578 research outputs found

    Atmospheric Dynamics of Short-period Extra Solar Gas Giant Planets I: Dependence of Night-Side Temperature on Opacity

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    More than two dozen short-period Jupiter-mass gas giant planets have been discovered around nearby solar-type stars in recent years, several of which undergo transits, making them ideal for the detection and characterization of their atmospheres. Here we adopt a three-dimensional radiative hydrodynamical numerical scheme to simulate atmospheric circulation on close-in gas giant planets. In contrast to the conventional GCM and shallow water algorithms, this method does not assume quasi hydrostatic equilibrium and it approximates radiation transfer from optically thin to thick regions with flux-limited diffusion. In the first paper of this series, we consider synchronously-spinning gas giants. We show that a full three-dimensional treatment, coupled with rotationally modified flows and an accurate treatment of radiation, yields a clear temperature transition at the terminator. Based on a series of numerical simulations with varying opacities, we show that the night-side temperature is a strong indicator of the opacity of the planetary atmosphere. Planetary atmospheres that maintain large, interstellar opacities will exhibit large day-night temperature differences, while planets with reduced atmospheric opacities due to extensive grain growth and sedimentation will exhibit much more uniform temperatures throughout their photosphere's. In addition to numerical results, we present a four-zone analytic approximation to explain this dependence.Comment: 35 Pages, 13 Figure

    Tidal Barrier and the Asymptotic Mass of Proto Gas-Giant Planets

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    Extrasolar planets found with radial velocity surveys have masses ranging from several Earth to several Jupiter masses. While mass accretion onto protoplanetary cores in weak-line T-Tauri disks may eventually be quenched by a global depletion of gas, such a mechanism is unlikely to have stalled the growth of some known planetary systems which contain relatively low-mass and close-in planets along with more massive and longer period companions. Here, we suggest a potential solution for this conundrum. In general, supersonic infall of surrounding gas onto a protoplanet is only possible interior to both of its Bondi and Roche radii. At a critical mass, a protoplanet's Bondi and Roche radii are equal to the disk thickness. Above this mass, the protoplanets' tidal perturbation induces the formation of a gap. Although the disk gas may continue to diffuse into the gap, the azimuthal flux across the protoplanets' Roche lobe is quenched. Using two different schemes, we present the results of numerical simulations and analysis to show that the accretion rate increases rapidly with the ratio of the protoplanet's Roche to Bondi radii or equivalently to the disk thickness. In regions with low geometric aspect ratios, gas accretion is quenched with relatively low protoplanetary masses. This effect is important for determining the gas-giant planets' mass function, the distribution of their masses within multiple planet systems around solar type stars, and for suppressing the emergence of gas-giants around low mass stars

    Modeling the resonant planetary system GJ876

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    The two planets about the star GJ 876 appear to have undergone extensive migration from their point of origin in the protoplanetary disk -- both because of their close proximity to the star (30 and 60 day orbital periods) and because of their occupying three stable orbital resonances at the 2:1 mean-motion commensurability. The resonances were most likely established by converging differential migration of the planets leading to capture into the resonances. A problem with this scenario is that continued migration of the system while it is trapped in the resonances leads to orbital eccentricities that rapidly exceed the observational upper limits of e_1 = 0.31 and e_2 = 0.05. As seen in forced 3-body simulations, lower eccentricities would persist during migration only for an applied eccentricity damping. Here we explore the evolution of the GJ 876 system using two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations that include viscous heating and radiative effects. We find that a hydrodynamic evolution within the resonance, where only the outer planet interacts with the disk, always rapidly leads to large values of eccentricities that exceed those observed. Only if mass is removed from the disk on a time scale of the order of the migration time scale (before there has been extensive migration after capture), as might occur for photoevaporation in the late phases of planet formation, can we end up with eccentricities that are consistent with the observations.Comment: Paper accepted by A&A, 17 Pages, 17 Figure

