9 research outputs found

    Lawas: An oral literature in Sumbawa East Indonesia (East Indonesia) as a character development means

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    Character deterioration became a worldwide serious problem. Educational institutions have responsibility and strategic role to solve problem. Its effort is to revitalize the role of oral literature based on containing values of character building. If it has seriously implemented, this program can build learners’ character based on the values of typical cultural wisdom. Therefore, this research goal is to describe form and explore the potential value of characters contained in oral literature as cultural heritage of the Sumbawa, a city in East Indonesia. data is qualitatively collected t by interviewing Sumbawa culturists. The collected data is checked its validity with various theoretical perspectives and member checking. The data analysis used the interactive model. The research findings shown that (1) Lawas form consists of three lines, four lines, and sequential. Lawas prototype is in the form of three lines, each is composed of eight syllables. (2) The character values in the Lawas oral literature in the form of religious, good personality, awareness, humble, knowledgeable, courage, egalitarian, brotherhood, maintain self-esteem, and equal personality. These character values reflected the Sumbawa people’s life philosophy that oriented towards the development or improvement of physical-material and mental-spiritual dimension in a balanced and simultaneous way. Sumbawa people viewed the life of the world and the hereafter must go hand in hand which manifests in the way of thinking, speaking, and behaving. The character values in Lawas involved virtue and wisdom in relation to oneself, neighbor, nature, and God

    Pengembangan Game Pembelajaran Otomata Finit

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    Sebagai sebuah proses, belajar didefinisikan sebagai sebuah pengembangan pengetahuan baru oleh seorang pembelajar. Belajar merupakan hasil dari interaksi pembelajar dengan informasi di dalam suatu lingkungan tertentu. Perkuliahan adalah suatu proses belajar di dalam lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Selain kelas sebagai tempat bertemunya mahasiswa dan dosen, lingkungan belajar di perguruan tinggi juga meliputi metode dan media pembelajaran. Penggunaan teknologi sebagai media dan perangkat pembelajaran membawa harapan terciptanya proses belajar yang efektif dan efisien. Namun demikian tidak serta merta penggunaan teknologi memberikan kontribusi yang positif bagi proses belajar. Game adalah media untuk melakukan aktifitas bermain. Game menjadi menarik karena memiliki tantangan dan aturan yang dikemas dengan suatu skenario tertentu. Dari satu sisi, aktifitas bermain game dipandang sebagai suatu aktifitas yang tidak produktif. Namun demikian, disisi lain bermain game dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah aktifitas belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan adalah mengembangkan game sebagai media intruksional untuk digunakan sebagai alat bantu ajar Matakuliah Teori Bahasa Otomata materi Otomata Finit. Rancangan dari game yang dikembangkan dievaluasi sebelum diimplementasikan pada aktivitas perkuliahan. Hasil evaluasi digunakan untuk menilai efektifitas rancangan dan penggunaan game sebagai media pembelajaran

    Pengaruh Polivinilpirolidon K-30 terhadap Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Andrografolida dengan Sistem Dispersi Solida

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    Andrographolide is the main constituent of Andrographis paniculata Ness which was poorly soluble in water. As diterpenoid lactone andrographolide has many biological activity, some of them ara immunostimulant, antimalaria, hepatoprotector and anti mutagenic. The objectives of this study were to find out influence of polyvinylpirrolidon (PVP) K-30 to increase dissolution rate of andrographolide by solid dispersion in water and dissolution media pH 8,0. In this research andrographolide were divided in 6 groups that are physical mixture and solid dispersion by ratio 1:3; 1:5 and 1:9. Result of these study showed that the X-ray difraction patterns of physical mixture have crystal intensity as same as andrographolide crystal. But solid dispersion showed lower intensity. The solid dispersion system increase dissolution rate of andrographolide isolate. Increasing of dissolution rate a function of the ratio of drug to PVP used. Studies of dissolution rate have shown that coprecipitate of andrographolide-PVP K-30 (1:9) is better combination than 1:5 and 1:3

    Peat Land Management in Liang Anggang Protected Forest by Sukamaju Peat Care Society (PCS), South Kalimantan

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    Peatland management in protected forest area can be carried out through Social Forestry (SF) programs. Social forestry (SF) is a form of solution to the resolution of peatland management problems, both in the context of efforts to restore degraded peat as well as efforts to resolve sosial conflicts and overlapping land and management permits. The purpose of this research is to determine the patten of land management and the application of sosial forestry by Sukamaju Peat Cares Society (PSC), Landasan Ulin, South Kalimantan. The official permit to cultivate the land is contained in SK. 5902/Menlhk-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/9/2018 dated September 14, 2018 with scheme Community Forest (CF). Land management patterns carried out are monoculture, agroforestry, agrosilvopasture, apiculture, agrosilvofishery and revegetation. Management of peatlands is carried out independently and also involves stakeholders, including: The South Kalimantan Provincial Foresty Service, Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit, Lambung Mangkurat University, Peat Restoration Agency, Kalimantan Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership Institute. The obstacles in peat land management is slow developmet of infrastructure, lack of human resource capacity to manage peatlands, lack of coordination between farmers and peat care parties, lack of farmers'understanding of regulation related to peatland management and lack of motivation from farmers to manage the land other than vegetables monoculture. Effective guidance and communication is one form of effective solutions for managing peatlands

    Praktik Desentralisasi Asimetris di Indonesia

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    Tantangan terbesar dalam praktik demokrasi adalah bagaimana proses pembagian kekuasaan, terutama bagi Negara kesatuan Indonesia. Kurang jelasnya aturan hukum dalam pembagian kewenangan menyebabkan bergolaknya daerah-daerah penghasil sumber daya. Konsep desentralisasi asimetris merupakan salah satu jawaban dalam praktik demokrasi di Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan kajian pustaka, tulisan ini mencoba mengurai sedikit persoalan praktik desentralisasi asimetrik di Indonesia. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bentuk desentralisasi asimetris merupakan konsekuensi logis praktik demokrasi di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Desentralisasi Asimetri