429 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work – an analysis of the current state and experience of teaching Pediatrics to English-speaking students 4th and 5th years of study at the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the Kharkiv National Medical University.The main body. Teaching Pediatrics to English-speaking students requires a high level of professional training, pedagogical skills and fluency in English.  In order to improve the quality of foreign students’ training, permanent search and introduction of modern innovative technologies, regular updating of guidance papers, production of manuals and textbooks taking into account international standards for the delivering of medical care for children are required.Conclusion. Reducing the number of students in groups and cohorts, advancing the material and technical resources (computerization, development of phantom classes, etc.) will improve the quality of training and mastery of practical skills.Мета роботи – аналіз сучасного стану та досвіду викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам 4-го та 5-го років навчання на кафедрі педіатрії № 2 Харківського національного медичного університету.Основна частина. Викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам вимагає високого рівня професійної підготовки, педагогічної майстерності та вільного володіння англійською мовою. Для підвищення якості підготовки іноземних студентів на кафедрі проводиться постійний пошук та впровадження сучасних інноваційних технологій, регулярне оновлення методичних матеріалів, створення навчальних посібників та підручників з урахуванням міжнародних стандартів надання медичної допомоги дітям.Висновок. Зменшення кількості студентів у групах та лекційних потоках, удосконалення матеріально-технічної бази (комп’ютеризація, розвиток фантомних класів тощо) дозволить поліпшити якість навчання та оволодіння практичними навичками

    Lipid Peroxidation in the Pre-Reactive Period of Cold Injury

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    Pathological processes in the pre-reactive period of cold injury have not been studied.The purpose of this study is to assess the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood in the body of patients in the pre-reactive period of cold injury.Material and methods. We examined patients with cold injury in the pre-reactive period. Determined: diene conjugates, malonic dialdehyde, the total content of low molecular weight antioxidants, superoxide dismutase activity, catalase,glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, using a SPECORD 40 spectrophotometer. The serum biochemical parameters in the serum were determined by biochemical automator analysis. Statistical processing of the data was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 19.Results and discussion. Features of the biochemical profile of blood in the pre-reactive period of cold injury in the human body are an increase in concentration of glucose and triacylglycerides in blood, an increase in transaminase activity, as aresult of inflammatory and destructive processes, a decrease in the cholesterol concentration in the blood of patients. At the same time, the pre-reactive period of cold injury is characterized by an increase in monocytes compared with the control, which, in combination with hypoxia, leads to an intensification of lipid peroxidation processes. In addition, the antioxidant protection in the pre-reactive period in the body of patients increased slightly.Conclusion. According to the results of our research, already at the stage of the pre-reactive period of cold injury there is a significant intensification of free radical lipid oxidation processes


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    Role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis has been studied in 77 patients with new infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis and 34 patients with fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. The level of cumulative and endogenous nitrite depended on the clinical form of tuberculosis: in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was within the limits of reference ranges, and in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patients it was significantly lower. Results of statistical analysis point out at the significant homogeneity (monofunctionality) of the set of rates, defining the level of NO metabolites in blood serum in infiltrate pulmonary tuberculosis, namely: impact of adenosine deaminase, levels of α1-protease inhibitor, ceruleoplasmin and age. On the contrary in case of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis the diverse (multi-functional) complexes were detected including clinical blood rates providing influence on the reduction of NO level in blood. Nitric oxide in the patients with both clinical forms of tuberculosis correlated with classical markers of system inflammatory response, thus nitric oxide can be regarded as an integral component of inflammatory response with potential evaluation of prognosis of specific lesions during follow-up of changes

    Another look at ππ\pi\pi scattering in the scalar channel

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    We set up a general framework to describe ππ\pi\pi scattering below 1 GeV based on chiral low-energy expansion with possible spin-0 and 1 resonances. Partial wave amplitudes are obtained with the N/DN/D method, which satisfy unitarity, analyticity and approximate crossing symmetry. Comparison with the phase shift data in the J=0 channel favors a scalar resonance near the ρ\rho mass.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    COVID-19 Features in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Main Approaches to Their Management, Treatment, and Vaccination

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    The COVID-19 pandemic calls for correct and evidence-based decisions regarding management and treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis. Information on researches, clinical cases, and recommendations for treatment of such patients during the pandemic should be classified. We report COVID-19 features in patients with multiple sclerosis, risk factors for infection and development of severe disease. We also describe management strategies for multiple sclerosis: from relapse treatment to the selection of disease-modifying therapies focusing on patients safety. We analyze the latest observational and comparative studies, clinical cases of multiple sclerosis patients vaccination and demyelinating disease onset after COVID-19 or vaccination