    Superpositions of the Orbital Angular Momentum for Applications in Quantum Experiments

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    Two different experimental techniques for preparation and analyzing superpositions of the Gaussian and Laguerre-Gassian modes are presented. This is done exploiting an interferometric method on the one hand and using computer generated holograms on the other hand. It is shown that by shifting the hologram with respect to an incoming Gaussian beam different superpositions of the Gaussian and the Laguerre-Gaussian beam can be produced. An analytical expression between the relative phase and the amplitudes of the modes and the displacement of the hologram is given. The application of such orbital angular momenta superpositions in quantum experiments such as quantum cryptography is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. to appear in Journal of Optics

    3D-MHD simulations of an accretion disk with star-disk boundary layer

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    We present global 3D MHD simulations of geometrically thin but unstratified accretion disks in which a near Keplerian disk rotates between two bounding regions with initial rotation profiles that are stable to the MRI. The inner region models the boundary layer between the disk and an assumed more slowly rotating central, non magnetic star. We investigate the dynamical evolution of this system in response to initial vertical and toroidal fields imposed in a variety of domains contained within the near Keplerian disk. Cases with both non zero and zero net magnetic flux are considered and sustained dynamo activity found in runs for up to fifty orbital periods at the outer boundary of the near Keplerian disk. Simulations starting from fields with small radial scale and with zero net flux lead to the lowest levels of turbulence and smoothest variation of disk mean state variables. For our computational set up, average values of the Shakura & Sunyaev (1973) α\alpha parameter in the Keplerian disk are typically 0.004±\pm 0.002. Magnetic field eventually always diffuses into the boundary layer resulting in the build up of toroidal field inward angular momentum transport and the accretion of disk material. The mean radial velocity, while exhibiting large temporal fluctuations is always subsonic. Simulations starting with net toroidal flux may yield an average α∌0.04.\alpha \sim 0.04. While being characterized by one order of magnitude larger average α\alpha, simulations starting from vertical fields with large radial scale and net flux may lead to the formation of persistent non-homogeneous, non-axisymmetric magnetically dominated regions of very low density.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Modeling Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Interactions in Metal-Organic Coordination Networks

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    Magnetization curves of two rectangular metal-organic coordination networks formed by the organic ligand TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) and two different (Mn and Ni) 3d transition metal atoms [M(3d)] show marked differences that are explained using first principles density functional theory and model calculations. We find that the existence of a weakly dispersive hybrid band with M(3d) and TCNQ character crossing the Fermi level is determinant for the appearance of ferromagnetic coupling between metal centers, as it is the case of the metallic system Ni-TCNQ but not of the insulating system Mn-TCNQ. The spin magnetic moment localized at the Ni atoms induces a significant spin polarization in the organic molecule; the corresponding spin density being delocalized along the whole system. The exchange interaction between localized spins at Ni centers and the itinerant spin density is ferromagnetic. Based on two different model Hamiltonians, we estimate the strength of exchange couplings between magnetic atoms for both Ni- and Mn-TCNQ networks that results in weak ferromagnetic and very weak antiferromagnetic correlations for Ni- and Mn-TCNQ networks, respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication; Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2014

    Potential Vorticity Evolution of a Protoplanetary Disk with An Embedded Protoplanet

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    We present two-dimensional inviscid hydrodynamic simulations of a protoplanetary disk with an embedded planet, emphasizing the evolution of potential vorticity (the ratio of vorticity to density) and its dependence on numerical resolutions. By analyzing the structure of spiral shocks made by the planet, we show that progressive changes of the potential vorticity caused by spiral shocks ultimately lead to the excitation of a secondary instability. We also demonstrate that very high numerical resolution is required to both follow the potential vorticity changes and identify the location where the secondary instability is first excited. Low-resolution results are shown to give the wrong location. We establish the robustness of a secondary instability and its impact on the torque onto the planet. After the saturation of the instability, the disk shows large-scale non-axisymmetry, causing the torque on the planet to oscillate with large amplitude. The impact of the oscillating torque on the protoplanet's migration remains to be investigated.Comment: 17 pages total with 9 figures (Fig.4,5,9 are in .jpg), accepted to Ap

