1,228 research outputs found

    Potential for Development and Limitations of Regional Business Environment

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    The article considers some questions of institutional support for the development of the regional business environment. In connection with constantly growing social liabilities of regional and municipal authorities, which results in the upsurge of risks of budget imbalance at respective levels, the research provides a foundation to the necessity of forming favorable business environment promoting enterprise activity in regions. The process of creating institutes of a region’s business environment is analyzed with applying a matrix institutional model of entrepreneurship. The article reveals the mechanism stipulating the emergence of specific peculiarities of institutional configurations of the regional business environment. A conclusion is drawn about the decisive role of the institutional configuration of the business environment in the existing differences in the levels of social and economic development of regions. The researchers put forward a hypothesis that supporting a favorable institutional configuration of a region’s business environment that stimulates enterprise activity in the area cannot last indefinitely as its development is of a cyclical nature. Simulation parameters for the formation and maintenance of a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment are given. With the aim of practical application of the suggested approach, the authors suggest a methodology allowing for regional authorities to estimate the expediency of favorable institutional configuration of business environment, and on this basis to formulate rules of play for business so that these rules could boost business activity and increase the contribution of entrepreneurship to the region’s social and economic development. The approach under consideration provides an opportunity to substantiate a theoretical and methodological framework for developing practical mechanisms of projecting and further long-term maintenance of favorable institutional configuration of business environment which will contribute to expanding the region’s business activity, and which is resistant to negative effects of the external environment.Work produced with the financial support of the grant FSBI “Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation” in the framework of scientific — research project “Interaction of authority and business organizations in the municipalities: through compromise to mutual loyalty» № 15-12-02008

    Program for experimental investigations of the mechanisms for the emission of coherent radiation by relativistic electrons with energies of 10-500 MeV in oriented crystals

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    A program of experimental investigations of the mechanisms for the emission of coherent radiation by electrons in periodic structures is proposed. The program is aimed at developing sources of energy-tunable quasimonochromatic x radiation and y radiationyesBelgorod State Universit

    Influence of Administrative Regulation on the Efficiency of Business Activities in the Region

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    The article discusses the theoretical issues of the formation of the administrative regulation mechanisms for business entities. The necessity of the further development of theoretical and methodological base and the application tools for the design of business environment is proved. This can stimulate the growth of business and investment activity in the Russian regions and municipalities. The authors identify two types of government structures influence on the business entities, differentiated by the nature of the targeting impact on the economic activity of business structures—the administrative pressure and administrative assistance. It is suggested that in practice, high cost implications for compliance with all regulation requirements as well as sanctions for the violation of these requirements create preconditions for the development of informal interaction between entrepreneurs and the representatives of regulatory bodies. Therefore, businessmen try to minimize the costs associated with the implementation of formal administrative requirements, rules and regulations by personal arrangements. A mathematical model for the assessment of the informal interaction between business entities and certain officials of control supervisory authorities is proposed. It allows to determine the range of benefits for economic entities from avoiding the implementation of administrative norms, requirements and rules. It is concluded that unreasonably high level of costs for the implementation of formal administrative requirements rules and regulations by business entities composes the economic basis for the reproduction of informal relations. This determines mutual benefits for a number of entrepreneurs and a part of bureaucracy from various schemes of informal interaction.The article has been prepared with the support of the Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities in the framework of the research and development project " Development of a favourable institutional configuration of the regional business environment as the factor to increase the competitiveness of business entities" No. 16–12–02007

    PROCAIN server for remote protein sequence similarity search

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    Sensitive and accurate detection of distant protein homology is essential for the studies of protein structure, function and evolution. We recently developed PROCAIN, a method that is based on sequence profile comparison and involves the analysis of four signals—similarities of residue content at the profile positions combined with three types of assisting information: sequence motifs, residue conservation and predicted secondary structure. Here we present the PROCAIN web server that allows the user to submit a query sequence or multiple sequence alignment and perform the search in a profile database of choice. The output is structured similar to that of BLAST, with the list of detected homologs sorted by E-value and followed by profile–profile alignments. The front page allows the user to adjust multiple options of input processing and output formatting, as well as search settings, including the relative weights assigned to the three types of assisting information

    Structure similarity measure with penalty for close non-equivalent residues

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    Motivation:Recent improvement in homology-based structure modeling emphasizes the importance of sensitive evaluation measures that help identify and correct modest distortions in models compared with the target structures. Global Distance Test Total Score (GDT_TS), otherwise a very powerful and effective measure for model evaluation, is still insensitive to and can even reward such distortions, as observed for remote homology modeling in the latest CASP8 (Comparative Assessment of Structure Prediction)

