260 research outputs found

    Signature of short distance physics on inflation power spectrum and CMB anisotropy

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    The inflaton field responsible for inflation may not be a canonical fundamental scalar. It is possible that the inflaton is a composite of fermions or it may have a decay width. In these cases the standard procedure for calculating the power spectrum is not applicable and a new formalism needs to be developed to determine the effect of short range interactions of the inflaton on the power spectrum and the CMB anisotropy. We develop a general formalism for computing the power spectrum of curvature perturbations for such non-canonical cases by using the flat space K\"all\'en-Lehmann spectral function in curved quasi-de Sitter space assuming implicitly that the Bunch-Davis boundary conditions enforces the inflaton mode functions to be plane wave in the short wavelength limit and a complete set of mode functions exists in quasi-de Sitter space. It is observed that the inflaton with a decay width suppresses the power at large scale while a composite inflaton's power spectrum oscillates at large scales. These observations may be vindicated in the WMAP data and confirmed by future observations with PLANCK.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, Extended journal version, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Reconstructing the primordial power spectrum from the CMB

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    We propose a straightforward and model independent methodology for characterizing the sensitivity of CMB and other experiments to wiggles, irregularities, and features in the primordial power spectrum. Assuming that the primordial cosmological perturbations are adiabatic, we present a function space generalization of the usual Fisher matrix formalism, applied to a CMB experiment resembling Planck with and without ancillary data. This work is closely related to other work on recovering the inflationary potential and exploring specific models of non-minimal, or perhaps baroque, primordial power spectra. The approach adopted here, however, most directly expresses what the data is really telling us. We explore in detail the structure of the available information and quantify exactly what features can be reconstructed and at what statistical significance.Comment: 43 pages Revtex, 23 figure

    Reconstructing the Primordial Spectrum with CMB Temperature and Polarization

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    We develop a new method to reconstruct the power spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations, P(k)P(k), by using both the temperature and polarization spectra of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We test this method using several mock primordial spectra having non-trivial features including the one with an oscillatory component, and find that the spectrum can be reconstructed with a few percent accuracy by an iterative procedure in an ideal situation in which there is no observational error in the CMB data. In particular, although the previous ``cosmic inversion'' method, which used only the temperature fluctuations, suffered from large numerical errors around some specific values of kk that correspond to nodes in a transfer function, these errors are found to disappear almost completely in the new method.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, submitted to PR

    Reconstructing the primordial power spectrum - a new algorithm

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    We propose an efficient and model independent method for reconstructing the primordial power spectrum from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and large scale structure observations. The algorithm is based on a Monte Carlo principle and therefore very simple to incorporate into existing codes such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The algorithm has been used on present cosmological data to test for features in the primordial power spectrum. No significant evidence for features is found, although there is a slight preference for an overall bending of the spectrum, as well as a decrease in power at very large scales. We have also tested the algorithm on mock high precision CMB data, calculated from models with non-scale invariant primordial spectra. The algorithm efficiently extracts the underlying spectrum, as well as the other cosmological parameters in each case. Finally we have used the algorithm on a model where an artificial glitch in the CMB spectrum has been imposed, like the ones seen in the WMAP data. In this case it is found that, although the underlying cosmological parameters can be extracted, the recovered power spectrum can show significant spurious features, such as bending, even if the true spectrum is scale invariant.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, matches JCAP published versio

    Reconstruction of the Primordial Power Spectrum by Direct Inversion

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    We introduce a new method for reconstructing the primordial power spectrum, P(k)P(k), directly from observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We employ Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to invert the radiation perturbation transfer function. The degeneracy of the multipole â„“\ell to wavenumber kk linear mapping is thus reduced. This enables the inversion to be carried out at each point along a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) exploration of the combined P(k)P(k) and cosmological parameter space. We present best--fit P(k)P(k) obtained with this method along with other cosmological parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Smooth hybrid inflation in supergravity with a running spectral index and early star formation

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    It is shown that in a smooth hybrid inflation model in supergravity adiabatic fluctuations with a running spectral index with \ns >1 on a large scale and \ns <1 on a smaller scale can be naturally generated, as favored by the first-year data of WMAP. It is due to the balance between the nonrenormalizable term in the superpotential and the supergravity effect. However, since smooth hybrid inflation does not last long enough to reproduce the central value of observation, we invoke new inflation after the first inflation. Its initial condition is set dynamically during smooth hybrid inflation and the spectrum of fluctuations generated in this regime can have an appropriate shape to realize early star formation as found by WMAP. Hence two new features of WMAP observations are theoretically explained in a unified manner.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Superfield Approach To Nilpotent Symmetries For QED From A Single Restriction: An Alternative To The Horizontality Condition

