165 research outputs found

    Role Of Retroelements In The Development Of COVID-19 Neurological Consequences

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    Retroelements play a key role in brain functioning in humans and other animals, since they represent dynamic regulatory elements controlling the expression of specific neuron types. The activity of retroelements in the brain is impaired under the influence of SARS-CoV-2, penetrating the blood-brain barrier. We propose a new concept, according to which the neurological complications of COVID-19 and their long-term effects are caused by modified expression of retroelements in neurons due to viral effect. This effect is implemented in several ways: a direct effect of the virus on the promoter regions of retroelement-encoding genes, virus interaction with miRNAs causing silencing of transposons, and an effect of the viral RNA on the products of retroelement transcription. Aging-related physiological activation of retroelements in the elderly is responsible for more severe course of COVID-19. The associations of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with coronavirus lesions also indicate the role of retroelements in such complications, because retroelements are involved in the mechanisms of the development of these diseases. According to meta-analyses, COVID-19-caused neurological complications ranged 36.4-73%. The neuropsychiatric consequences of COVID-19 are observed in patients over a long period after recovery, and their prevalence may exceed those during the acute phase of the disease. Even 12 months after recovery, unmotivated fatigue, headache, mental disorders, and neurocognitive impairment were observed in 82%, 60%, 26.2-45%, and 16.2-46.8% of patients, correspondingly. These manifestations are explained by the role of retroelements in the integration of SARS-CoV-2 into the human genome using their reverse transcriptase and endonuclease, which results in a long-term viral persistence. The research on the role of specific retroelements in these changes can become the basis for developing targeted therapy for neurological consequences of COVID-19 using miRNAs, since epigenetic changes in the functioning of the genome in neurons, affected by transposons, are reversible

    Assessment of the reliability of the locomotive based on statistical methods of quality management

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    The lack of reliability of the diesel locomotive operation leads to a decrease in the technical and economic efficiency of using the locomotive service of the enterprise. During the experiment which aimed at assessing the reliability of repair and maintenance of a diesel locomotive in one of the railway divisions of OJSC "Russian Railways", it was found that the failures may be distributed by types of equipment, based on the failures for 12 months of 2017. Statistical quality management methods were used to identify the most problematic types of locomotive equipment and specific causes of failures. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Standardization in the field of powder metallurgy

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    Standardization always contributes to technical development. Insufficient standards in all areas of activity and slower updating of existing ones make it difficult to respond to innovations, to speed up their access to domestic and global marketsСтандартизация всегда способствует техническому развитию. Недостаточное число стандартов в любых сферах деятельности и замедленное обновление существующих затрудняет реагирование на инновации, ускорение их доступа на внутренние и глобальные рынк

    Improving the reliability of locomotives by implementation of the operation of RAMS means and methods

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    В статье рассмотрена возможность управления надежностью локомотивов путем внедрения комплексной системы RAMS. Применение одного из инструментов FRACAS, используемого в системе RAMS позволяет создать базу знаний, которая обеспечит формирование полной, объективной структурированной информации о неисправностях, отказах и событиях, связанных с возникновением отказов.The article considers the possibility of controlling the reliability of locomotives by introducing an integrated system RAMS. The use of one of the FRACAS means used in the RAMS system allows you to create a knowledge base that will ensure the formation of complete, objective, structured information about faults, failures and events associated with the occurrence of failures

    The new standard sheet hot-dip-galvanized flat product

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    1 июля 2017 года будет вводиться в действие новый национальный стандарт ГОСТ Р 52246–2016 «Прокат листовой горячеоцинкованный. Технические условия». В новой версии стандарта значительно увеличился диапазон изготавливаемого горячеоцинкованного прокатаOn July 1, 2017, the national standard GOST R 52246–2016 «Sheet hot-dip-galvanized flat prod-uct. Specifications» will be put into operation. The range of hot-dip galvanized mill products in-creased in new standar

    The ratio of the terms «concentrate» and «enriched coal», used in the coal processing industry to identify commercial products

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    В статье рассмотрены термины, применяемые в обогатительной промышленности угля – «концентрат» и «обогащенный уголь». Приведены сведения, представленные в действующих нормативных документах, и сформулированы проблемы идентификации товарной продукции, получаемой в процессе обогащения угля.The article describes the terms, used in the coal processing industry – «concentrate» and «enriched coal». The information presented in the current regulations, and formulated the problem of identification of commercial products obtained in the process of coal enrichment

    Peculiarities of regional marking of copper tubes in the EU and the EEA

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    В статье представлены результаты сравнения маркировки медных труб, выполняемой в соответствии с EN 12735–1:2010 и ГОСТ 617–2006. Маркировка в соответствии с ГОСТ 617–2006 содержит более подробную информацию о медных трубах, чем маркировка ЕСThe article presents the results of comparing the marking of copper tubes, performed in accordance with EN 12735–1:2010 and GOST 617–2006. The marking performed in accordance with GOST 617–2006 contains more detailed information about copper pipes tube, then the marking of E

    The experience of standardization works in U.S.А.

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    Questions of the organization of the activity in the field of standardization are considered. Similarities and distinctions of systems of standardization of the USA and Russia by a number of criteria are characterized. It is shown that efficiency of the American system is caused by the minimum participation of the state and at the same time by the interest of the nonstate organizations in the regulation of quality of the carried-out activityРассматриваются вопросы организации деятельности в области стандартизации. Характеризуются сходства и различия систем стандартизации США и России по ряду критериев. Показано, что эффективность американской системы обусловлена минимальным участием государства и одновременно заинтересованностью негосударственных организаций в регулировании качества осуществляемой деятельност


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    This article discusses the classification of standards in metallurgy, the distribution of standards in various groups of Section 77 - Metallurgy of the All-Russian classifier of standards. The distribution of standards from section 77 - Metallurgy by time intervals of adoption of standards is analyzed.В настоящей статье рассмотрена классификация стандартов по металлургии, распределение стандартов по различным группам раздела 77 - Металлургия общероссийского классификатора стандартов. Проанализировано распределение стандартов из раздела 77 – Металлургия по временным интервалам принятия стандартов

    Presentation of a Model of Interconnections of Standards for Creating an Electronic Library

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    Рассмотрена возможность функционирования фонда стандартов как информационной системы, описываемой в рамках семантической модели. Разработана принципиальная схема электронной библиотеки стандартов, в которой стандарт проходит различные стадии своего жизненного цикла. Представлено описание взаимосвязей между стандартами и варианты обмена информацией внутри электронной библиотеки стандартов.The possibility of functioning of the standards fund as an information system described within the semantic model is considered. A schematic diagram of the electronic library of standards has been developed, in which the standard passes through various stages of its life cycle. The article describes the relationships between the standards and the options for exchanging information within the electronic library of standards