145 research outputs found

    Multifarious immunotherapeutic approaches to cure HIV-1 infection

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    Immunotherapy in the context of treated HIV-1 infection aims to improve immune responses to achieve better control of the virus. To date, multifaceted immunotherapeutic approaches have been shown to reduce immune activation and increase CD4 T-lymphocyte counts, further to the effects of antiretroviral therapy alone, in addition to improving HIV-1-specific T-cell responses. While sterilizing cure of HIV-1 would involve elimination of all replication-competent virus, a functional cure in which the host has long-lasting control of viral replication may be more feasible. In this commentary, we discuss novel strategies aimed at targeting the latent viral reservoir with cure of HIV-1 infection being the ultimate goal, an achievement that would have considerable impact on worldwide HIV-1 infection

    Hipertensi Pada Kehamilan: Analisis Kasus

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    This article explores what aspects contributing the maternal mortality rate (MMR). A case description regarding hypertensive disorders in pregnancy that happen in a big city will emphasize that cause of maternal death is direct and indirect factors. This article also discusses the gender issue due to MMR. Through this article we need to re-thinking regarding current programs to reduce MMR, have they view women as holistic individual

    Pengumpulan Data Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif: Wawancara

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    There are several data collecting methods in the qualitative research, most common used namely interview. This article describes interview as a collecting data method including the various form of interviewing, the type of questions, interviewing duration, and a series of steps in interviewing procedures. The aim of this article is introduce interview methods to the readers in order to obtain method appropriately to the metodology of the research and conducting this method correctly

    Identification of proteins and miRNAs that specifically bind an mRNA in vivo

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    Understanding regulation of an mRNA requires knowledge of its regulators. However, methods for reliable de-novo identification of proteins binding to a particular RNA are scarce and were thus far only successfully applied to abundant noncoding RNAs in cell culture. Here, we present vIPR, an RNA-protein crosslink, RNA pulldown, and shotgun proteomics approach to identify proteins bound to selected mRNAs in C. elegans. Applying vIPR to the germline-specific transcript gld-1 led to enrichment of known and novel interactors. By comparing enrichment upon gld-1 and lin-41 pulldown, we demonstrate that vIPR recovers both common and specific RNA-binding proteins, and we validate DAZ-1 as a specific gld-1 regulator. Finally, combining vIPR with small RNA sequencing, we recover known and biologically important transcript-specific miRNA interactions, and we identify miR-84 as a specific interactor of the gld-1 transcript. We envision that vIPR will provide a platform for investigating RNA in vivo regulation in diverse biological systems

    Perbedaan Kepedulian Maternal Antara Ibu Primipara Dan Ibu Multipara Pada Awal Periode Post Partum

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    Maternal concerns knowledge is very important for a maternity nurse in providing information support for all post partum mothers. A discharge planning preparation program that based on maternal concerns can be a good effective way to give nursing care for post partum mothers and families. The purpose of this study is to identify maternal concerns for post partum Indonesian mothers including prime and multi porous and to identify the differences of maternal concerns between these groups. This study used cross sectional design. The total sample was chosen as a strategy for sample selection during three months. In this study, data were collected using three instruments developed based upon a review literature. Univariat statistic was used to analyze the data. The result of this study indicated that maternal concerns for the prime and multi porous mothers for three aspects (self, baby, and family) were significant difference. The result from this study can be generalized by using a big sample in next replication study

    Hipertensi Pada Kehamilan: Analisis Kasus

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    AbstrakArtikel ini menggali aspek-aspek yang berkontribusi terhadap Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI). Pemaparan sebuah kasus hipertensi dalam kehamilan yang terjadi di salah satu kota besar akan menekankan bahwa ada dua penyebab kematian ibu yaitu penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung. Artikel ini mendiskusikan isyu persamaan jender yang berhubungan dengan AKI dan juga membahas program-program penurunan AKI saat ini. Sudahkah semuanya memandang perempuan sebagai individu yang holistik? Jika belum sudah saatnyalah kita mempertimbangkannya untuk hasil yang lebih baik. AbstractThis article explores what aspects contributing the maternal mortality rate (MMR). A case description regarding hypertensive disorders in pregnancy that happen in a big city will emphasize that cause of maternal death is direct and indirect factors. This article also discusses the gender issue due to MMR. Through this article we need to re-thinking regarding current programs to reduce MMR, have they view women as holistic individual

    Pengalaman Seksualitas Perempuan Menopause

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran makna dan arti pengalaman seksualitas perempuan menopause. Sebanyak delapan perempuan yang mengalami menopause paling lama tiga tahun berpartisipasi dalam penelitian fenomenologi deskriptif ini melalui wawancara mendalam. Partisipan diperoleh melalui purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan metode Collaizi. Hasil penelitian menemukan enam tema: 1) Makna hubungan seksual; 2) Perubahan siklus respon seksual pada masa menopause; 3) Dimensi psikologis dalam seksualitas; 4) Dimensi sosiokultural dalam seksualitas; 5) Kebahagiaan seksualitas pada masa menopause; dan 6) Kebutuhan informasi tentang pelayanan kesehatan seksual. Hasil ini memberikan gambaran pentingnya perawat maternitas memahami dimensi seksualitas perempuan menopause untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka. Diperlukan penelitian selanjutnya terutama yang meneksplorasi secara mendalam dimensi seksualitas khususnya psikologis dan sosiokultural pada perempuan menopause

    Pengaruh Kontak Kulit ke Kulit Segera terhadap Keyakinan Ibu Menyusui Paska Bedah Sesar

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    Terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan dalam menyusui. Kontak kulit ke kulit segera setelah bayi lahir merupakan faktor kunci dalam proses laktasi. Proses ini sangat tergantung dari keyakinan ibu dalam menyusui bayinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kontak kulit ke kulit segera terhadap keyakinan ibu menyusui paska bedah sesar. Penelitian quasi eksperiment posttest only design with control groups ini dilakukan pada 52 ibu dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi masing-masing 26 ibu secara consecutive sampling di kota Langsa-Aceh. Pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form. Hasil uji statistik indenpendent t test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nilai rerata keyakinan ibu menyusui pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (59,00±6,54; 49,62±7,78; p=0,001). Kontak kulit ke kulit dapat meningkatkan keyakinan ibu menyusui yang dapat memengaruhi proses laktasi