594 research outputs found

    Sharp thresholds of blow-up and global existence for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system

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    In this paper, we establish two new types of invariant sets for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger system on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, and derive two sharp thresholds of blow-up and global existence for its solution. Some analogous results for the nonlinear Schrodinger system posed on the hyperbolic space Hn\mathbb{H}^n and on the standard 2-sphere S2\mathbb{S}^2 are also presented. Our arguments and constructions are improvements of some previous works on this direction. At the end, we give some heuristic analysis about the strong instability of the solitary waves.Comment: 21 page

    On the high-low method for NLS on the hyperbolic space

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    In this paper, we first prove that the cubic, defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on the two dimensional hyperbolic space with radial initial data in Hs(H2)H^s(\mathbb{H}^2) is globally well-posed and scatters when s>34s > \frac{3}{4}. Then we extend the result to nonlineraities of order p>3p>3. The result is proved by extending the high-low method of Bourgain in the hyperbolic setting and by using a Morawetz type estimate proved by the first author and Ionescu.Comment: The result is extended to general nonlineraitie

    On the density-potential mapping in time-dependent density functional theory

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    The key questions of uniqueness and existence in time-dependent density functional theory are usually formulated only for potentials and densities that are analytic in time. Simple examples, standard in quantum mechanics, lead however to non-analyticities. We reformulate these questions in terms of a non-linear Schr\"odinger equation with a potential that depends non-locally on the wavefunction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    On convergence towards a self-similar solution for a nonlinear wave equation - a case study

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    We consider the problem of asymptotic stability of a self-similar attractor for a simple semilinear radial wave equation which arises in the study of the Yang-Mills equations in 5+1 dimensions. Our analysis consists of two steps. In the first step we determine the spectrum of linearized perturbations about the attractor using a method of continued fractions. In the second step we demonstrate numerically that the resulting eigensystem provides an accurate description of the dynamics of convergence towards the attractor.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    On approximate solutions of semilinear evolution equations

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    A general framework is presented to discuss the approximate solutions of an evolution equation in a Banach space, with a linear part generating a semigroup and a sufficiently smooth nonlinear part. A theorem is presented, allowing to infer from an approximate solution the existence of an exact solution. According to this theorem, the interval of existence of the exact solution and the distance of the latter from the approximate solution can be evaluated solving a one-dimensional "control" integral equation, where the unknown gives a bound on the previous distance as a function of time. For example, the control equation can be applied to the approximation methods based on the reduction of the evolution equation to finite-dimensional manifolds: among them, the Galerkin method is discussed in detail. To illustrate this framework, the nonlinear heat equation is considered. In this case the control equation is used to evaluate the error of the Galerkin approximation; depending on the initial datum, this approach either grants global existence of the solution or gives fairly accurate bounds on the blow up time.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Rev. Math. Phys. (Shortened version; the proof of Prop. 3.4. has been simplified

    Higher order Schrodinger and Hartree-Fock equations

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    The domain of validity of the higher-order Schrodinger equations is analyzed for harmonic-oscillator and Coulomb potentials as typical examples. Then the Cauchy theory for higher-order Hartree-Fock equations with bounded and Coulomb potentials is developed. Finally, the existence of associated ground states for the odd-order equations is proved. This renders these quantum equations relevant for physics.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics and Locality

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    It is shown that, in order to avoid unacceptable nonlocal effects, the free parameters of the general Doebner-Goldin equation have to be chosen such that this nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation becomes Galilean covariant.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, also available on http://www.pt.tu-clausthal.de/preprints/asi-tpa/012-97.htm

    Collapse of an Instanton

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    We construct a two parameter family of collapsing solutions to the 4+1 Yang-Mills equations and derive the dynamical law of the collapse. Our arguments indicate that this family of solutions is stable. The latter fact is also supported by numerical simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    An effective mass theorem for the bidimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field

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    We study the limiting behavior of a singularly perturbed Schr\"odinger-Poisson system describing a 3-dimensional electron gas strongly confined in the vicinity of a plane (x,y)(x,y) and subject to a strong uniform magnetic field in the plane of the gas. The coupled effects of the confinement and of the magnetic field induce fast oscillations in time that need to be averaged out. We obtain at the limit a system of 2-dimensional Schr\"odinger equations in the plane (x,y)(x,y), coupled through an effective selfconsistent electrical potential. In the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, the electron mass is modified by the field, as the result of an averaging of the cyclotron motion. The main tools of the analysis are the adaptation of the second order long-time averaging theory of ODEs to our PDEs context, and the use of a Sobolev scale adapted to the confinement operator
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