur for women who participate in regular group exercise classes at the Kohl Family YMCA. METHODS: A surrey and body measurements were taken of females enrolled an eight-week aerobic group exercise class: Zumba, cycling or tabata (n=8). RESULTS: On average, weight decreased by 2.18 pounds (±1.44 pounds), BMI lowered by 0.68 kg/m2 (±0.88 kg/m2), and body fat percentage decreased by 2.85% (±1.29). There was a significant difference in body weight, body composition, body fat percentage, and girth measurements after participation in the group exercise class. CONCLUSION: These three group exercise classes at the Kohl Family YMCA are all effective in helping women with their physical fitness. Further studies are required to further compare the three classes

    “Forget the Old . . . The New Wonder Woman is Here”: The New Wonder Woman and the Feminist Movement, 1968-1972

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    In 1968, Wonder Woman gives up her powers and embraces her human identity as Diana Prince. Powerless, she learns martial arts and continues to fight. The majority of discussion surrounding the Diana Prince era—Wonder Woman #178-204—argues for the period as embracing anti-feminist sentiment. This analysis of the Diana Prince era argues that the portrayal of Diana Prince without her superhero persona aligns with the ideals of the 1970s feminist movement. By incorporating general themes and ideas of feminism, the comic portrays Diana Prince in a feminist light throughout the comic. Even though her powers are striped, she is able to be an empowered, human woman who can still fight alongside Superman and Batman. She learns karate, like many feminist magazines encourage during the 1970s. She is able to defend Batman and Superman when they are not in their superhero costumes. Also, she is able to embrace her emotions, often stereotyped as feminine, and is often seen crying, but that does not hinder her ability to fight. This research concludes that the current conversation surrounding this era needs to consider these feminist elements of the comics and embrace the possibility that she presented a truer, feminine superhero that has not been seen since Wonder Woman’s powers were reinstated

    Dedication: John Phillip Linn

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    Analisis Pemberian Dan Pengawasan Kredit Modal Kerja Rekening Koran Untuk Meminimalisir Kredit Bermasalah (Studi Pada PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Bojonegoro Periode 2011 – 2013)

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    At the time of disrtibuting credit is often found a credit risk. The credit risk is often encountered is the emergence of Non Performing Loans. In order to reduce the credit crunch need for analysis of credit that covers analysis 5C, 7P and 3R and monitoring credit as preventive control of credit and repressive control of credit effectively. PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Bojonegoro is as working capital account for the year 2011 s / d in 2013 the number of Non Performing Loans has fluctuated, where in 2011 s / d in 2012 the value of the Non Performing Loans of 0.06% to 0.01% down to 0.05% and then in 2012 s / d in 2013 the value of the Non Performing Loans of 0.01% to 0.16% increases until 0 , 12%. From these data it can be seen that the PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Bojonegoro is a healthy bank because Non Performing Loans is still far below 5%. Therefore, the distributing and monitoring of credit made by the PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Bojonegoro should be increased up to the percentage of non performing loans can be approached and reached 0% because of the small percentage of non performing loans, therefore the assessment in bank's health will be better

    Identifying the Impact of Universal College Testing on State Academic Testing at the Eleventh Grade

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Universal American College Test (ACT) administration as part of a required high school assessment program on eleventh-grade students’ achievement on state level assessments. The study focused on four groups of eleventh-grade students. The first group, eleventh-graders who scored met on the 2010 NeSA Reading assessment and did not participate in the district implementation of the Universal ACT but took the 2010 ACT (n = 103). The second group, eleventh-graders who scored exceed on the 2010 NeSA Reading assessment and did not participate in the district implementation of the Universal ACT but took the 2010 ACT (n = 35). The third group, 2013 eleventh-graders who scored met on the 2013 NeSA Reading assessment and did participate in the district implementation of the 2013 Universal ACT (n = 108). The fourth group, 2013 eleventh-graders who scored exceed on the 2013 NeSA Reading assessment and did participate in the district implementation of the 2013 Universal ACT (n = 58). Overall, the results of this study suggest that Universal ACT administration does not significantly impact results on state level assessments, results obtained for students who met or exceeded state assessment expectations did not change after implementation of Universal ACT administration

