13 research outputs found

    The use of flavonoid glycosides in the therapy of papillomavirus genital infection in women

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    The aim of the work was to assess the clinical efficacy of flavonoid glycoside derivatives in the therapy of benign and precancerous cervical disease. The study has been performed in Oblast Teaching Hospital of Odessa in 2010–2013. The study enrolled 80 women of reproductive age (mean age 28.4 ± 0.2 years) with confirmed mild to moderate cervical epithelial neoplasia (the main group) and 30 apparently healthy women assessed during prophylactic health check-ups. Human papillomavirus has been quantified in fixed preparations using a standard technique of real-time PCR. Immunohistochemical testing for CD1a was performed with murine monoclonal antibodies diluted 1:25. All of the female patients had dysplasia of squamous cervical epithelium, including CIN I in 27 (54.0 %) cases, CIN II in 15 (30.0 %) cases and CIN III in 8 (16.0 %) cases. In a setting of dysplasia, some of the patients had other genital disease. In 84.5 % of cases, human papillomavirus belonged to the А9 group (types 16, 31, 33, 35, 52 and 58). Using Proteflazid as a part of multimodality treatment had reduced the viral burden of genital papillomavirus infection (by 3.0 lg D50) and facilitated the increase in numbers of antigen-presenting cells. In terms of virustatic and anti-relapse effects, standard therapy was inferior to multimodality regimen with Proteflazid

    Electrochemical investigation of cellobiose dehydrogenase from new fungal sources on Au electrodes

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    Following previous electrochemical investigations of cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH), the present investigation reports on the initial screening of the electrochemistry of three new CDHs, two from the white rot basidiomycetes Trametes villosa and Phanerochaete sordida and one from the soft rot ascomycete Myriococcum thermophilum, for their ability to directly exchange electrons with 10 different alkanethiol-modified Au electrodes. Direct electron transfer (DET) between the enzymes and some of the modified Au electrodes was shown, both, in the presence and in the absence of cellobiose. However, the length and the head functionality of the alkanethiols drastically influenced the efficiency of the DET reaction and also influenced the effect of pH on the biocatalyfic/redox currents, suggesting the importance of structural/sequence differences between these CDH enzymes. In this respect, the white rot CDHs exhibit excellent biocatalytic and redox currents, whereas for the soft rot CDH the DET communication is much less efficient. Cyclic voltammograms indicate that the heme domain of the CDHs is the part of the enzymes that most readily exchanges electrons with the electrode. However, for R sordida CDH on 11-mercaptoundecanol or dithiopropionic acid-modified Au electrodes, a second voltammetric wave was noticed suggesting that for some orientations of the enzyme, DET communication with the FAD cofactor can also be obtained. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Catalytic properties of xanthine oxidase immobilized on carbon materials

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    335-338The kinetics of catalysis by xanthine oxidase (XOD) immobilized on soot on the oxidation of xanthine obeys the laws of enzyme kinetics. The kinetics of catalysis with immobilized XOD has been determined by calculation of the rate constant (k), the constant of Michaelis (Km), the maximum reaction rate (V), the energy of activation (Ea) and pre-exponential factor (Z0). The values of the kinetic parameters depend on the nature of the adsorbent. The mechanism of action of the enzyme in the immobilized state has been explained on the basis of the calculated isobaric-isothermal potential of activation (ΔG+), enthalpy of activation(ΔH+) and entropy of activation (ΔS+). The polarographic measurements on the electrooxidation of hydrogen peroxide formed in enzymatic oxidation of xanthine with immobilized XOD have provided the evidence that the rate limiting is due to electrochemical polarisation


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    Abstract. Common polymorphisms of interleukin-1β, receptor antagonist interleukin-1, and interleukin-4 genes have been studied among the patients with rheumatoid arthritis of Bashkir origin, living in Chelyabinsk Region. As a result of study, an increased frequency of interleukin-1β homozygosity for a high-producer allele was found. An association has been revealed between the homozygosity for 2-repeat allele of interleukin-4, and the age of disease onset

