2,099 research outputs found

    59Co NMR study of the Co states in superconducting and anhydrous cobaltates

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    59^{59}Co NMR spectra in oriented powders of Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2_{2} and in its hydrated superconducting phase (HSC) Na0.35_{0.35}CoO2_{2},1.3H2_{2}O reveal a single electronic Co state with identical TT independent NMR shift tensor. These phases differ markedly from Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_{2}, in which we resolve 3 types of Co sites. The large T variation of their spin susceptibilities χs\chi ^{s} and the anisotropy of the orbital susceptibility χorb\chi ^{orb} allow us to conclude that charge disproportionation occurs, in a non magnetic Co3+^{3+} and two magnetic sites with about 0.3 and 0.7 holes in the t2gt_{2g} multiplet. The data are consistent with those for the single Co site in the anhydrous and HSC phase assuming the expected Co3.65+^{3.65+} charge.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Superconducting transition temperatures and coherence length in non s-wave pairing materials correlated with spin-fluctuation mediated interaction

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    Following earlier work on electron or hole liquids flowing through assemblies with magnetic fluctuations, we have recently exposed a marked correlation of the superconducting temperature Tc, for non s-wave pairing materials, with coherence length xi and effective mass m*. The very recent study of Abanov et al. [Europhys. Lett. 54, 488 (2001)] and the prior investigation of Monthoux and Lonzarich [Phys. Rev. B 59, 14598 (1999)] have each focussed on the concept of a spin-fluctuation temperature T_sf, which again is intimately related to Tc. For the d-wave pairing via antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the cuprates, these studies are brought into close contact with our own work, and the result is that k_B T_sf ~ hbar^2 / m* xi^2. This demonstrates that xi is also determined by such antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuation mediated pair interaction. The coherence length in units of the lattice spacing is then essentially given in the cuprates as the square root of the ratio of two characteristic energies, namely: the kinetic energy of localization of a charge carrier of mass m* in a specified magnetic correlation length to the hopping energy. The quasi-2D ruthenate Sr_2RuO_4, with Tc ~ 1.3 K, has p-wave spin-triplet pairing and so is also briefly discussed here.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Revealing the nature of central emission nebulae in the dwarf galaxy NGC 185

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    In this paper we present new optical observations of the galaxy NGC 185 intended to reveal the status of supernova remnants (SNRs) in this dwarf companion of the Andromeda galaxy. Previously, it was reported that this galaxy hosts one SNR. Our deep photometric study with the 2m telescope at Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory using narrow-band Hα\alpha and [SII] filters revealed complex structure of the interstellar medium in the center of the galaxy. To confirm the classification and to study the kinematics of the detected nebulae, we carried out spectroscopic observations using the SCORPIO multi-mode spectrograph at the 6m telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science, both in low- and high-resolution modes. We also searched the archival X-ray and radio data for counterparts of the candidate SNRs identified by our optical observations. Our observations imply the presence of one more SNR, one possible HII region previously cataloged as part of an SNR, and the presence of an additional source of shock ionization in one low-brightness PN. We detected enhanced [SII]/H_alpha and [NII]/H_alpha line ratios, as well as relatively high (up to 90 km s1^{-1}) expansion velocities of the two observed nebulae, motivating their classification as SNRs (with diameters of 45 pc and 50 pc), confirmed by both photometric and spectral observations. The estimated electron density of emission nebulae is 30 - 200 cm3^{-3}. Archival XMM-Newton observations indicate the presence of an extended, low-brightness, soft source in projection of one of the optical SNRs, whereas the archival VLA radio image shows weak, unresolved emission in the center of NGC 185.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Observation of microbial carbonate build-ups growing at methane seeps near the upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone in the Black Sea

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    Extensive dredge sampling carried out in May-June 2004 in the deeper part of the Dnepr paleo-delta area (NW Black Sea) yielded for the first time chimney-shaped carbonate microbial build-ups, which occur at methane seeps close to upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone (~ 700 m). Carbonate samples taken with a benthic trawl represent fragments of the uppermost, middle and lowest parts of the build-up; they are similar morphologically to those found previously at the shallower and deeper methane seeps in the Black Sea. At the same time, the perforated, plate-like carbonates in the lowest parts of the build-up provide first indications that gas channels are formed during the earliest growth phase of these microbial structures. Stable carbon isotope analyses of the carbonates from the uppermost fragments gave the 5I3C values ranging from -33.7 to -36.6 %o, while the 813C values of the lowest fragments are significantly lighter, varying between -42.0 and -44.6 %o. Oxygen isotopic values also show differences between the samples from the uppermost part of the build-ups, which are composed of a mixture of aragonite and Mg-calcite (5180 = 0.7 to 0.94 %o), and the only Mg-calcite cemented thin slabs of lowest carbonates (5180 = 1.35 to 1.57 96o). The isotope data for carbon and oxygen suggests that carbonates formed as a result of anaerobic microbiological oxi­dation of methane supplied as a shallower-sourced fluid component from below. The difference in 513C and 5I80 values found in the upper and lowest parts of the build-ups may indicate that more carbon derived from seawater and less hydrate water are involved to the chimney formation during its growth, but this may be also a record of the long-term changes in the near-bottom environments related to evolution of salinity, temperature and anoxic conditions in the Black Sea

