2,939 research outputs found

    A Positioning Theory Analysis of Interaction Surrounding Design Failures in an Elementary Engineering Club

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    This qualitative study applies Positioning Theory to identify positions that mediate the experiences of design failure within the context of an afterschool engineering club (EC) with elementary students diverse in language, race, ethnicity, gender, and academic abilities. We ask: (1) What kinds of structural design failure and failure responses did participants in EC experience? and (2) What are students’ and teachers’ positions in relation to responses to design failure? Types of positions (e.g., builder, tinkerer, idea-elicitor, director, observer) were identified in relation to children’s and teachers’ actions and speech in response to structural design failure during EC. Participants included 12 third-grade students and four teachers involved in EC for eight weeks. Data sources include audio transcripts, video, and field notes. Twenty-four design failure episodes were identified and transcribed multimodally from video, followed by coding of episodes using a multimodal Positioning Theory analytical framework. Findings discuss the kinds of engineering design actions and associated positionings unfolding in response to failure as well as the positions mediating teacher and student responses to design. We highlight the importance of student and teacher mediation as well as how Positioning Theory can be used to expand our understanding of (re)positionings that can occur within responses to design failure. Specifically, elementary engineering curricular materials must create the context to support the range of positions taken up in response to design failure. This includes explicit modeling of discursive actions surrounding design failure, multiple opportunities for students to experience and respond to design failure with time to improve beyond the design–build–test model, and support for teachers to address the range of students’ responses to design failures knowledgeably and flexibly

    Equine atypical myopathy associated with sycamore seed ingestion in a Przewalski foal

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    One of the 172 UK cases of equine atypical myopathy (EAM) reported to the Atypical Myopathy Alert Group (AMAG) in 2014 was that of a five-month old male Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), resident at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, UK. The foal presented initially with sudden-onset and repeated stretching of the neck as if dysphagic, with progressive weakness (including lying down), sweating and an unresponsive demeanour. General anaesthesia, induced with a combination of etorphine, midazolam and hyaluronidase, was required for each examination and subsequent treatment of the foal. Initial biochemical analysis showed a markedly increased plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity of 105,001 U/L, an increased aspartate amino transferase (AST) activity of 4194 U/L and a mildly increased inorganic phosphorus concentration of 2.35 mmol/L. The foal was unresponsive to treatment and had to be euthanased. Skeletal musculature and the myocardium showed the most significant pathological changes, with histological evidence of rhabdomyolysis, whilst urine organic acid analysis and an abnormal organic acid serum profile were supportive of multiple acyl Co-A dehydrogenase deficiency typical of EAM. This is the first description of EAM in a non-domestic equid

    'Redlands for Regions': Producer demonstration sites of psyllid-resistant leucaena across north Queensland

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    Leucaena, a tree legume with potential to greatly improve cattle performance, has not been readily adopted in northern Queensland primarily due to prevalence of the psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana) insect in higher rainfall zones. Psyllids reduce edible biomass in leaves by 40–52%, combined with a 46–83% reduction of stem yield (Bray and Woodroffe 1991). Losses to the Central Queensland beef industry due to psyllid impact on animal performance are estimated at $2 M per year (Mullen et al. 1998). Cultivar Redlands is a psyllid-resistant leucaena variety recently developed by Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the University of Queensland

    Implementation of a structured paediatric admission record for district hospitals in Kenya – results of a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: The structured admission form is an apparently simple measure to improve data quality. Poor motivation, lack of supervision, lack of resources and other factors are conceivably major barriers to their successful use in a Kenyan public hospital setting. Here we have examined the feasibility and acceptability of a structured paediatric admission record (PAR) for district hospitals as a means of improving documentation of illness. METHODS: The PAR was primarily based on symptoms and signs included in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) diagnostic algorithms. It was introduced with a three-hour training session, repeated subsequently for those absent, aiming for complete coverage of admitting clinical staff. Data from consecutive records before (n = 163) and from a 60% random sample of dates after intervention (n = 705) were then collected to evaluate record quality. The post-intervention period was further divided into four 2-month blocks by open, feedback meetings for hospital staff on the uptake and completeness of the PAR. RESULTS: The frequency of use of the PAR increased from 50% in the first 2 months to 84% in the final 2 months, although there was significant variation in use among clinicians. The quality of documentation also improved considerably over time. For example documentation of skin turgor in cases of diarrhoea improved from 2% pre-intervention to 83% in the final 2 months of observation. Even in the area of preventive care documentation of immunization status improved from 1% of children before intervention to 21% in the final 2 months. CONCLUSION: The PAR was well accepted by most clinicians and greatly improved documentation of features recommended by IMCI for identifying and classifying severity of common diseases. The PAR could provide a useful platform for implementing standard referral care treatment guidelines

    Routine activities and proactive police activity: a macro-scale analysis of police searches in London and New York City

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    This paper explored how city-level changes in routine activities were associated with changes in frequencies of police searches using six years of police records from the London Metropolitan Police Service and the New York City Police Department. Routine activities were operationalised through selecting events that potentially impacted on (a) the street population, (b) the frequency of crime or (c) the level of police activity. OLS regression results indicated that routine activity variables (e.g. day of the week, periods of high demand for police service) can explain a large proportion of the variance in search frequency throughout the year. A complex set of results emerged, revealing cross-national dissimilarities and the differential impact of certain activities (e.g. public holidays). Importantly, temporal frequencies in searches are not reducible to associations between searches and recorded street crime, nor changes in on-street population. Based on the routine activity approach, a theoretical police-action model is proposed
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