2,360 research outputs found

    airline revenue management

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    With the increasing interest in decision support systems and the continuous advance of computer science, revenue management is a discipline which has received a great deal of interest in recent years. Although revenue management has seen many new applications throughout the years, the main focus of research continues to be the airline industry. Ever since Littlewood (1972) first proposed a solution method for the airline revenue management problem, a variety of solution methods have been introduced. In this paper we will give an overview of the solution methods presented throughout the literature

    Union rivalry, workers' resistance and wage settlements in the Guyana sugar industry: 1964-1994

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    This PhD thesis is a study of the changing social and industrial conditions under which sugar workers in Guyana have worked, and the responses of workers and unions to these changes since 1964. It makes extensive use of original trade union and employer archives, other public and private documentary evidence and interviews with workers and union and state officials. The narrative and analysis focuses on the experience of union rivalry and the impact of state interventions in wage settlements. The sugar industry has several different unions with differing political and ideological positions, and there have been numerous instances of union rivalry and workers' discontent over union representation. Inadequate wage offers have often led to disputes, involving antagonisms between workers and management but also between workers and their union. In practice the majority of wage settlements have resulted from the intervention of a Commission of Inquiry or Arbitration Tribunal. In the late 1970s the state's imposition of wage levels provoked numerous struggles, often of national proportions, and led to legal challenges by workers and one of their unions which resulted in the restoration of collective bargaining. Such developments have had major implications for the national labour movement. The thesis considers each of these facets of worker and union experience, and thus develops an analysis of the relationships between union rivalry, workers' resistance and wage settlements in the context of highly politicised trade unionism. In particular it discusses the implications of trade union affiliation to the major political parties and shows the extent to which political affiliation helped to destroy the collective bargaining process. It argues that while trade unions are involved in political struggles, they ought not to be affiliated to political parties, since this is likely to compromise the independence of the labour movement and weakens the collective bargaining process

    Aktivitas Industri Kerajinan Topeng Kayu Di Desa Wisata Bobung, Kecamatan Patuk, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Suatu industri akan berlangsung dengan baik apabila ada faktor-faktor pendukung produksinya yaitu modal, bahan baku, bahan pelengkap, tenaga kerja dan transportasi. Aktivitas industri kerajinan topeng kayu di Dusun Bobung adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha berupa proses pembuatan topeng kayu sampai dengan pemasaran hasil produksi topeng kayu yang tujuannya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan perekonomian pengusaha. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan daerah pemasaran hasil produksi industri kerajinan topeng kayu meliputi empat propinsi yaitu, Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Propinsi DKI Jakarta, Propinsi Jawa Tengah, dan Propinsi Bali. Pendapatan yang berasal dari industri kerajinan topeng kayu memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap pendapatan total pengusaha yaitu lebih dari 50%. Terdapat 4 dari 5 faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai produksi dan 1 faktor tidak mempengaruhi faktor produksi yaitu bahan tambahan

    Helicobacter pylori

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    Enzyme activity and electrophoretic pattern of isoenzymes of amylase, catalase and peroxidase in photo- and gibberellin-induced plants of Impatiens balsamina L. var. rose

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    Floral buds were induced either by 8 h photoperiods or by the application of GA3 and GA13 in Impatiens balsamina. Total enzyme activity was not directly related to floral morphogenesis although some interesting qualitative correlations existed. Thus, the presence of a new isoenzyme of amylase (RF 0·05) may be related to flower formation since it was present only in the induced plants and not in the vegetative ones, regardless of whether the flowering was caused by inductive photoperiods or by gibberellin treatment. Catalase activity, as well as its isoenzyme forms, could not be detected in the stem and the isoenzyme profile in leaves did not alter with photoperiodic or gibberellin treatment. Treatment with gibberellins induced the synthesis of new isoenzymes of peroxidase but inductive photoperiods did not. The enzyme profiles in relation to photoperiod and gibberellin application are discussed

    Complex formation between nickel(II) and some pentamine (substituted salicylato)cobalt(III) ions

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    The kinetics of reversible complexation of NiII with pentamine(substituted salicylato)cobalt(III) ions, [Co(N5){O2CC6H3(X)OH}]2+[N5= 5NH3, (en)2(NH3)(cis isomer, en = ethane-1,2-diamine) or tetren (tetraethylenepentamine), X = 3-NO2; N5= 5NH3, X = 5-NO2], was investigated by the stopped-flow technique at 15–35 °C, pH 5.70–6.90 and I= 0.30 mol dm−3(ClO4−). The formation of [(Co(N5){O2CC6H3(X)O}Ni]3+ occurs via the reaction of [Ni(OH2)6]2+ with the phenoxide form of the cobalt(III) substrates. The rate and activation parameters have been determined for the formation and dissociation of the binuclear species in which nickel(II) is chelated by the salicylate moiety. The data are consistent with and Id mechanism. The rate constant for spontaneous dissociation of the binuclear species to the reacting partners is sensitive to the nature of the pentamine moiety and decreases in the sequence tetren > (en)2(NH3)− 5NH3. The acid-catalysed dissociation of cis-[(en)2(NH3)Co{O2CC6H3(NO2−3)O}Ni]3+ conforms to a two-step process

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dengan Java Jdk 1.7

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    Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional yang sudah menjadi bahasakedua di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia.Pendidikan bahasa pun sudahdiberikan kepada para generasi muda sejak dini.Selain pendidikan BahasaIndonesia sebagai bahasa bangsa sendiri, pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pun sudahmulai banyak diberikan kepada siswa. Sebagian besar siswa yang masih duduk dibangku Sekolah Dasar lebih menyukai pembelajaran yang dilakukan secarainteraktif, sehingga mereka bisa lebih cepat mencerna materi Bahasa Inggrisyang merekadapatkan, khususnya melalui gambar dan suara. Salah satuteknologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yaitu melalui mediamultimedia.Paper ini membahas sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran interaktif BahasaInggris untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar.Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat mempermudahpara siswa Sekolah Dasar terutama dalam memahami materi Bahasa Inggrisdengan sebuah aplikasi dengan konsep “edugames”

    Analisis Finansial Usaha Budidaya Lebah Madu Apis Cerana Fabr. di Dusun Sidomukti Desa Buana Sakti Kecamatan Batanghari Kabupaten Lampung Timur

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    Honey consumption in Indonesia 10 gr/capital/year, nevertheleses the honey production only 3 gr/capital/year (Murtidjo, 2011).Due to the highest demand of honey so it is neededhoney bee entrerprises.The purpose of this research was to know on financial feasibility of the ApisceranaFabr. honey bee enterprises.The research was conducted at Sub Village Sidomukti Village Buana Sakti Sub District Batanghari East Lampung on March -- April 2012 usedmethod interview with questionnairesand observationdirectlyused R/C Ratio and BEP (Break Event Point).The results showed thatthe ApisCeranaFabr.honey bee enterprisesin Sub VillageSidomuktiusing stup and glodok (traditional stup).Based on economic life stup and glodok for two years so financiallyviablehoney bee enterprisesperformed usingstupmediawiththe value ofR/Cratio> 1 is1,616 with numberto be producedto reach the breakevent pointwere 75stupor at priceRp Rp 174.807,94/stup so the honey bee farmers will get benefit of Apis cerana Fabr. honey bee enterprises