917 research outputs found


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    Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes.Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes

    The Study of Thermal Reversibility of the Freezing-defrost Process of Browned Onion

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    The features and dynamics of the freezing-defrost processes of the studied sample of browned onion were established and studied. At the research it was revealed, that at freezing temperature –20 °С the value of maximal freezing speed does not change.The process of defrost of browned onion was carried out using calorimeter with the reverse connection on temperature and PID-regulator, on the temperature curve of its freezing. It was determined, that the process of defrost of the studied sample needs more heat that is educed at freezing. The modes of stepped defrost that testify to the possibility of thermal reversibility of freezing process were experimentally established.The direct dependence of educed and consumed heat quantity on the mode of thermal processing of studied sample was revealed. The more moisture was eliminated from the food product, the less heat must be consumed for defrost. The analogous dependence is typical also for the freezing process.The received data can be used for determination of the rational modes of freezing and defrost of the browned onion

    The experience of organizing and conducting internships at the enterprises of chtpz-group

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    The article describes the activities for the selection of potential interns and organization of internships. The main results of work with trainees from the perspective of their employment are givenОписываются мероприятия по отбору потенциальных стажеров и организации стажировок. Приводятся основные результаты работы со стажерами с позиций их трудоустройств

    Use of plastics in mechanical engineering

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    In the transition to a market economy saving of material resources becomes one of the most important tasks of every enterprise because material costs make up a large part of the costs of production on which the profit margin depends directly

    Use of plastics in mechanical engineering

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    In the transition to a market economy saving of material resources becomes one of the most important tasks of every enterprise because material costs make up a large part of the costs of production on which the profit margin depends directly


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    Aim. Studies on the role of autonomic disorders, changes of serum NEFA, glycerol, adenine nucleotides and violation fraction of the fatty acids of erythrocyte membranes in the development of cardiac arrhythmias in patients with chronic prostatitis. Methods. The study included 50 patients with chronic prostatitis, mean age 35 ± 5,6 years. Vegetative state is defined by: clinical evaluation of autonomic disorders, autonomic profiles and vegetative index Kerdo. Performed Holter ECG monitoring with analysis of heart rate variability. The blood was determined NEFA, glycerol, macroergs concentration and size distribution of higher fatty acids in red blood cells. Results. The majority of patients with chronic prostatitis on the questionnaire data revealed sympathotony manifested reduced the basic parameters of heart rate variability. In these patients have the syndrome disorders utilization of fatty acids, characterized by the accumulation in the blood NEFA while reducing the level of glycerol, and decreased ATP content in red blood cells and increased AMP. The greatest changes in the level and composition of free fatty acids in erythrocyte membranes as raising saturated and polyunsaturated reduction deal with chronic prostatitis with the activation of the sympathetic autonomous nervous system level. Among patients simpatotonikov often recorded supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, whereas patients-eytonik arrhythmias detected less frequently, and they are only a single supraventricular extrasystoles. Thus, long-term activation of the sympathetic nervous system in patients with chronic prostatitis, manifested by reduction of basic parameters of heart rate variability leads to a syndrome disorders utilization of fatty acids in the myocardium, the energy deficit and implement the lipolytic effect of catecholamines from the imbalance of the quality of the free fatty acids, which can be a trigger mechanism in the development of cardiac arrhythmias in these patients

    Anomalous Thermal Stability of Metastable C_20 Fullerene

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    The results of computer simulation of the dynamics of fullerene C_20 at different temperatures are presented. It is shown that, although it is metastable, this isomer is very stable with respect to the transition to a lower energy configuration and retains its chemical structure under heating to very high temperatures, T ~ 3000 K. Its decay activation energy is found to be E_a ~ 7 eV. Possible decay channels are studied, and the height of the minimum potential barrier to decay is determined to be U = 5.0 eV. The results obtained make it possible to understand the reasons for the anomalous stability of fullerene C_20 under normal conditions.Comment: Slightly corrected version of the paper submitted to Phys. Solid Stat

    Chitinolytic complex of serratia marcescens and peculiarities of its biosynthesis

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    The extracellular chitinolytic complex of Serratia marcescens Bú 211 ATCC 9986 was shown to include three proteins with molecular masses of 58, 52, and 45 kDa (chitinases A, B, and C, respectively). Chitinases A and B were separated from chitinase C and purified from protein admixtures by chromatography on chitin. Chitinase A possessed two isoforms with pI values of 6.25 and 4.85-5.25. Chitinase B had only one isoform with a pI of 4.85-5.25 and appeared to be an endochitinase. In the absence of chitin, the biosynthesis of extracellular chitinases was induced by mitomycin C (MC), an inducer of the SOS-response in cells. In the presence of chitin in the cultivation medium, MC increased the chitinase activity. MC induced the synthesis of all three extracellular chitinases, but not of chitobiase, whose biosynthesis was induced by the substrate. © 1997 MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing

    Role of Pedagogical Artistry in Increasing Level of School Tolerance

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    The impact of the teacher’s artistry on forming tolerance in the educational environment of the school is considered. Teacher-actor is opposed to the so-called “lessons giver” - the teacher considers himself bound only to teach students, but not to raise them. The analysis is made of modern scientific literature on the pedagogical artistry. It is found that artistic teaching makes students (and to some extent teachers themselves) more tolerant, but this happens indirectly through positive emotions, creating a comfortable learning atmosphere. The link between the style of interaction between teacher and students and pedagogical level of artistry is revealed, the methods conducive to the development of this quality are considered. The study is particularly relevant in connection with the transition to inclusive education, established by the Federal law “On education in Russian Federation.” The novelty of this work is to present the fundamentals of the author’s theoretical-practical course “Acting skills in the practice of school teacher” and the commentaries thereto, prepared by one of the authors of the article - a teacher-practitioner with two higher educations: pedagogical and acting. The authors come to the conclusion that the students of pedagogical specialties should be trained in the artistry not by the Stanislavsky system, but by the system of V. Meyerhold and B. Brecht