205 research outputs found

    Surface properties of SmB6 from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    We have investigated the properties of cleaved SmB6_6 single crystals by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. At low temperatures and freshly cleaved samples a surface core level shift is observed which vanishes when the temperature is increased. A Sm valence between 2.5 - 2.6 is derived from the relative intensities of the Sm2+^{2+} and Sm3+^{3+} multiplets. The B/Sm intensity ratio obtained from the core levels is always larger than the stoichiometric value. Possible reasons for this deviation are discussed. The B 1s1s signal shows an unexpected complexity: an anomalous low energy component appears with increasing temperature and is assigned to the formation of a suboxide at the surface. While several interesting intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the SmB6_6 surface are elucidated in this manuscript no clear indication of a trivial mechanism for the prominent surface conductivity is found

    Paramagnetic Meissner effect in ZrB12 single crystal with non-monotonic vortex-vortex interactions

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    The magnetic response related to paramagnetic Meissner effect (PME) is studied in a high quality single crystal ZrB12 with non-monotonic vortex-vortex interactions. We observe the expulsion and penetration of magnetic flux in the form of vortex clusters with increasing temperature. A vortex phase diagram is constructed which shows that the PME can be explained by considering the interplay among the flux compression, the different temperature dependencies of the vortex-vortex and the vortex-pin interactions, and thermal fluctuations. Such a scenario is in good agreement with the results of the magnetic relaxation measurements.Comment: accepted by New Journal of Physic

    Magnetic-field and doping dependence of low-energy spin fluctuations in the antiferroquadrupolar compound Ce(1-x)La(x)B(6)

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    CeB(6) is a model compound exhibiting antiferroquadrupolar (AFQ) order, its magnetic properties being typically interpreted within localized models. More recently, the observation of strong and sharp magnetic exciton modes forming in its antiferromagnetic (AFM) state at both ferromagnetic and AFQ wave vectors suggested a significant contribution of itinerant electrons to the spin dynamics. Here we investigate the evolution of the AFQ excitation upon the application of an external magnetic field and the substitution of Ce with non-magnetic La, both parameters known to suppress the AFM phase. We find that the exciton energy decreases proportionally to T_N upon doping. In field, its intensity is suppressed, while its energy remains constant. Its disappearance above the critical field of the AFM phase is preceded by the formation of two modes, whose energies grow linearly with magnetic field upon entering the AFQ phase. These findings suggest a crossover from itinerant to localized spin dynamics between the two phases, the coupling to heavy-fermion quasiparticles being crucial for a comprehensive description of the magnon spectrum.Comment: Extended version with a longer introduction and an additional figure. 6 pages and 5 figure
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