    Discrete Family of Dissipative Soliton Pairs in Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

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    We numerically investigate the formation of soliton pairs (bound states) in mode-locked fiber ring lasers. In the distributed model (complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation) we observe a discrete family of soliton pairs with equidistantly increasing peak separation. This family was identified by two alternative numerical schemes and the bound state instability was disclosed by a linear stability analysis. Moreover, similar families of unstable bound state solutions have been found in a more realistic lumped laser model with an idealized saturable absorber (instantaneous response). We show that a stabilization of these bound states can be achieved when the finite relaxation time of the saturable absorber is taken into account. The domain of stability can be controlled by varying this relaxation time

    Disturbances of electron density in the high latitude upper (F-region) ionosphere induced by X-mode HF pump waves from EISCAT UHF radar observations

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    The paper presents experimental results concerning disturbances of electron density in the high latitude ionosphere F-region, induced by powerfulHF radio waves (pump waves) with extraordinary (X-mode) polarization. The experiments were carried out at the EISCAT/Heating facility at Tromsø, Norway. The EISCAT UHF incoherent scatter radar (ISR), running at 930 MHz, co-located with a heating facility, was used to detect the disturbances of electron density. In the course of the experiments, the X-mode HF pump waves radiated into the F-region towards the magnetic zenith at different pump frequencies and ratios of the pump frequency to the critical frequency of the F2 layer.The effective radiated power was ERP = 360–820 MW. An increase in electron densities was found in a wide altitude range, giving rise to field-aligned ducts with enhanced electron density. The features and behavior of the ducts were investigated. It was revealed that the ducts are formed under quiet background geophysical conditions in a wide altitude range up to the upper altitude limit of EISCAT ISR measurements, when the pump frequencies were both below and above the critical frequency of the F2 layer (fH ≤ foF2 or fH > foF2). A plausible formation mechanism of the ducts is discussed.Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований возмущений электронной концентрацииNe в высокоширотной F-области ионосферы, вызванные воздействием мощных КВ-радиоволн необыкновенной (Х-мода) поляризации. Эксперименты выполнялись на КВ нагревном стенде EISCAT/ Heating в г. Тромсё, Норвегия при эффективной мощности излучения 360–820 МВт. В качестве средства диагностики возмущений Ne использовался EISCAT радар некогерентного рассеяния радиоволн (НР) на частоте 930 МГц, пространственно совмещенный с КВ нагревным стендом. Обнаружено возрастание Ne в широком диапазоне высот, которое формирует каналы повышенной электронной плотности, вытянутые вдоль магнитного поля Земли. Исследованы характеристики и условия создания каналов. Обсуждается возможный механизм формирования каналов Ne при Х-нагреве высокоширотной F-области ионосферы

    Microbial carbonate build-ups at methane seeps near the upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone in the Black Sea: results of EU project CRIMEA

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    Extensive dredging carried out in May-June 2004 in the deeper parts of the Dnepr paleo-delta area (NW Black Sea) yielded for the first time chimney-shaped carbonate microbial build-ups, which occur at methane seeps close to upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone (~ 700 m). Carbonate samples taken with a benthic trawl represent fragments of the uppermost, middle and lowest parts of the build-up, which are similar to those found previously at the shallower and deeper methane seeps in the Black Sea. At the same time, the holed, plate-like carbonates in the lowest parts of the build-up provide first indications that gas channels are formed during the earliest growth phase of these microbial structures. Stable carbon isotope analyses of the carbonates from the uppermost fragments gave the d13C values ranging from -33.7 to -36.6 pro mil, while the d13C values of the lowermost fragments are significantly lighter, varying between -42.0 and -44.6 pro mil. Both these types of carbonates indicate that a major portion of the carbonate carbon originates from bacterial oxidation of the seeping methane. Oxygen isotopic values also show differences between the more irregular and porous samples from the uppermost part of the build-up, which are composed of a mixture of aragonite and Mg-calcite (d18O = 0.7 to 0.94 pro mil, and the only Mg-calcite cemented thin slabs of lowermost carbonates (d18O = 1.35 to 1.57 pro mil. The difference in d13C/d18O ratio found in the upper and lower parts of the build-up may reflect the changing of the water temperature and salinity during the chimney growth