2,108 research outputs found

    Modelling background charge rearrangements near single-electron transistors as a Poisson process

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    Background charge rearrangements in metallic single-electron transistors are modelled in two-level tunnelling systems as a Poisson process with a scale parameter as only variable. The model explains the recent observation of asymmetric Coulomb blockade peak spacing distributions in metallic single-electron transistors. From the scale parameter we estimate the average size of the tunnelling systems, their density of states, and the height of their energy barrier. We conclude that the observed background charge rearrangements predominantly take place in the substrate of the single-electron transistor.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figures, used epl.cls macro include

    Non-critical string pentagon equations and their solutions

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    We derive pentagon type relations for the 3-point boundary tachyon correlation functions in the non-critical open string theory with generic c_{matter} < 1 and study their solutions in the case of FZZ branes. A new general formula for the Liouville 3-point factor is derived.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac; misprints corrected, section 3.2 extended, a new general formula for the Liouville 3-point factor adde

    Texturizzazione laser della lega di magnesio AZ31 per migliorare l’adesione nelle applicazioni biomedicali

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    "Laser surface texturing of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy to improve adhesion in biomedical application Cardiovascular stent have assumed a primary role to solve heart problems related to constraints that lead to the malfunctioning of a hollow organ. The research is shifting more and more towards the creations of less invasive stent having biocompatibility and biodegradability as primary requirements. Metal that best meets both these requirements and also the structural ones is Magnesium and its alloys. The greatest limit to the use of this material comes from its low corrosion resistance that it is manifested at the body pH. The idea at the basis of this work is to cover the Magnesium stent with a biodegradable polymer to increase its resistance to corrosion. The following paper focuses the study on the texturing surface treatments, achievable by a laser beam, in order to optimize the adhesion between the substrate and the polymer. The Magnesium alloy used is AZ31. Studies of surface modification through the mechanisms of the remelting and microdrilling by laser have been performed on the AZ31 surface. The characterization of the selected surfaces in terms of roughness variations, changes in wettability, oxides formation and geometry of the obtained structures, led to the identification of a limited number of conditions that will be further investigated.

    Higher-Dimensional Twistor Transforms using Pure Spinors

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    Hughston has shown that projective pure spinors can be used to construct massless solutions in higher dimensions, generalizing the four-dimensional twistor transform of Penrose. In any even (Euclidean) dimension d=2n, projective pure spinors parameterize the coset space SO(2n)/U(n), which is the space of all complex structures on R^{2n}. For d=4 and d=6, these spaces are CP^1 and CP^3, and the appropriate twistor transforms can easily be constructed. In this paper, we show how to construct the twistor transform for d>6 when the pure spinor satisfies nonlinear constraints, and present explicit formulas for solutions of the massless field equations.Comment: 17 pages harvmac tex. Modified title, abstract, introduction and references to acknowledge earlier papers by Hughston and other

    Singular vectors by Fusions in affine su(2)

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    Explicit expressions for the singular vectors in the highest weight representations of A1(1)A_1^{(1)} are obtained using the fusion formalism of conformal field theory.Comment: 7 page

    Estimativa dos valores de saldo de radiação e fluxo de calor no solo em diferentes condições antrópicas na bacia do rio Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.

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    Use change and land cover has significant influence on energy flows. Thus, this study aimed to compare the net radiation and soil heat flux on two dates, 19/07/1984 and 25/06/2010 from a locality of river basin Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. To develop the study, an algorithm Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) allowing the estimation of energy flows according to the cover. The model was applied in the study area in a sequence of steps, where the outcome of interest was the net radiation at the surface and the flow of heat in the soil. The results show that on average the net radiation was greater in the scene where the predominant areas of forest, 19/07/1984, since the albedo of the vegetation is lower than in surface of bare ground or with less dense vegetation as observed in the scene 25/06/2010. The values of soil heat flux are larger at the scene of 25/06/2010 and occupy a larger surface due to human action. This shows that the replacement of forest for agriculture, grazing and urbanization are causing decrease the net radiation and increase the flow of heat in the soil, thereby increasing the emission of long wave radiation that affect the surface temperature, air temperature and the hydrological cycle

    Quantum matrix algebra for the SU(n) WZNW model

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    The zero modes of the chiral SU(n) WZNW model give rise to an intertwining quantum matrix algebra A generated by an n x n matrix a=(a^i_\alpha) (with noncommuting entries) and by rational functions of n commuting elements q^{p_i}. We study a generalization of the Fock space (F) representation of A for generic q (q not a root of unity) and demonstrate that it gives rise to a model of the quantum universal enveloping algebra U_q(sl_n), each irreducible representation entering F with multiplicity 1. For an integer level k the complex parameter q is an even root of unity, q^h=-1 (h=k+n) and the algebra A has an ideal I_h such that the factor algebra A_h = A/I_h is finite dimensional.Comment: 48 pages, LaTeX, uses amsfonts; final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Emission from Water Vapor and Absorption from Other Gases at 5-7.5 Microns in Spitzer-IRS Spectra of Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present spectra of 13 T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region showing emission in Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) 5-7.5 micron spectra from water vapor and absorption from other gases in these stars' protoplanetary disks. Seven stars' spectra show an emission feature at 6.6 microns due to the nu_2 = 1-0 bending mode of water vapor, with the shape of the spectrum suggesting water vapor temperatures > 500 K, though some of these spectra also show indications of an absorption band, likely from another molecule. This water vapor emission contrasts with the absorption from warm water vapor seen in the spectrum of the FU Orionis star V1057 Cyg. The other six of the thirteen stars have spectra showing a strong absorption band, peaking in strength at 5.6-5.7 microns, which for some is consistent with gaseous formaldehyde (H2CO) and for others is consistent with gaseous formic acid (HCOOH). There are indications that some of these six stars may also have weak water vapor emission. Modeling of these stars' spectra suggests these gases are present in the inner few AU of their host disks, consistent with recent studies of infrared spectra showing gas in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, to appear in the 20 August, 2014, V791 - 2 issue of the Astrophysical Journa
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