400 research outputs found

    Strategic orientations for systemic modernization of the Russian Federation’s social development

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    Analysis of main economic indicators characterizing domestic economy’s level of development and structure for past two decades confirms the assumptions about the reasons of immediacy of domestic economy’s systemic modernization proble

    Impact monitoring of mining enterprises of Kursk magnetic anomaly on hydro ecological river situation of the Belgorod region

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    The results of contrastive analysis of hydrochemical state of surface water bodies exposed to the impact of mining enterprises, by way of example of small rivers of the Belgorod region, according to the results of exploration carried out in the years 2009-201

    The results of introduction of East Asian origin flowering plants in the southwest of Central Russian upland

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    The article is devoted to the study of the results of introduction of East Asian origin flowering plants, growing in the dendrological collection of Belgorod Botanical Garden. The most important ecological and biological characteristics of the plants were studied. The estimation of the growth and development nature of introduced species, according to their resistance to the complex of unfavorable factors, was carried ou

    Regional manifestations of changes in atmospheric circulation in the Central Black Earth region : by the example of Belgorod region

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    The aim of this work is the estimation of the reasons of occurrence of the area of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena and the analysis of the circulation processes, leading to the establishment of extreme weather conditions in the region. Using the calendar of the consistent changes of elementary circulation mechanisms and daily observations of the weather in the south of Central Black Earth region (by the example of Belgorod region).yesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Macrofauna of hydrobionts in the Gubkinsko-Starooskolsky mining area: the case of the Oskolets River

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    The areas of iron ore mining and processing are characterized by a high level of anthropogenic load. Among them is the Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining area of the Belgorod region. A certain indicator of the influence caused by mining enterprises on the adjacent territories is the state of hydrobiocenoses in surface watercourses located in the zone of their direct influence. The Oskolets River was adopted as a model; its middle reach is located in close proximity to the Lebedinsky mining and processing plant (LMPP), from where the drainage waters of the quarry are discharged. The aim of the work was to differentiate the contribution of this enterprise to the general pollution of the river using bioindication method


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    Nowadays the clinical application of digital technologies became a growing trend at every stage of orthopedic patient treatment: from diagnostic procedures and pre-operative planning to intra-operative control of surgical manipulations and evaluation of final results later. The aim of thi sresearch was to analyze the studies dedicated to application of computer-assisted surgery (CAS) for femur and tibial osteotomies in patients with gonarthrosis. The hypothesis was that CAS improves the precision of leg alignment correction in frontal and sagittal planes that positively influencing both functional result of treatment and longevity of clinical effect. The PubMed, PubMedCentral, GoogleScholar and eLIBRARY searched for relevant studies using following key words: knee, osteoarthritis, gonarthrosis, osteotomy, CAS, navigation and its russian analogs. The majority of publications favored CAS in comparison to traditional osteotomy techniques both for leg alignment and tibial slope control. Despite generally researchers paid less attention to functional results after CASosteotomies than to precision of surgical manipulations it is possible of confirm that there is strong tendency to better knee scores after navigation while the difference is not always statistically significant. Rare publications dedicated to long term results favor CAS: 10 years survival rate is 97% that correspond to outcomes of modern total knee arthroplasty. Hence, the current literature confirms the hypothesis of our study and don’t reveal increase of complications rate associated with CAS

    Current hydroecological situation of the Starooskolsko-Gubkinsky mining region on the example of the Oskolets River

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    The results of the hydroecological study of the small Oskolets river in the area of influence of mining enterprises are presented. It is shown that the residential industrial flow of Gubkin city has a leading influence on the hydrochemical situation. Discharges of drainage waters made by the Lebedinsky mining and processing plant have a definite impact on the hydro-ecological situation with respect to the content of fluorine and lead compounds, and occasionally with respect to nitrogen compound