264 research outputs found

    The axiological nature of the concepts meaning and sense

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    The article deals with the problem of differentiation between the basic notions of linguistic semantics, namely, meaning and sense. There are different, sometimes opposite conceptions of these terms’ connection with the spheres of semantic paradigmatics and syntagmatics. The present approach is aimed to show that the meaning belongs to the sphere of language-as-a-system and the sense to the sphere of speech realizationyesБелгородский государственный университе

    Reversity as a universal phenomenon of cognitive nature

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    The article covers the problem of reversity as one of the linguistic phenomena that helps to represent linguistic view of the world. In the article the authors try to prove that it is a universal feature typical of all languages represented by specific language structures in particular language. The study of such phenomena in different groups of languages gives the opportunity to find out some principles revealing the true nature of language development and semantic modificatio

    Proposition as means of polysemantic meaning understanding

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    The article deals with the problem of understanding the meaning of polysemantic verbs denoting perception. In accordance with the dominant cross disciplinary approach to the linguistic research the semantics of the verbs under study is analyzed in correlation with the relevant extra linguistic dat

    The multistatutory nature of the adjective "Right" in adjectival English lexicon

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    This article provides an outline on an adjective in modern English language, and in particular, the multistatus lexical item “right”, which carries different meanings in different variants of combinatorics. The authors analyse the combinations used with the adjectival lexical item “right” and identify categories that determine the semantic content of each given statemen

    Placing names conversion into verbs as a mean of explaning their outstanding properties

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    Verbs formed from toponyms by zero conversion are the focus of this article. The paper intends to show that converting a place name into a verb is a prominent way of explicating the place's salient properties. The data were collected from the corpora and detected on news, media sites and blogs. The study shows that verbs formed from place names demonstrate how people conceptualize place

    The subject of crime: the problem of establishing age limits of criminal responsibility

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    This article presents the authors’ analysis of the problem of determining the subject of a crime as a legal concept, and defining the legal characteristics of a person who has committed a crime by features that are necessary for criminal responsibility (individual, age, and responsibility

    "Linguistic view of the world" and "Lingvistic evaluated view of the word": correlation of concepts

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    The study deals with the actual problems of the linguistic axiology. A special attention is drawn to the mechanisms of forming the value and evaluation components of the linguistic view of the world. A clear-cut differentiation of the value and evaluation as fundamental structures of the qualifying language thinking is put an emphasis on. In conclusion, an attempt is made to show the necessity of further investigation of the axiological substructure within the linguistic view of the worl

    Language indigenization in terms of language contacts (based on the Nigerian English variant)

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the English language Indigenization procedure on the territory of Nigeria, one of the largest countries in West Africa. The research work has the complex system to analyze the cultural and linguistic processes, which are manifested in the study under the influence of cultural factors and its influence on the language functioning. The practical work part is based on the analysis of the language thematic groups "National food" and "National clothes" presenting the specific features of Nigerian English. The results show, Nigerian English has a wide range of words denoting local realities and reflecting the adaptation of the English language to the Nigerian culture peculiarities, which are the process of indigenizatio

    General approaches to gestalt’s definition: linguistic, sociologic and psychologic points of view

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    The study deals with the problems of the term gestalt and its interpretations in linguistics, psychology and sociology. The main idea of the study is to find the most relevant and systemic definition of the term which could be used as a tool for further analysis applied to the cognitive interdisciplinary research. Special attend on is paid to the description of a gestalt and frames as its constituents, their correlation with other mental structures in synergetic development in the process of society evolutio