709 research outputs found

    Freund-Rubin Revisited

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    We utilise the duality between M theory and Type IIA string theory to show the existence of Freund-Rubin compactifications of M theory on 7-manifolds with singularities supporting chiral fermions. This leads to a concrete way to study phenomenologically interesting quantum gravity vacua using a holographically dual three dimensional field theory.Comment: reference adde

    Rare Decay Modes of Quarter BPS Dyons

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    The degeneracy of quarter BPS dyons in N=4 supersymmetric string theories is known to jump across walls of marginal stability on which a quarter BPS dyon can decay into a pair of half BPS dyons. We show that as long as the electric and magnetic charges of the original dyon are primitive elements of the charge lattice, the subspaces of the moduli space on which a quarter BPS dyon becomes marginally unstable against decay into a pair of quarter BPS dyons or a half BPS dyon and a quarter BPS dyon are of codimension two or more. As a result any pair of generic points in the moduli space can be connected by a path avoiding these subspaces and there is no jump in the spectrum associated with these subspaces.Comment: LaTeX file, 9 pages; v2: a minor logical error corrected with no change in the result

    Constructible motivic functions and motivic integration

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    We introduce a direct image formalism for constructible motivic functions. One deduces a very general version of motivic integration for which a change of variables theorem is proved. These constructions are generalized to the relative framework, in which we develop a relative version of motivic integration. These results have been announced in math.AG/0403349 and math.AG/0403350. Main results and statements unchanged. Many minor slips corrected and some details added.Comment: Final versio

    Two Centered Black Holes and N=4 Dyon Spectrum

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    The exact spectrum of dyons in a class of N=4 supersymmetric string theories is known to change discontinuously across walls of marginal stability. We show that the change in the degeneracy across the walls of marginal stability can be accounted for precisely by the entropy of two centered small black holes which disappear as we cross the walls of marginal stability.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages; v3: added footnote 2 regarding overall sign of the index, expanded footnote 3, added reference

    Integration over a space of non-parametrized arcs, and motivic analogues of the monodromy zeta function

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    Notions of integration of motivic type over the space of arcs factorized by the natural C*-action and over the space of nonparametrized arcs (branches) are developed. As an application, two motivic versions of the zeta function of the classical monodromy transformation of a germ of an analytic function on ℂd are given that correspond to these notions. Another key ingredient in the construction of these motivic versions of the zeta function is the use of the so-called power structure over the Grothendieck ring of varieties introduced by the authors

    Signals of Inflation in a Friendly String Landscape

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    Following Freivogel {\it et al} we consider inflation in a predictive (or `friendly') region of the landscape of string vacua, as modeled by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Kachru. In such a region the dimensionful coefficients of super-renormalizable operators unprotected by symmetries, such as the vacuum energy and scalar mass-squareds are freely scanned over, and the objects of study are anthropically or `environmentally' conditioned probability distributions for observables. In this context we study the statistical predictions of (inverted) hybrid inflation models, where the properties of the inflaton are probabilistically distributed. We derive the resulting distributions of observables, including the deviation from flatness 1Ω|1-\Omega|, the spectral index of scalar cosmological perturbations nsn_s (and its scale dependence dns/dlogkdn_s/d\log k), and the ratio of tensor to scalar perturbations rr. The environmental bound on the curvature implies a solution to the η\eta-problem of inflation with the predicted distribution of (1ns)(1-n_s) indicating values close to current observations. We find a relatively low probability (<3<3%) of `just-so' inflation with measurable deviations from flatness. Intermediate scales of inflation are preferred in these models.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Dirac Action on M5 and M2 Branes with Bulk Fluxes

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    We derive an explicit form of the quadratic in fermions Dirac action on the M5 brane for an arbitrary on-shell background of 11D supergravity with non-vanishing fluxes and in presence of a chiral 2-form on M5. This action may be used to generalize the conditions for which the non-perturbative superpotential can be generated in M/string theory. We also derive the Dirac action with bulk fluxes on the M2 brane.Comment: 12 pages References adde

    More Bubbling Solutions

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    In this note we construct families of asymptotically flat, smooth, horizonless solutions with a large number of non-trivial two-cycles (bubbles) of N=1 five-dimensional supergravity with an arbitrary number of vector multiplets, which may or may not have the charges of a macroscopic black hole and which contain the known bubbling solutions as a sub-family. We do this by lifting various multi-center BPS states of type IIA compactified on Calabi-Yau three-folds and taking the decompactification (M-theory) limit. We also analyse various properties of these solutions, including the conserved charges, the shape, especially the (absence of) throat and closed timelike curves, and relate them to the various properties of the four-dimensional BPS states. We finish by briefly commenting on their degeneracies and their possible relations to the fuzzball proposal of Mathur et al.Comment: 36 pages, Latex; JHEP version, one appendix added, references adde

    Cooper pairing near charged black holes

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    We show that a quartic contact interaction between charged fermions can lead to Cooper pairing and a superconducting instability in the background of a charged asymptotically Anti-de Sitter black hole. For a massless fermion we obtain the zero mode analytically and compute the dependence of the critical temperature T_c on the charge of the fermion. The instability we find occurs at charges above a critical value, where the fermion dispersion relation near the Fermi surface is linear. The critical temperature goes to zero as the marginal Fermi liquid is approached, together with the density of states at the Fermi surface. Besides the charge, the critical temperature is controlled by a four point function of a fermionic operator in the dual strongly coupled field theory.Comment: 1+33 pages, 4 figure

    Best practice in police social media adaptation

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    Summary: Best Practice in Police Social Media Adaptation. This document describes best practice of European police forces in adapting social media. The description of these practices stems from a workshop series and other events where police ICT experts met with academics and industry experts; and from a study of the Twitter usage of British police forces during the 2011 riots. Grouped in nine categories, we describe different uses and implementation strategies of social media by police forces. Based on these examples, we show that there have been numerous ways in which police forces benefitted from adopting social media, ranging from improved information for investigations and an improved relationship with the public to a more efficient use of resources