9 research outputs found

    Indicators of the cytokine system in practically healthy women of different ages and interrelation with the emotional state

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    Numerous studies show the role of the cytokine network in the pathogenesis of anxiety and depression. However, at present, studies of the correlation between the levels of pro-inflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines and the level of emotional stress are rather few. The aim of the study was to analyze the serum levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and the emotional state in apparently healthy women depending on age. Serum levels were tested IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, IFNγ, IL-10 and IL-4 in 100 apparently healthy women, who were divided into 3 groups depending on age (WHO): 18-44 (young age) 30 people, 45-59 (middle age) 40 people, 60-74 (old age) 30 people (sandwich variant of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, pg/mL). To assess the emotional component of health, all the subjects passed the questionnaire SF-36 “Assessment of the quality of life”. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the analytical software IBM SPSS Statistics, 22.0. In practically healthy women, an increase in the values of IL-1β and IL-6 was found in the elderly group (p < 0.05), while no differences were found between the groups of young and middle age. The level of IFNγ in all age groups of women did not differ significantly. At the same time, in the elderly group, the levels of IFNγ in 40% ranged from 1.04 to 8.76 pg/mL, and in 60% of women – from 24.85 to 28.5 pg/mL. IL-17 was also high (p < 0.05-0.01) in the group of women aged 60-74. In the anti-inflammatory link, the opposite picture was observed, for example, in young and middle-aged women, the levels of IL-10 and IL-4 were higher than in the elderly group. Thus, the analysis made it possible to state that the parameters of the cytokine profile and emotional state in women are associated with age

    Система матриксных металлопротеиназ при герпетическом уретрите

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    В статье представлены результаты исследования системы матриксных металлопротеиназ на системном и локальном уровнях у мужчин с герпесвирусной инфекцией, и определен деструктивный потенциал системы металлопротеиназ на системном и локальном уровнях

    Status Epilepticus — the Role of Cholinergic Mechanisms

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    Proceedings of the 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference «Stress and Behavior» Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 16–19 May 2005.Epilepsy is the result of highly complex structural, biochemical, electrophysiological changes these occur at various level not only within the brain but also in the entire body. Status epilepticus (SE) is the most dangerous increasing of pathological activity of brain leading to loss of the consciousness and failure of all regulations of vital functions on the border of survival. After investigation by W.A. Turski (1983) and E.A. Cavalherio (1991, 1995) this model of SE is reminiscent of that human temporal lobe epilepsies which often begins thith prolonged SE in infancy and develops with recurrent seizures in later life. Li-pilcarpine model is a model of partial limbic seizures that progress to secondary generalized SE. The epileptogenic effect of cholinergic agents depend on the fascilitation of burst discharges in hippocampal pyramidal neurons by means a block of the K+ transmembrane current. Super-activation of neurons of hippocamp during pilocarpine-induced SE leads to cell death. Seizures-related excitoxicity involves glutamate receptors and Ca2+ influx. (Avanzini, Fariello, 1997). The EEG is helpful in further dividing SE into those that are generalized from onset, or have a partial onset. The investigation of thresholds and time of SE duration in Li-pilocarpine model has to deal not only with blockade of muscarinic (M1-M5) cholinergic receptors but also with the general problem of GABAA receptors desensitization. The aims of our study were: 1) to compare the special feature of LiCl-pilocarpine SE in the Wistar rats and Guinea pigs; 2) to evaluate the correlation between neocortex EEG patterns of brain and behavioral manifestation of fits (videorecord); 3) the investigation of condition of developing chronical epilepsy. The lithium-pilcarpine model was studied in vivo in guinea pig and rat (adult and pups). The animals were operated (deep farmotal narcosis) and chronicle silver electrodes implanted in cortex and hippocamp using the atlases of rat brain (Fifkova, Marshall, 1962) and Guinea pig brain (Rapisarda, Bacchelli, 1977). Protocol in rats (P.Mares, H.Kubova, 1964): 1 day before rat were injected an aqueous solution of LiCl (3mmol/kg i.p. Acros’) and 24 h later pilocarpine HCl (40 mg/kg i.p. Acros) made in saline, experimental SE was stopped by paraldehyde (0.6 mg/kg). Protocol in Guinea pigs (M.de Curtis): 1 day before Guinea pigs were injected an aqueous solution of LiCl (127 mg/kg, i.p.) and 24 h later scopolamine 1 mg/kg, pilocarpine HCl (55 or 100 mg/kg i.p.) made in saline, experimental SE was stopped by diazepam (10 mg/kg). PTZ (Sigma) injected i.p. by a modified method (25 mg/kg x 3) or bolus injection of 100 mg/kg. Control registration of basic EEG was performed during interictal periods for evaluation of chronic epileptogenesis. Motor seizures evaluated with presently accepted scale of motor convulsions in rats. The guinea pigs as shown are more sensitive to epileptogenes. The survival of animals after SE was the main problem of developing of chronicle epilepsy. Immediately blocking of SE by diazepam is required after clonic-tonic stage. These animals could be save during long tiome after several SE and for the further analysis of brain damage by MRI. In rats the character of epileptics seizures in developing brain and adult brain of rats were investigated. The lines of modulation and inhibition epileptics statues by sacricine and intranasal application of neuropeptide thyroliberin in ultra-low doses are demonstrated. The short-term changes (signal regulated kinase signaling cascade, Kv4.2potassium channels) and the long-term changes (loss of selective type of interneurons, excitatory circuits by mossy fiber sprouting) that promotion the epileptic state and recurrent seizures in limbic structure are connected with cholinergic mechanisms. The study was supported by Cariplo Foundation, Landau Network — Centro Volta, Italy

