116 research outputs found

    Prospects and experience of using modern computer games in the educational process

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    Рассматриваются вопросы использования компьютерных игр как эффективного инструмента обученияModern video games don’t use educational potential in games sessions. Video game designers make new programs as simple entertainmen

    Mainstreaming the use of gaming information and communication technologies in the educational process

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    Gamification is a tool improves student engagement factor in educational process with help of additional entertainment componentsГеймофикация - инструмент, ориентированные на повышение фактора вовлеченности студентов в учебный процесс при помощи встраивания в учебную программу дополнительных развлекательных элементо

    Economic Development of Siberia during Reforms of Peter I: Craft and Emergence of Industry

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    The features of the industrial development of the Siberian region at the end of the 17th — the first quarter of the 18th centuries are studied. The analysis of legislative and clerical, statistical sources, generalization and systematization of the results of research in the field of development of the Siberian handicraft and manufacturing production of the late 17th — first quarter of the 18th centuries made it possible to identify the degree of influence of Peter I’s reforms on this process. It is concluded that in the period under review, the main form of industrial production in Siberia was small-scale handicraft production, in many sectors of which progress was observed, due both to the improvement of the technological process and to the regulatory orders of Peter I of a national and regional nature. It is noted that in the complex of transformative undertakings, Peter I paid special attention to Siberia, although in some cases the regulatory provisions of the royal decrees regarding certain types of handicraft production did not give much effect in the region, as was the case, for example, with the decrees of 1715 on the prohibition of tanning leather without the use of blubber and the manufacture of narrow linen and hemp cloths. The most significant government decrees with a regional focus on crafts related to stone building and river shipbuilding. The authors of the article show that an important result of the reform activities of Peter I was the development of large-scale manufactory and factory production in Siberia

    Formation of a Pension Allowance system for Civil Servants of the Tobolsk Province of the 19th - early 20th Centuries

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    The article is devoted to the study of historical experience in the formation of pensions for employees of the Tobolsk province in the XIX - early XX centuries. The authors of the article associate their interest in the indicated problems with its poor knowledge, as well as the reform of pension provision in modern Russia. The source of the study was the legislative, clerical and statistical documents of the funds of the School Directorate, City Council, Tobolsk Provincial Board, Tobolsk State Chamber, Tobolsk Gymnasium, Tobolsk State Bank, Tobolsk Post and Telegraph Office, Tobolsk Notary Archive and others. The most significant of these are the lists of pensioners living in the Tobolsk province, the Tobolsk Treasury Chamber statements on pensioners, documents that fix the number and size of pensions issued and not issued, and cases regarding the assignment of pensions. The authors of the article note the absence in the period under review of a single pension provision practice for all social categories of the population. The author analyzes pension payments accrued to officials from the treasury, and funded payments from public emmeritial cash desks. It is concluded that the formation of the pension provision of civil servants can be attributed to the end of the first quarter of the XIX century. The circle of persons entitled to receive a pension is designated, the sources of pension financing are identified. It was concluded that for the provision of pensions to officials of the period under review, the dependence of the pension salary on the size of the annual salary, the rank and length of service of the civil service was characteristic

    Educational game systems in artificial intelligence course

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    Article actuality based on fact that existing knowledge system aimed at future professional life of students: a skillful use game activity in educational process will teach students to look for alternative ways solving of real problems. The purpose of article lies in theoretical substantiation, development and testing of criteria, which must be met by special-purpose software oriented on gamification of educational process. A leading research method of the described problem is a method of simulation that allows to consider gamification as concentration and organized process for increasing the factor of student engagement in cognitive activity. This article aimed to demonstrate models of ideal educational game programs with optimum number of gamification elements, also article focused on development of such software, which will be not entertaining, but educational in nature. The article may be useful for researchers dealing with gamification issues and software developers, which works relate with educational programs. © 2016 Chubarkova et al

    Problems of Sects Classification and Typology (on Materials of Tobolsk Governorate of the Second Half of XIX - Early XX Century)