    The Association Between Advanced Maternal Age and Short Interpregnancy Intervals on Preterm Labor

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    Abstract Background: Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal and infant mortality and has become a major health concern due to the increasing rates of infant deaths in the United States (WHO, 2017). Studying maternal risk factors for preterm labor provides insight to this obscure condition and can assist in the identification of high risk women, as well as facilitate appropriate pregnancy planning. Purpose: Although research can be found on interpregnancy intervals and maternal age as independent risk factors for premature labor, gaps exist within the relation of these variables. This study was done to investigate whether there is a significant risk association between advanced maternal age (35 years and older) and short interpregnancy intervals on premature labor, that deems transferring out of a low risk birthing center to a more advanced hospitalized setting. Methodology: De-identified data regarding obstetric history, medical history, and pregnancy morbidity was abstracted from women who delivered at Baby + Co., a birthing center in Nashville, Tennessee, between the years of 2015 and 2018. The population set included 1001 women, 5 of which delivered preterm. Means and standard deviations for the two groups were calculated, and two sided t-tests and corresponding p-values were calculated. Result: There was no statistical significance regarding maternal age and preterm transfers (p-value of 0.762). However, there was a positive correlation between short interpregnancy intervals and preterm birth (p-value .007). Discussion: Due to the low risk population included in this study, there is a need for additional research conducted within a higher risk population set to determine the significance and interaction between advanced maternal age and short interpregnancy intervals on preterm labor

    Creating an External Funding Strategy: How to Thrive

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    Seeking external funding for Extension programs is an important investment in our future. Integral assets to Extension agents as they seek external funding are: understanding the relevance of their programming to the community, ensuring their reliability to conduct successful programming, and having the ability to communicate impact to stakeholders. An external funding strategy allows agents to speak their needs in the language of funders. Through this article, agents can examine strategic questions and logical reasoning and the theory behind them to refine an external funding proposal plan. The packaging checklist will ensure that each proposal is compiled for success

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dengan Kecepatan Tendangan Sabit Pada Atlet Putra Pencak Silat Walet Puti Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this research was is still lack of speed crescent kick in pencak silat athletes sons walet puti Pekanbaru. It is suspected lack of leg muscle explosive power at the time of the crescent kick. The purpose of this study to determine the correlation of leg muscle explosive power with the speed of a crescent kick. This is correlational study that aimed to know how big the contribution between independent and dependent variabels. After that, conducted data normality test by Liliefors test with significant level α = 0.05, and the result for normality test of variable X, L0maks (0,168) rtable so it was have significant correlation. The result of this research showed: it was significant correlation between leg muscle explosive power with the speed of a crescent kick, rresult (0,727) > rtable (0,666). The conclusion was have significant correlation between leg musle explosive power with speed crescent kick in pencak silat athletes sons walet puti Pekanbaru

    Hubungan Power Otot Lengan dan Bahu dengan Hasil Lempar Cakram pada Siswa Putra Kelas IX SMP Negeri 27 Pekanbaru

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    Based on observation of writer on the student\u27s class nine of middle school\u27s 27 pekanbaru found the symptoms in a disk is still not good or less max. Research is aimed to knowing a significant connection to the power arm muscles and shoulders with the results in the disk on the student\u27s class IX of middle school\u27s 27 pekanbaru, which amounted 47 people. The technique sampling, sample the study was the son of middle school\u27s 27 pekanbaru, wihch has 47 people. The instrument of this test using the two hand medicine ball. The data in most analyzed using a technique the correlation of the moment. Based on the results of research and data processing in the statistics, then to conclude that for the relationship between variables X with variables Y in most value the. value r = -0 ,287 then rxy < rtabel that is (-0,287 < 0,291), in then Ha denied with other words there is not a significant connection between power arm muscles in this about the student\u27s class IX of the american junior district 27 pekanbar
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