600 research outputs found

    Affective disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    The research was conducted among 625 patients aged from 25 to 70years with abdominal obesity (51,2 % women and 48,8 % men). Affective disorders (depressed mood) were revealed in 42,9 % of patients with various metabolic syndrome (MS) components. Affective disorders caused appearance and further advance of MS components, having negative influence on its course. At the increase of duration of existence of separate MS components the depressions were diagnosed more often

    Effects of pertussis toxin and <i>Bordetella pertussis</i> lipo-oligosaccharide on the specific toxicity and potency of whole-cell pertussis vaccines

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    Scientific relevance. The content of Bordetella pertussis lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) and the residual levels of active pertussis toxin (PT) are generally accepted to be the primary factors that determine the reactogenicity of whole-cell pertussis vaccines. To improve the quality of whole-cell pertussis vaccines, it is both relevant and necessary to study the relationship between the toxicity of B. pertussis bacterial cell components and the main quality parameters of these vaccines, including their potency and specific toxicity, as termed in the WHO recommendations and the European Pharmacopoeia.Aim. This study aimed to analyse the effects of B. pertussis LOS and residual active PT on the specific toxicity and potency of adsorbed diphtheria, tetanus, and whole-cell pertussis (DTwP) vaccines.Materials and methods. The authors tested 57 commercial batches of adsorbed DTwP vaccines for compliance with the regulatory standards and product specification files. Vaccine batches that failed specific toxicity tests formed Group 1, and the other batches were designated as Group 2. The potency was tested in F1 CBA/Ca×C57BL/6J hybrid mice with experimentally induced meningoencephalitis that were immunised with DTwP and reference vaccines. The authors assessed the specific toxicity of DTwP vaccines by changes in body weight following intraperitoneal administration. The toxic activity was assessed indirectly by changes in body weight in the first 16–24 h (B. pertussis LOS) and on day 7 (PT) after dosing. The authors used Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to measure the strength of correlation between the toxic activity of vaccine components and the specific toxicity and potency of the vaccine, which were established using the same vaccine batches.Results. The authors measured the toxic activity of LOS and residual active PT in the vaccine batches studied. The correlation coefficients between the specific toxicity and potency of the vaccines and the toxic activity of LOS were 0.113 (p&gt;0.05) and 0.049 (p&gt;0.05), respectively. Similarly, the correlation coefficients between the specific toxicity and potency of the vaccines and the toxic activity of PT accounted for 0.595 (p&lt;0.01) and –0.534 (p&lt;0.01), respectively.Conclusions. The authors studied the toxic activity of B. pertussis LOS and residual active PT in whole-cell pertussis vaccines and found an inverse correlation between the potency of the vaccines and the toxic activity of residual active PT. The study demonstrated that the specific toxicity test for whole-cell pertussis vaccines fails to detect and quantify B. pertussis LOS in the samples. The authors advise to determine the content of LOS in the B. pertussis strains intended for the production of whole-cell pertussis vaccines, which is not yet an accepted practice in the Russian Federation

    Organization of internal control of quality of medical care (Faculty Clinics of Irkutsk State Medical University)

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    Currently, there is no normative document at the federal level that determines the format of the organization of internal control of medical care quality in a medical organization. The system of standardization in the sphere of public health of the Russian Federation remains incomplete. In this regard, in the multidisciplinary medical organization, innovative approaches have been developed and implemented in the management of the medical care quality and ensuring the safety of medical activities: the development of a number of local regulatory documents; strengthening the expert institute (setting up a department for quality control and safety of medical activities); increasing the role of the internal expertise of the quality of medical care; standardization of medical care; improving the organization of work of middle and junior medical links; strict adherence to the three-stage internal quality control with the obligatory presence of self-control when monitoring the quality of work of medical, middle and junior medical personnel. The authors show the dynamics of the main indicators of the quality of care at the stages before and after the introduction of new approaches to improve the internal quality control of medical care. The presented data testify to the effectiveness and expediency of the proposed measures


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    The aim of the work – an analysis of the current state and experience of teaching Pediatrics to English-speaking students 4th and 5th years of study at the Department of Pediatrics No. 2 of the Kharkiv National Medical University.The main body. Teaching Pediatrics to English-speaking students requires a high level of professional training, pedagogical skills and fluency in English.  In order to improve the quality of foreign students’ training, permanent search and introduction of modern innovative technologies, regular updating of guidance papers, production of manuals and textbooks taking into account international standards for the delivering of medical care for children are required.Conclusion. Reducing the number of students in groups and cohorts, advancing the material and technical resources (computerization, development of phantom classes, etc.) will improve the quality of training and mastery of practical skills.Мета роботи – аналіз сучасного стану та досвіду викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам 4-го та 5-го років навчання на кафедрі педіатрії № 2 Харківського національного медичного університету.Основна частина. Викладання педіатрії англомовним студентам вимагає високого рівня професійної підготовки, педагогічної майстерності та вільного володіння англійською мовою. Для підвищення якості підготовки іноземних студентів на кафедрі проводиться постійний пошук та впровадження сучасних інноваційних технологій, регулярне оновлення методичних матеріалів, створення навчальних посібників та підручників з урахуванням міжнародних стандартів надання медичної допомоги дітям.Висновок. Зменшення кількості студентів у групах та лекційних потоках, удосконалення матеріально-технічної бази (комп’ютеризація, розвиток фантомних класів тощо) дозволить поліпшити якість навчання та оволодіння практичними навичками