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    The article is devoted to the typology of religious sectarianism, which spread in the territory of the Tobolsk governorate in the second half of XIX - early XX century. Material is the complex of management and statistical sources, that are stored by the State archive in Tobolsk. It is demonstrated that the documents show a steady growth the followers of the sects of Skoptsy , Khlysty , Doukhobory , Shtundists, nemolyaki , subbotniki , Baptists, Adventists, Molokans, Mennonites in the governorate during the considered chronological period. The authors point to the lack of a common terminology in the sources, to many self-designations in the followers of sects, note the difficulty of accounting the sectarians for the local Church and the administrative-police apparatus of control. The need to study these aspects at the present stage is emphasized. The definitions of sectarianism are given. Its distinctive features and characteristics are presented. The comparative-critical analysis (in terms of chosen territorial and chronological boundaries) of classifications of sectarianism available in science, contained in the works of Russian pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern researchers, is made. For further study of the history of sectarianism, the authors took as a basis the idea of dividing the sects in the rationalistic and the mystical. The appeal to the historical periodization of the development of sectarianism allowed to justify the religious nature of the sects operating in the territory of the Tobolsk governorate

    Improving the training system as a basis for improved management of sustainable development of tourism

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    © 2017 Serials Publications.Sustainable development of tourism is impossible without the availability of highly qualified personnel. The goal of the article lies in the study of approaches to the definition of "sustainable tourism" and in the determination of directions of training system's perfection in the field of effective territory management. For the analysis of the problem methods of systematization and generalization, quantitative and qualitative study were used. They allowed considering the problem comprehensively, taking into account many factors that affect the dependence of economic development on a stable environment. In the article, the questions of creation and formation of the term "sustainable tourism development", the evolution of ideas for sustainable tourism development in Russia were covered. As a result of the study there were identified the main approaches to the improvement of the management efficiency of tourism and hospitality sustainable development by training improvement: The introduction of the discipline "sustainable tourism development" to the "Tourism" educational program, the increase in time of practical classes of bachelors in the "Tourism" educational program and qualification improvement for managers in tourism and hospitality industry. The article will be useful for Federal and Regional authorities, higher educational institutions that are engaged in training of students who attend "Tourism" educational program, and for anyone who is interested in sustainable tourism development

    Seasons dynamics of biochemical parameters of blood of cows during the dry period

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    The study of the metabolism in the body of cows, depending on the physiological state, factors of feeding and the conditions of content in different seasons of the year, is a necessary condition for the direct effect on their reproductive capacity and productivity. In particular, the scientific and practical interest is the disclosure of physiological and biochemical mechanisms, which are associated with the characteristics of metabolism in the body of cows during pregnancy. The purpose of the research was to study the features of protein metabolism in highly productive deep-calving cows in different seasons of the year. The object for the study is served cows with milk production of 5–6 thousand kg for lactation at 8–9 months of pregnancy and blood samples taken from them. Biochemical study of cows blood plasma was carried out according to generally accepted methods. The recorded seasonal changes in protein exchange of deep-calving cows (Table) were cyclic. In contrast to the total protein content, seasonal differences in its fractional composition were also detected. The dynamics of the change in protein ratio is similar to that of albumin. During the summer, the content of a-globulins increased by 20.1 %, b-globulins by 17.3 %, g-globulins per 20.5 % compared with the spring period. In dry-bodied cows, the activity of ALT and AST in winter increases, reaching its maximum value but in the summer activity of ALT significantly decreased, and its activity was even less than the physiological limits. ACT activity was the lowest in the autumn. Determined that seasonal changes in the protein metabolism of dry cows were cyclic character. A decrease in the content of globulins (due to a-, b- and g-globulins) was observed during the winter period compared to the summer period. This characterizes the high activity of protein metabolism in the summer with the decline in winter. In dry cows, the albumin content and protein ratio reached a maximum in winter with a significant decrease in spring and summer, and in the autumn they again started to rise. The degree and direction of changes in ALT and AST activity were similar to seasonal changes in albumin content. This indicates a low intensity of protein-synthesizing processes in the liver in summer


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    Раскрываются понятия неформального и спонтанного обучения, обосновывается их взаимосвязь с непрерывным образованием, обозначены возможности электронных образовательных ресурсов для каждого вида обученияThe article reveals the concepts of informal and spontaneous learning, justifies their relationship with continuing education, and also reveals the possibilities of electronic educational resources for each type of educatio

    Economic, social and environmental aspects of the impact of the universiade - 2013 on development of Kazan city and Tatarstan Republic

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The article describes the methodological approaches used to study the influence of major international sporting events on the development of the city and region (on example of XXVII World Summer Universiade which held in the Russian Federation in the city of Kazan in 2013). This paper presents the results of economic, social and environmental consequences for the development of the city of Kazan and Tatarstan. Assessment of impacts is given in an integrated form, with the conclusions of the contradictory effects for the different areas of the city and the region