    Perfection of the mechanism of planning of innovative activities based on the system-transdisciplinary approach

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    The possibility of applying transdisciplinary system methodology in the process of developing plans for the innovative development of business entities has been considered. The use of a transdisciplinary systematic approach to innovation planning allows you to use new methodological planning tools, strengthen the systematic nature of planned activities, more clearly define their content and sequence.Various variants of the classification of scientific approaches according to the criterion of the degree of completeness of cognition of the surrounding world have been analysed, the basic transdisciplinary methodological approaches according to the content criteria and possibilities have been compared, such as: the theory of autopoiesis, the theory of chaos and complexity, the theory of fractals, the theory of turbulence and the theory of economic genetics.An important factor in the proposed methodology is the use of the evolutionary property of the development of organizational systems in combination with the possibility of revolutionary transformations at certain stages of development that determine the susceptibility of the organizational system to innovations. In the process of planning innovations, it is only possible to take into account these features of the development of organizational systems using a systemic transdisciplinary methodology.In the process of research, a transdisciplinary tool such as multiplex has been proposed for use, allowing us to determine the duration of the “internal” periods of development of the organizational system and, consequently, increase the validity of planned measures for the implementation of innovations. The use of this tool in the planning process has allowed us to find an approach to determining the duration of the periods of the various stages of the innovation process, which can in future provide an opportunity to effectively distribute the resources of an economic entity over time. At the same time, special attention in the process of planning investments in the innovation process has been paid to the practice of venture and business angel financing, the positive performance of which has been proved by the example of the United States

    The effect of amber acid on the productivity and chemical composition of tomatoes grown in a climatic chamber

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    The research was carried out in 2019 - 2020 in the department of closed artificial agroecosystems for plant growing in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM", Moscow. The study focused on the seeds of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) variety “Lyana”. Amber acid was used as a biostimulating factor at the stage of pre-sowing seed treatment and with constant drip irrigation of plants throughout the entire growing season - 145 day

    Functional Sensory-Motor Performance Following Long Term Space Flight: The First Results of "Field Test" Experiment

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    The effect that extended-duration space flights may have on human space travelers, including exploration missions, is widely discussed at the present time. Specifically, there is an increasing amount of evidence showing that the physical capacity of cosmonauts is significantly reduced after long-duration space flights. It is evident that the most impaired functions are those that rely on gravity, particularly up right posture and gait. Because of the sensorimotor disturbances manifested in the neurology of the posture and gait space flight and postflight changes may also be observed in debilitating motion sickness. While the severity of particular symptoms varies, disturbances in spatial orientation and alterations in the accuracy of voluntary movements are persistently observed after long-duration space flights. At this time most of the currently available data are primarily descriptive and not yet suitable for predicting operational impacts of most sensorimotor decrements observed upon landing on planetary surfaces or asteroids. In particular there are no existing data on the recovery dynamics or functionality of neurological, cardiovascular or muscle performance making it difficult to model or simulate the cosmonauts' activity after landing and develop the appropriate countermeasure that will ensure the rapid and safe recovery of crewmembers immediately after landing in what could be hostile environments. However and as a starting position, the videos we have acquired during recent data collection following the long duration flights of cosmonauts and astronauts walking and performing other tasks shortly after return from space flight speak volumes about their level of deconditioning. A joint Russian-American team has developed a new study specifically to address the changes in crewmembers performance and the recovery of performance with the intent of filling the missing data gaps. The first (pilot) phase of this study includes recording body kinematics and quantifying the coordination and timing of relatively simple basic movements - transition from seated and prone positions to standing, walking, stepping over obstacles, tandem walking, muscle compliance, as well as characteristics of postural sway and orthostatic tolerance. Testing for changes in these parameters have been initiated in the medical tent at the landing site. The first set of experiments showed that during the first hour after landing, cosmonauts and astronauts were able to execute (although slower and with more effort than preflight) simple movements such as egress from a seated or prone position and also to remain standing for 3.5 minutes without exhibiting pronounced cardiovascular changes. More challenging tests, however, demonstrated a prominent reduction in coordination - the obstacle task, for example, was performed at much slower speed and with a marked overestimation of the obstacle height and tandem walking was greatly degraded suggesting significant changes in proprioception, brainstem and vestibular function. There is some speculation that the neural changes, either from the bottom-up or top down may be long lasting; requiring compensatory responses that will modify or mask the adverse responses we have observed. Furthermore, these compensatory responses may actually be beneficial, helping achieve a more rapid adaptation to both weightlessness and a return to earth