    Motion and gravitational radiation of a binary system consisting of an oscillating and rotating coplanar dusty disk and a point-like object

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    A binary system composed of an oscillating and rotating coplanar dusty disk and a point mass is considered. The conservative dynamics is treated on the Newtonian level. The effects of gravitational radiation reaction and wave emission are studied to leading quadrupole order. The related waveforms are given. The dynamical evolution of the system is determined semi-analytically exploiting the Hamiltonian equations of motion which comprise the effects both of the Newtonian tidal interaction and the radiation reaction on the motion of the binary system in elliptic orbits. Tidal resonance effects between orbital and oscillatory motions are considered in the presence of radiation damping.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    On the migration of protogiant solid cores

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    The increase of computational resources has recently allowed high resolution, three dimensional calculations of planets embedded in gaseous protoplanetary disks. They provide estimates of the planet migration timescale that can be compared to analytical predictions. While these predictions can result in extremely short migration timescales for cores of a few Earth masses, recent numerical calculations have given an unexpected outcome: the torque acting on planets with masses between 5 M_Earth and 20 M_Earth is considerably smaller than the analytic, linear estimate. These findings motivated the present work, which investigates existence and origin of this discrepancy or ``offset'', as we shall call it, by means of two and three dimensional numerical calculations. We show that the offset is indeed physical and arises from the coorbital corotation torque, since (i) it scales with the disk vortensity gradient, (ii) its asymptotic value depends on the disk viscosity, (iii) it is associated to an excess of the horseshoe zone width. We show that the offset corresponds to the onset of non-linearities of the flow around the planet, which alter the streamline topology as the planet mass increases: at low mass the flow non-linearities are confined to the planet's Bondi sphere whereas at larger mass the streamlines display a classical picture reminiscent of the restricted three body problem, with a prograde circumplanetary disk inside a ``Roche lobe''. This behavior is of particular importance for the sub-critical solid cores (M <~ 15 M_Earth) in thin (H/r <~0.06) protoplanetary disks. Their migration could be significantly slowed down, or reversed, in disks with shallow surface density profiles.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Why Is Supercritical Disk Accretion Feasible?

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    Although the occurrence of steady supercritical disk accretion onto a black hole has been speculated about since the 1970s, it has not been accurately verified so far. For the first time, we previously demonstrated it through two-dimensional, long-term radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. To clarify why this accretion is possible, we quantitatively investigate the dynamics of a simulated supercritical accretion flow with a mass accretion rate of ~10^2 L_E/c^2 (with L_E and c being, respectively, the Eddington luminosity and the speed of light). We confirm two important mechanisms underlying supercritical disk accretion flow, as previously claimed, one of which is the radiation anisotropy arising from the anisotropic density distribution of very optically thick material. We qualitatively show that despite a very large radiation energy density, E_0>10^2L_E/(4 pi r^2 c) (with r being the distance from the black hole), the radiative flux F_0 cE_0/tau could be small due to a large optical depth, typically tau 10^3, in the disk. Another mechanism is photon trapping, quantified by vE_0, where v is the flow velocity. With a large |v| and E_0, this term significantly reduces the radiative flux and even makes it negative (inward) at r<70r_S, where r_S is the Schwarzschild radius. Due to the combination of these effects, the radiative force in the direction along the disk plane is largely attenuated so that the gravitational force barely exceeds the sum of the radiative force and the centrifugal force. As a result, matter can slowly fall onto the central black hole mainly along the disk plane with velocity much less than the free-fall velocity, even though the disk luminosity exceeds the Eddington luminosity. Along the disk rotation axis, in contrast, the strong radiative force drives strong gas outflows.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