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    Objective: to evaluate the impact of therapy with chondroitin sulfate (CS) and glucosamine (GA) on the clinical manifestations of low back pain (LBP).Subjects and methods. A multicenter open-label observational prospective study was conducted in 22 cities of Russia (46 centers) to investigate the efficacy of a combination of CS and GA in the outpatient treatment of nonspecific LBP. A total of 9761 patients were enrolled in the study that was completed by 8546 patients. Therapeutic efficiency was evaluated from changes in pain intensity during movement and at rest, by using the visual analogue scale. The Oswestry disability index, an global physician and patient assessment of therapeutic efficiency, and a daily need for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were taken into account as additional criteria for efficiency evaluation.Results and discussion. The multicenter open-label observational study established the efficacy of a combination of CS and GA in treating nonspecific LBP: relief in pain during movement and at rest, functional improvement, and a reduction in the daily need for NSAIDs. The patients and physicians highly assessed therapeutic efficiency. The combination of CS and GA was also noted to be well tolerated. The findings may suggest that this combination may be a promising tool to treat LBP and gives proof to the expediency of its use in randomized placebo-controlled studies


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    The article discussesthe current problem of food quality control, the content ofstrontium-90 and cesium - 137 in the body of wild game birds-wild game inhabiting the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The object for research were carcasses of wild game 3 species: black grouse; partridge; grouse. Radiation safety of wild game as a food product was determined by its compliance with permissible levels of specific activity of radionuclides, in particular 137Cs and 90Sr. These indicators are regulated by TR CU 021/2011 “on food safety”. According to the long-term (2013-2017) results of our studies 137Cs and 90Sr in carcasses of wild game, Northern, Central, Vilyuisk and southern ecological zones of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was not found to exceed the permissible concentration. As a result of our research, the following results were obtained: the content of 137Cs and 90Sr in grouse carcasses: southern - 70.54±0.71 and 26.43±2.54; Central-64.81±0.18 and 20.89±1.95; Vilyuiskaya - 73.12±0.01 and 28.48±1.18. Black grouse does not live in the Northern ecological zone. The results of the study of partridges are as follows: South-69.04±2.95 and 28.17±0.05; Central - 58,69±2,18 19,87 and±0,39; Vilyui - 70,84±1.55 and 27,87±0,04; North - 28,17±0.05 and of 10.83±0,50. In the study of grouse is established: the content of radionuclides in the southern zone - 71,24±1,95; Central was 60.05±0.01 and of 21.11±1,95; Vilyui - 71,11±0.55 and of 11.47±0,32. According to the results of our studies, the data of exceeding the maximum concentration of 137Cs and 90Sr in the carcasses of wild game in all ecological zones of Yakutia were not established.Обсуждается актуальная в наше время проблема – контроль качества продуктов питания, в частности, содержания цезия-137 (137Cs) и стронция-90 (90Sr) в организме диких промысловых птиц – боровой дичи, обитающей на территории Республики Саха (Якутия). В регионе представители тетеревиных птиц (тетерев, куропатка, рябчик) являются объектом традиционного промысла местного населения и пользуются повышенным спросом на внутреннем рынке, поэтому данная тема является весьма актуальной. Объектом для исследований были тушки боровой дичи трех видов: тетерев, куропатка, рябчик. Радиационную безопасность мяса дикой промысловой птицы как пищевой продукции определяли ее соответствием допустимым уровням удельной активности радионуклидов: 137Cs и 90Sr. Нормативы элементов описаны ТР ТС 021/2011 «О безопасности пищевой продукции». В результате наших исследований получены следующие результаты: содержание 137Cs и 90Sr в тушках тетерева в Южной зоне – 70,54±0,71 и 26,43±2,54, Центральной – 64,81±0,18 и 20,89±1,95, Вилюйской – 73,12±0,01 и 28,48±1,18 Бк/кг. В Северной экологической зоне тетерев не обитает. Результаты исследования куропаток на содержание 137Cs и 90Sr следующие: Южная зона – 69,04±2,95 и 28,17±0,05, Центральная – 58,69±2,18 и 19,87±0,39, Вилюйская – 70,84±1,55 и 27,87±0,04, Северная – 28,17±0,05 и 10,83±0,50 Бк/кг. При исследовании рябчиков установлено: содержание радионуклидов в Южной зоне – 71,24±1,95, Центральной – 60,05±0,01 и 21,11±1,95, Вилюйской – 71,11±0,55 и 11,47±0,32 Бк/кг. По многолетним (2013–2018 гг.) итогам наших исследований, в мясе дикой промысловой птицы в Северной, Центральной, Вилюйской и Южной экологических зонах Республики Саха (Якутия) не было обнаружено превышения допустимой концентрации 137Cs и 90Sr

    Sociological Research of the Adherence of Medical Students to Employment by Specialty Received at a University

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    Background. A significant number of medical students refuse to work on a specialty obtained in medical universities after its completion or during the first years of professional activity.Purpose of the study: to conduct a sociological study of the adherence of students of a medical university to employment in a specialty received at a university, as well as factors of its motivation.Methods. A sociological survey of graduate students of ISMU was conducted using specially designed questionnaires.Results. It was revealed that more than 5 % of students do not plan to work on the received specialty after graduating from a medical university. Only every fourth respondent after graduation is going to return to his place of permanent residence, one of four intends not to return, and half have not yet decided on the choice of a further place of work and residence. Work with undergraduates about bringing them to the territory of the initial residence is organized by the administration of municipal entities and medical organizations poorly. Meanwhile, the requirements of graduates presented to a potential employer in terms of the level of wages and the creation of conditions for residence and professional activity are not overstated.Conclusion. Working with graduates and taking specific steps to implement their requirements is the most logical option for joint activities of medical universities, health authorities, administrations of medical organizations and local self-government bodies to create favorable conditions for securing young professionals in their chosen field of activity