893 research outputs found

    Teaching the Right Letter Pronunciation in Reciting the Holy Quran Using Intelligent Tutoring System

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    An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that offers an instant, adapted instruction and customized feedback to students without human teacher interference. Reciting "Tajweed" the Holy Quran in the appropriate way is very important for all Muslims and is obligatory in Islamic devotions such as prayers. In this paper, the researchers introduce an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Reciting "Tajweed". Our "Tajweed" tutoring system is limited to "Tafkhim and Tarqiq in TAJWEED" the Holy Quran, Rewaya: Hafs from ‘Aasem. The system was evaluated by reciting teachers and students, and the results were auspicious

    Some of the biological effects of ethanol extract of the green algae Cladophora crespata in the blow fly Chrysomya megacephala Fabricius, 1794 (Diptera:Calliphoridae)

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the ethanol extracts of green algae Cladophora crespata in some biological aspects of the blow fly Chrysomya megacephla. The results showed that the biological effects of ethanol extract of was high in the larval, pupal and adult stages. The 1st larval instar was most affected in the mortality after the treatment with ethanol extracts of two algae compared to 2nd and 3rd instars with many significant differences. The rates of mortality increases with the rise of extract concentrations; the most larval mortality of all experiments was in the concentration 2%, compared to 0.5% and 1%. The prolongation in the larval duration of the treated larvae was observed after the treatment with ethanol extract compared to control. A reduction of pupation percent was induced, a highly decrease in the pupation percent was observed in the treatments. Larvae raised on tested extract diets recorded a highly lower pupal average weight, a highly prolongation in the pupal duration was observed in all tested concentration of ethanol extracts. Results revealed a reduction in the percent of total pupae developed to adults. The application of ethanol extracts induced different morphological abnormalities, including larval-pupal intermediates, compressed pupae, darkened pupae, spherical shaped pupa, and small sized pupae. Many adults could not emerge completely and remained concealed in the puparia. The adults that resulted from some abnormal pupa were with defective wings, and deformed head or abdomen. The algal ethanol extracts caused high mortality of adults and longevity or duration. Key words: blow flies, Chrysomya megacephala, green algae, Cladophora crespata.

    Cytotoxic effect of the purified lectin from locally Isolate Acinetobacter baumannii on Hep-2 tumor cell line

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    Lectins are glycoproteins of non-immune origin which have a wide range of application in medical field. In this study, a novel strain, Acinetobacter baumannii S4 gave the highest production level of lectin by microscopic glass slide and microtiter plate methods and found that lectin agglutinated non-specifically red blood cells of human type A+, B+, AB+ and O+ also  the blood group O+ was the best among the other blood groups. Purification of the lectin was achieved by35% saturation ammonium sulfate followed by affinity ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE -cellulose column and  gel filtration chromatography Sephadex G-75 column with a yield of 36% and a purification fold of 4.66.This study showed that the purified lectin has a cytotoxic effects on cancer cell (Hep-2) as could be seen from their effects on inhibition percentage and the significant differences (p<0.05) which was observed by increasing the inhibition percentage as the concentration and time were increased. The higher level of inhibition(64%) was obtained at concentration56.25?g/ml after 72hour of exposure and when the concentration was increased more than56.25?g/ml, the inhibition rate was decreased

    High Involvement Management Practices and their Impact on the Self-Efficacy of Human Resources Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Faculty Members in some Iraqi Universities and Colleges

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    هدفت الدراسة الى بيان مدى تأثير إدارة الاحتواء العالي بأبعادها } قوة اتخاذ القرار, امتلاك المعلومات ,مشاركة العوائد وامتلاك المعرفة{  في متغير الكفاءة  الذاتية للموارد البشرية وقد تم تطبيق الدراسة في عينة من الكليات الاهلية العراقية شملت (217) من أعضاء الهيأة التدريسية في تلك الكليات. وقد توصل الباحثان الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات أهمها انه يمكن الإفادة من اليات وابعاد إدارة الاحتواء العالي في تنمية الكفاءة  الذاتية للموارد البشرية وكان من ابرز توصيات الدراسة ضرورة منح أعضاء الهيأة التدريسية الصلاحيات اللازمة لأداء عملهم بشكل سليم ,و إمكانية إدارة الكليات المبحوثة تعزيز الكفاءة الذاتية لأعضاء الهيأة التدريسية.The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which the management of high Involvement affects the dimensions of decision-making, information acquisition, revenue sharing, and knowledge ownership in the self-efficacy variable of human resources. The study was applied in a sample of Iraqi faculties (217) . The researchers reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that it is possible to benefit from the mechanisms and the dimensions of the management of high containment in the development of the self-efficacy of human resources. The main recommendations of the study were the need to give faculty members the necessary authority to perform their work properly,Teaching.                               &nbsp

    Isoskeletal Schiff base polynuclear coordination clusters: synthetic and theoretical aspects

