2,355 research outputs found

    How will disenfranchised Peoples adapt to Climate Change? Strengthening the Ecojustice Movement

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    The Fourth assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acknowledged That millions of people are currently, and will increasingly be, affected by the impacts of climate change, in the form of floods, droughts and other extreme events, as well as related threats to food security. In response to these global environmental changes, the international community, including civil society, is acting on the need for immediate adaptation measures and is developing strategies for future adaptation. However, the impacts of climate change are unevenly distributed, with many of the poorest, most vulnerable peoples experiencing the immediate effects of climate change, in the here and now. As the IPCC noted, developing countries are disproportionately affected by climate change and often, the least able to adapt due to lack of infrastructure and resources

    Medical information prior to invasive medical procedures in otorhinolaryngology–head and neck surgery in France

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    SummaryBased on a review of the medical literature (PubMed database, keywords: medical information, informed consent), the authors analyse the main medicolegal aspects concerning the patient information that must be provided in France prior to any invasive diagnostic or therapeutic medical procedures in otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery, as well as the patient's perception and recall of the information provided, the quality of the information provided and problems encountered in providing this information. In the light of this review, several solutions are recommended to improve this essential phase prior to obtaining the patient's informed consent

    Effect of the Structure of Amido-polynitrogen Molecules on the Complexation of Actinides

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    AbstractThe complexation and solvent extraction of Eu(III) and actinides in different oxidation states (Am(III), Pu(IV), Np(V)) by bitopic molecules with a dipyridyl-phenanthroline cycle as nitrogen unit and one or two amido functions are described. The complexation has been studied in methanol-water solution with hydrophilic molecules to enhance knowledge about this new family of ligands and to identify the most interesting structural effect. Some extraction tests have been performed with lipophilic molecules of the family to check the possible utility of the new class of ligands under representative fuel reprocessing conditions. These first studies have demonstrated that the presence of a preorganized N-donors unit like dipyridyl-phenanthroline improves the ligand's affinity for actinides and its An/Ln selectivity

    Can grid cell ensembles represent multiple spaces?

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    The way grid cells represent space in the rodent brain has been a striking discovery, with theoretical implications still unclear. Di\u21b5erently from hippocampal place cells, which are known to encode multiple, environment-dependent spatial maps, grid cells have been widely believed to encode space through a single low dimensional manifold, in which coactivity relations between di\u21b5erent neurons are preserved when the environment is changed. Does it have to be so? Here, we compute \u2013 using two alternative mathematical models \u2013 the storage capacity of a population of grid-like units, embedded in a continuous attractor neural network, for multiple spatial maps. We show that distinct representations of multiple environments can coexist, as existing models for grid cells have the potential to express several sets of hexagonal grid patterns, challenging the view of a universal grid map. This suggests that a population of grid cells can encode multiple non-congruent metric relationships, a feature that could in principle allow a grid-like code to represent environments with a variety of di\u21b5erent geometries and possibly conceptual and cognitive spaces, which may be expected to entail such context-dependent metric relationships

    Coherent excitation of a nonlinear microcavity

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    Coherent excitation of a nonlinear semiconductor microcavity is theoretically reported. It intends to counterbalance the frequency drift ofthe cavity resonance driven by the nonlinear refractive effects, which causes a limitation in the energy coupling efficiency of an input pulseinto the cavity resonance. We show that exciting such a nonlinear microcavity with tailored chirped pulses allows to maintain the benefit oflight localization and to further enhance light-matter interactions, opening the way to the realization of highly efficient nonlinear devices

    Methodological enhancements in MDO process investigated in the AGILE European project

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    This paper presents methodological investigations performed in research activities in the field of MDO in overall aircraft design in the ongoing EU funded research project AGILE. AGILE is developing the next generation of aircraft Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization processes, which target significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time to market, leading to cheaper and greener aircraft solutions. The paper introduces the AGILE project structure and describes the achievements of the 1st year (Design Campaign 1) leading to a reference distributed MDO system. A focus is then made on the different novel optimization techniques studied during the 2nd year, all willing to ease the optimization of complex work flows, characterized by high degree of discipline interdependencies, high number of design variables in the context of multi-level and multi-partner collaborative engineering projects. Then the implementation of these methods in the enhanced MDO framework is discussed

    Fourier transformed picosecond synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator without spectral filtering element

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    An optical parametric oscillator for the infrared region pumped by a picosecond Ti:Sapphire laser is demonstrated. Fourier transform limited pulses of 15 and 10 ps, for signal and idler wavelengths respectively, have been obtained using a periodically poled stoechiometric lithium tantalate nonlinear crystal, without any spectral filtering. A complete experimental study of the influence of the cavity length detuning on the spectral and temporal dynamic of the output radiation is discussed