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    We derive together the exact local, covariant, continuous and off-shell nilpotent Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) and anti-BRST symmetry transformations for the U(1) gauge field (A_\mu), the (anti-)ghost fields ((\bar C)C) and the Dirac fields (\psi, \bar\psi) of the Lagrangian density of a four (3 + 1)-dimensional QED by exploiting a single restriction on the six (4, 2)-dimensional supermanifold. A set of four even spacetime coordinates x^\mu (\mu = 0, 1, 2, 3) and two odd Grassmannian variables \theta and \bar\theta parametrize this six dimensional supermanifold. The new gauge invariant restriction on the above supermanifold owes its origin to the (super) covariant derivatives and their intimate relations with the (super) 2-form curvatures (\tilde F^{(2)})F^{(2)} constructed with the help of (super) 1-form gauge connections (\tilde A^{(1)})A^{(1)} and (super) exterior derivatives (\tilde d)d. The results obtained separately by exploiting (i) the horizontality condition, and (ii) one of its consistent extensions, are shown to be a simple consequence of this new single restriction on the above supermanifold. Thus, our present endeavour provides an alternative to (and, in some sense, generalization of) the horizontality condition of the usual superfield formalism applied to the derivation of BRST symmetries.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages, journal-versio

    Cosmology with CMB anisotropy

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    Measurements of CMB anisotropy and, more recently, polarization have played a very important role allowing precise determination of various parameters of the `standard' cosmological model. The expectation of the paradigm of inflation and the generic prediction of the simplest realization of inflationary scenario in the early universe have also been established -- `acausally' correlated initial perturbations in a flat, statistically isotropic universe, adiabatic nature of primordial density perturbations. Direct evidence for gravitational instability mechanism for structure formation from primordial perturbations has been established. In the next decade, future experiments promise to strengthen these deductions and uncover the remaining crucial signature of inflation -- the primordial gravitational wave background.Comment: Plenary talk at the IXth. International Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-9), Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar, India. Jan 3-14, 2006; To appear in the Proceedings to be published in Pramana; 12 pages, 2 figure

    `Standard' Cosmological model & beyond with CMB

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    Observational Cosmology has indeed made very rapid progress in the past decade. The ability to quantify the universe has largely improved due to observational constraints coming from structure formation Measurements of CMB anisotropy and, more recently, polarization have played a very important role. Besides precise determination of various parameters of the `standard' cosmological model, observations have also established some important basic tenets that underlie models of cosmology and structure formation in the universe -- `acausally' correlated initial perturbations in a flat, statistically isotropic universe, adiabatic nature of primordial density perturbations. These are consistent with the expectation of the paradigm of inflation and the generic prediction of the simplest realization of inflationary scenario in the early universe. Further, gravitational instability is the established mechanism for structure formation from these initial perturbations. The signature of primordial perturbations observed as the CMB anisotropy and polarization is the most compelling evidence for new, possibly fundamental, physics in the early universe. The community is now looking beyond the estimation of parameters of a working `standard' model of cosmology for subtle, characteristic signatures from early universe physics.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Plenary talk, Proc. of GR-19, Mexico City, Mexico (Jul 5-9, 2010). To appear in a special issue in Class. Q. Gra

    The lncRNA HOTAIR transcription is controlled by HNF4α-induced chromatin topology modulation

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    The expression of the long noncoding RNA HOTAIR (HOX Transcript Antisense Intergenic RNA) is largely deregulated in epithelial cancers and positively correlates with poor prognosis and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma and gastrointestinal cancers. Furthermore, functional studies revealed a pivotal role for HOTAIR in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, as this RNA is causal for the repressive activity of the master factor SNAIL on epithelial genes. Despite the proven oncogenic role of HOTAIR, its transcriptional regulation is still poorly understood. Here hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-α (HNF4α), as inducer of epithelial differentiation, was demonstrated to directly repress HOTAIR transcription in the mesenchymal-to epithelial transition. Mechanistically, HNF4α was found to cause the release of a chromatin loop on HOTAIR regulatory elements thus exerting an enhancer-blocking activity
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