    Membrane-Less Biofuel Cell Based on Cellobiose Dehydrogenase (Anode)/Laccase (Cathode) Wired via Specific Os-Redox Polymers

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    A membrane-free biofuel cell (BFC) is reported based on enzymes wired to graphite electrodes by means of Os-complex modified redox polymers. For the anode cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is used as a biocatalyst whereas for the cathode a laccase was applied. This laccase is a high-potential laccase and hence able to reduce O-2 to H2O at a formal potential higher than +500 mV versus Ag/AgCl. In order to establish efficient electrochemical contact between the enzymes and graphite electrodes electrodeposition polymers containing Os-complex with specifically designed monomer compositions and formal potentials of the coordinatively bound Os-complex were synthesised and used to wire the enzymes to the electrodes. The newly designed CDH/Os-redox polymer anode was characterised at different pH values and optimised with respect to the nature of the polymer and the enzyme-to-polymer ratio. The resulting BFC was evaluated running on beta-lactose as a fuel and air/O-2 as an oxidising agent. The power output, the maximum current density and the electromotor force (E-emf) were found to be affected by the pH value, resulting in a maximum power output of 1.9 mu W cm(-2) reached at pH 4.3, a maximum current density of about 13 mu A cm(-2) at pH 3.5, and the highest E-emf approaching 600 mV at pH 4.0

    Direct electron transfer between ligninolytic redox enzymes and electrodes

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    The electrochemistry of the ligninolytic redox enzymes, which include lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase and possibly also cellobiose dehydrogenase, is reviewed and discussed in conjunction with their basic biochemical characteristics. It is shown that long-range electron transfer between these enzymes and electrodes can be established and their ability to degrade lignin through a direct electron transfer mechanism is discussed

    Поширеність і інтенсивність стоматологічної патології у хворих на цукровий діабет

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    Изучали распространенность и интенсивность стоматологической патологии (кариес, заболевания пародонта и слизистой оболочки полости рта) у больных диабетом в зависимости от стажа заболевания, а также гендерных различий. На основании проведенных исследований было установлено, что чем больше стаж заболевания, тем меньше выделяется слюны и увеличивается распространенность стоматологической патологии. Последнее напрямую связано с уменьшением слюнообразования (снижение функции слюнных желез). Гендерные различия относительно развития основных стоматологических заболеваний у больных сахарным диабетом являются несущественными.Вивчали поширеність й інтенсивність стоматологічної патології (карієс, захворювання пародонту й слизової оболонки порожнини рота) у хворих діабетом залежно від стажу захворювання, а також статевих відмінностей . На підставі проведених досліджень було встановлено, що чим більше стаж захворювання, тим менше виділяється слини й збільшується поширеність стоматологічної патології. Останнє прямо пов'язане зі зменшенням слиноутворення (зниження функції слинних залоз). Статеві відмінності щодо розвитку основних стоматологічних захворювань у хворих цукровим діабетом є несуттєвими.The spread and intensity of the dental pathology (caries, diseases of periodontium and oral mucous membrane) in patients with diabetes depending on the duration of the disease, as well as on sex difference, were studied. On the grounds of the investigations, it was revealed that the longer the disease, the less saliva is exuded and the spread of the dental pathology grows. The latter is directly connected to the reduction of salivation (decrease in the function of salivary glands). Sex difference relative to the development of the main dental diseases in patients with diaetes mellitus is insignificant. The study of the frequency and the intensity of stomatological pathology in patients with diabetes mellitus depending on the continuance of the disease and gender differences 26 patients at the age of 22-65 years old (12 men and 14 women), followed-up by endocrinologist, took part in the investigations. The speed of salivation in the patients was studied without stimulation of salivary glands – quiescence saliva and with stimulation (chewing gum during 10 minutes) – stimulation saliva. More obvious decrease in salivation of stimulation saliva was revealed. That means that even chewing stimulation of salivary glands do not result in considerable growth of the functional activity of salivary glands. This fact may speak of the reduction of salivation