    Analyticity, Crossing Symmetry and the Limits of Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    The chiral Lagrangian for Goldstone boson scattering is a power series expansion in numbers of derivatives. Each successive term is suppressed by powers of a scale, Λχ\Lambda_\chi, which must be less than of order 4πf/N4\pi f/\sqrt{N} where ff is the Goldstone boson decay constant and NN is the number of flavors. The chiral expansion therefore breaks down at or below 4πf/N4 \pi f/\sqrt{N}. We argue that the breakdown of the chiral expansion is associated with the appearance of physical states other than Goldstone bosons. Because of crossing symmetry, some ``isospin'' channels will deviate from their low energy behavior well before they approach the scale at which their low energy amplitudes would violate unitarity. We argue that the estimates of ``oblique'' corrections from technicolor obtained by scaling from QCD are untrustworthy.Comment: harvmac, 18 pages (3 figures), HUTP-92/A025, BUHEP-92-18, new version fixes a TeX problem in little mod

    Применение Юниформа для защиты томата от корневых гнилей в открытом грунте средней полосы России

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    Relevance. Significant harm to the culture of tomato, speaking about the middle Russia open ground plantations, is caused by fungal diseases, among which the most common are Fusarium wilt, late blight, alternariosis. To reduce the harmfulness of diseases, it is important to create stable and precocious hybrids that can give most of the crop before the mass development of diseases occurs. The complex system of protection includes preventive measures, the use of growth regulators possessing protective and stimulating action, application of biological preparations and fungicidal treatment. In terms of epiphytotic diseases, the most effective are chemicals, among which the increasing use get multipurpose products, involving several antifungal ingredients.Methods. The article presents the test results of the Uniform fungicide (321,7 g/l Аsoxystrobin + 123,7 g/l to Мefenoxam) against root rot of open ground tomato culture, grown in Moscow region. The estimation of biological and economic efficiency of Uniform application depending on the rate of consumption and multiplicity of treatments was carried out. The tomato Donskoy F1 hybrid, grown on drip irrigation, was used in experiments. Threefold background mode treatment of plants against late blight was carried out by fungicide Revus Top: at the onset of the first symptoms of the disease and hereinafter with 14 days intervals. Flow rate was 0.5 l/ha with solution consumption reaching 200 l/ha. Treatment of tomato plants by Uniform fungicide was performed by watering at the root under the flow rates of 0.9 l/ha and 1.5 l/ha and solution consumption of 200 l/ha. First application of seedlings was performed when planting, the second – 20 days after the first. The area of experimental plots was 20 m2, area of account plots was 10 m2. The repetition of account monitoring was fourfold.Results. The best results were achieved when using Uniform at the rate of 1.5 l/ha by root watering during transplanting and repeatedly at 20 days intervals. An increase in survival rate of seedlings, reduction of incidence of root rot by 81.2-86.9% and tomato yield increase by 29.7% to control under the influence of Uniform treatments were observed. Актуальность. Значительный ущерб культуре томата открытого грунта в условиях средней полосы России наносят грибные болезни, среди которых наиболее распространены фузариозное увядание, фитофтороз, альтернариоз. Для снижения вредоносности болезней важное значение имеет создание устойчивых и скороспелых гибридов, способных отдавать большую часть урожая до массового развития болезней. Комплексная система защиты включает профилактические мероприятия, применение регуляторов роста защитностимулирующего действия, биопрепаратов, обработки фунгицидами. В условиях эпифитотийного развития болезней наиболее эффективны химические средства защиты, среди которых все более широкое применение получают многоцелевые препараты, содержащие несколько фунгицидных компонентов.Методы. В статье приведены результаты испытаний фунгицида Юниформ (д.в. 321,7 г/л азоксистробин + 123,7 г/л мефеноксам) против корневых гнилей томата открытого грунта в условиях Московской области. Проведена оценка биологической и хозяйственной эффективности Юниформа в зависимости от нормы расхода и кратности обработок. В опытах использовали гибрид томата Донской F1, который выращивали на капельном орошении. Фоновые обработки растений против фитофтороза проводили фунгицидом Ревус Топ трехкратно: при появлении первых симптомов болезни и далее с интервалом 14 дней. Расход 0.5 л/га, расход рабочего раствора 200 л/га. Обработки растений томата фунгицидом Юниформ проводили путем подлива под корень при нормах расхода препарата 0,9 л/га и 1,5 л/га. Расход рабочей жидкости 200 л/га. Первая обработка – при посадке рассады, вторая – через 20 дней после первой. Площадь опытной делянки – 20 м2 , площадь учетной делянки –10 м2 . Повторность – четырехкратная.Результаты. Лучший результат получен при внесении Юниформа в норме 1,5 л/га путем полива под корень при высадке рассады и повторно с интервалом 20 дней Под влиянием обработок отмечено повышение приживаемости рассады, снижение распространенности корневых гнилей на 81,2-86,9%, увеличение урожайности на 29,7% к контролю.