    Clinical and X-ray diagnostic criteria for maxillofacial damage in children with juvenile limited scleroderma

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    The objective of our study was to improve the diagnosis of maxillofacial lesions in children with juvenile scleroderma. We performed a dental examination of 41 children from 4 to 17 years old with juvenile scleroderma. Based on the clinical X-ray examination we identified the main diagnostic signs of the maxillofacial damage in children with juvenile scleroderma, including partial hemiatrophy, plaque or linear facial lesions, reduced salivation, atrophic glossitis, plaque spots of mucous tongue atrophy, ischemia or shortening of the sublingual bridle, local recession of the gums of the lower jaw, dystopia and tooth supraposition, disocclusion, delay teething, spontaneous resorption of the permanent teeth roots, one-sided delay in the development of jaw bones. Using this complex of symptoms a dentist at the first visit can pre-diagnose scleroderma, which is especially important for the selection of adequate methods of treatment and prevention


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    The theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the econometric approach to making managerial decisions in a crisis at the micro and macro levels are highlighted. Theoretical aspects determine the basic categories of the research problem: managerial decision, stages of managerial decision-making to determine the feasibility of using econometric methods, crisis and crisis phenomena, econometric approach. The specifics of making managerial decisions in a crisis at the micro and macro levels have been determined; the characteristic features, areas of problem solving and methods for solving managerial problems are considered, depending on the level of their formalization. Practical aspects highlight the rationale for the use of econometric methods at the stage of problem identification: identification of crisis phenomena in the relevant areas; a quantitative analysis of the crisis made it possible to identify and determine the imbalances. The advantages and disadvantages of the econometric approach to managerial decision-making are determined; general econometric methods of substantiating managerial decisions and their consequences are described. The features and advantages of Data-driven decision-making over Highest Paid Person's Opinion are determined; the types of information and analytical support of managerial decisions and the methods used for its formation are determined. The author's understanding of the concepts "econometric approach to managerial decision making", "information and analytical support of managerial decisions" is proposed. Practical aspects highlight the feasibility of using econometric methods and at the stage of justifying managerial decisions – the use of econometric methods in accordance with the scope of application, taking into account its specificity and state: a matrix "economic security – standard of living – innovative development" has been developed to justify the decision on the application of strategies to ensure economic security through changes in the level of innovative development and the standard of living of the population of the region (transformation strategy, innovative development strategy, human development strategy and growth strategy) on the basis of correlation-regression analysis, calculation of partial elasticity coefficients, a potentially most effective variant of reconfiguring the functional components of the innovation infrastructure was established; a model of authentic management of the development of the Ukrainian tourist services market has been developed, which assumes the use of specific mechanisms of authentic management and accounting for the authenticity of the cultural and historical resources of local tourism markets, the asymmetry of infrastructural and socio-economic development of markets, the spatial polarization of the location of climatic and recreational factors of local tourist markets; based on the results of the taxonomic analysis of the state of the hotel and restaurant industry, managerial solutions were proposed for the implementation of the strategy for the development of the hotel and restaurant industry for the coming period, including activities at the national level and at the level of individual business entities; an algorithm for making optimal decisions based on the development of the innovative potential of personnel has been developed: defining the problems of enterprise development; search for the reasons for the retardation of the development of the enterprise; determination of the reasons for the retardation of the development of the enterprise; determination of optimal solutions depending on the formulated problem; development of recommendations for achieving strategic goals, based on the construction of a "tree of opportunities"; a cognitive map (graph) of the process of making strategic decisions in the sphere of making strategic changes at mining and processing enterprises was built taking into account the influence of the following concepts: goals of strategic changes; the goals of the enterprise strategy implementation; the duration of the change lag; the level of encouragement of the team of changes; threshold opportunities for strategic change; unique opportunities for strategic change; average opportunities for strategic change; sufficiency of the potential for strategic changes; resistance to change; fiduciary corporate culture