11 research outputs found

    Long-range interactions between polar bialkali ground-state molecules in arbitrary vibrational levels

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    We have calculated the isotropic C_6C\_6 coefficients characterizing the long-range van der Waals interaction between two identical heteronuclear alkali-metal diatomic molecules in the same arbitrary vibrational level of their ground electronic state X1ÎŁ+X^1\Sigma^+. We consider the ten species made up of 7^7Li, 23^{23}Na, 39^{39}K, 87^{87}Rb and 133^{133}Cs. Following our previous work [M.~Lepers \textit{et.~al.}, Phys.~Rev.~A \textbf{88}, 032709 (2013)] we use the sum-over-state formula inherent to the second-order perturbation theory, composed of the contributions from the transitions within the ground state levels, from the transition between ground-state and excited state levels, and from a crossed term. These calculations involve a combination of experimental and quantum-chemical data for potential energy curves and transition dipole moments. We also investigate the case where the two molecules are in different vibrational levels and we show that the Moelwyn-Hughes approximation is valid provided that it is applied for each of the three contributions to the sum-over-state formula. Our results are particularly relevant in the context of inelastic and reactive collisions between ultracold bialkali molecules, in deeply bound or in Feshbach levels

    Model for the hyperfine structure of electronically-excited KCs{\rm KCs} molecules

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    A model for determining the hyperfine structure of the excited electronic states of diatomic bialkali heteronuclear molecules is formulated from the atomic hyperfine interactions, and is applied to the case of bosonic 39^{39}KCs and fermionic 40^{40}KCs molecules. The hyperfine structure of the potential energy curves of the states correlated to the K(4s\,^2S_{1/2})+Cs(6p\,^2P_{1/2,3/2}) dissociation limits is described in terms of different coupling schemes depending on the internuclear distance RR. These results provide the first step in the calculation of the hyperfine structure of rovibrational levels of these excited molecular states in the perspective of the identification of efficient paths for creating ultracold ground-state KCs molecules.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Formation of ultracold RbCs molecules by photoassociation

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    The formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules is observed in a double species magneto-optical trap through photoassociation below the ^85Rb(5S_1/2)+^133Cs(6P_3/2) dissociation limit followed by spontaneous emission. The molecules are detected by resonance enhanced two-photon ionization. Using accurate quantum chemistry calculations of the potential energy curves and transition dipole moment, we interpret the observed photoassociation process as occurring at short internuclear distance, in contrast with most previous cold atom photoassociation studies. The vibrational levels excited by photoassociation belong to the 5th 0^+ or the 4th 0^- electronic states correlated to the Rb(5P_1/2,3/2)+Cs(6S_1/2) dissociation limit. The computed vibrational distribution of the produced molecules shows that they are stabilized in deeply bound vibrational states of the lowest triplet state. We also predict that a noticeable fraction of molecules is produced in the lowest level of the electronic ground state

    Optical Shielding of Destructive Chemical Reactions between Ultracold Ground-State NaRb Molecules

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    We propose a method to suppress the chemical reactions between ultracold bosonic ground-state 23^{23}Na87^{87}Rb molecules based on optical shielding. By applying a laser with a frequency blue-detuned from the transition between the lowest rovibrational level of the electronic ground state X1Σ+(vX=0,jX=0)X^1\Sigma^+ (v_X=0, j_X=0), and the long-lived excited level b3Π0(vb=0,jb=1)b^3\Pi_0 (v_b=0, j_b=1), the long-range dipole-dipole interaction between the colliding molecules can be engineered, leading to a dramatic suppression of reactive and photoinduced inelastic collisions, for both linear and circular laser polarizations. We demonstrate that the spontaneous emission from b3Π0(vb=0,jb=1)b^3\Pi_0 (v_b=0, j_b=1) does not deteriorate the shielding process. This opens the possibility for a strong increase of the lifetime of cold molecule traps, and for an efficient evaporative cooling. We also anticipate that the proposed mechanism is valid for alkali-metal diatomics with sufficiently large dipole-dipole interactions

    Perspectives pour la formation de molécules dipolaires froides de KCs par un processus optique

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    Heteronuclear alkali-metal dimers represent the class of molecules of choice for creating samples of ultracold molecules exhibiting an intrinsic large permanent electric dipole moment. Among them, the KCs molecule, with a permanent dipole moment of 1.92~Debye still remains to be observed in ultracold conditions. Based on spectroscopic studies available in the literature completed by accurate quantum chemistry calculations, we propose several optical coherent schemes to create ultracold bosonic and fermionic KCs molecules in their absolute rovibrational ground level, starting from a weakly bound level of their electronic ground state manifold. The processes rely on the existence of convenient electronically excited states allowing an efficient stimulated Raman adiabatic transfer of the level population