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    This work addresses and enlightens synthetic aspects derived from our effort to systematically construct isoskeletal tetranuclear coordination clusters (CCs) of the general formula [TR2Ln2(LX)4(NO3)2(solv)2] possessing a specific defected dicubane topology, utilizing various substituted Schiff base organic ligands (H2LX) and NiII/CoII and Dy(OTf)3 salts. Our synthetic work is further supported by DFT studies

    Study Molding of Vortex state in the Atmosphere

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    الغلاف الجوي للأرض  يحتوي ككل على نظام معقد للغاية من الحركات يتغير بمرور الوقت. تتكرر الميزات  الرئيسية لهذه الحركات من عام إلى آخر ويتم عرضها جيدًا في المتوسط ​​والخرائط المناخية ، وهي نقطة البداية لاستنتاجات حول الدوران العام للغلاف الجوي. لذلك من المعروف أن حركة الغلاف الجوي لها طابع دوامي. هناك حالات أساسية لحركة دوامة ثلاثية الأبعاد ، حيث يؤدي تقارب الضغط المنخفض إلى حركة تصاعدية ، ويؤدي الاختلاف عالي الضغط إلى تدفق نزولي في حركة دوامة (إعصار). يمكن وصف حالات مجال  السرعة ثلاثي الأبعاد هذه باستخدام توسيع سرعة الحمل من حيث التدفق والوظائف المحتملة ، والتي تصف الهياكل الحلزونية لهذه الحركة. في هذا البحث ، تم تقديم معادلات تفاضلية جزئية بسيطة تلبي الحالة الأرضية لحركة الدوامة ثلاثية الأبعاد. يتضح أيضًا أنه عند → Re ، تتدهور حركة الدوامة إلى رياح جيوستوفيك، ويتم استبدال الحالة المقابلة لحركة الدوامة بالحالة الجيوستوفك.The Earth's atmosphere as a whole has a very complex system of movements that changes over time. The main features of these movements are repeated from year to year and are well displayed on average and climatic maps, which are the starting point for conclusions about the general circulation of the atmosphere. So it is known that the movement of the atmosphere has a vortex character. There are basic states of three-dimensional vortex motion, in which low pressure convergence leads to an upward motion, and high pressure divergence leads to a downward flow in a vortex motion (tornado). These states of the three -dimensional velocity field can be described using the expansion of the convection velocity in terms of stream and potential functions, which describe the spiral structures of this movement. In this paper, simple partial differential equations are introduced that satisfy the ground state of three-dimensional vortex motion. It is also shown that when Re → ∞, the vortex motion degenerates into geostrophic wind, and the corresponding state of vortex motion is replaced by the geostrophic state.                                                                                                                            &nbsp

    New Approach for Solving Partial Differential Equations Based on Collocation Method

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    In this paper, a new approach for solving partial differential equations was introduced. The collocation method based on LA-transform and proposed the solution as a power series that conforming Taylor series. The method attacks the problem in a direct way and in a straightforward fashion without using linearization, or any other restrictive assumption that may change the behavior of the equation under discussion. Five illustrated examples are introduced to clarifying the accuracy, ease implementation and efficiency of suggested method. The LA-transform was used to eliminate the linear differential operator in the differential equation

    Proposed Expert System for Calculating Inheritance in Islam

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    The truth of every human being is the end his life with death, and this leads to leaving assets and funds for those after him and can lead to hate between the heirs, it has made a point of Islamic law on all aspects of life, including the subject of the inheritance of the deceased. The main problem is how to get the knowledge of the basics of inheritance. This paper reviews work done in the use of expert system software to calculate inheritance in Islam. A proposed expert system was designed and developed using CLIPS language to calculate the inheritance in Islam

    Organisational Justice and Organisational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers

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    The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between organizational justice (OJ) and organizational commitment (OC) among secondary school teachers. The sample consisted of 98 teachers working in 8 public secondary schools. OJ consists of three dimensions, namely, distributive justice (DJ), procedural justice (PJ), and interactional justice (IJ) which were used to measure the level of perception of justice among teachers, whereas to determine the level of commitment among teachers, the study used OC questionnaire. Pearson correlation and regression analysis methods were used to find the relationship and the impact of OJ on OC. The main findings of the study indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between OJ dimensions and OC; DJ found highly correlated with OC. However, PJ and IJ positively and significantly predicted OC among secondary school teachers. The study could provide some significant literature contributions on the OJ and OC of secondary school teachers in developing countries

    Comparative study on the using of PEG and PAM as curing agents for self-curing concrete

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    There are many factors, which may affect on concrete quality. One of those is concrete curing. Self-curing concrete is the solution. It may produce by using chemical curing agents. The concept of those agents is to reduce the water evaporation from concrete. This research aims to study the effect of chemical curing agents on the behavior of self-curing concrete. Two different chemical curing agents were used to study the main mechanical properties of concrete. The main variables are; the type of curing agent (Polyethylene glycol "PEG400"–Poly Acrylamide "PAM") and its dosages. The results obtained in terms of compressive, tensile and flexure strength values. Test results showed that the self-curing concrete cured by each agent performed better in hardened properties compared to none cured concrete. Also, curing using the both agents together perform better than using each one individually