39,172 research outputs found

    The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Civil Litigation against Terrorism

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    The Arab-Israeli conflict has been a testing ground for the involvement of U.S. courts in foreign conflicts and for the concept of civil litigation against terrorists. Plaintiffs on both sides of the dispute have sought to recover damages in U.S. courts, embroiling the courts in one of the world\u27s most contentious political disputes. Plaintiffs bringing claims against the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian Authority, material supporters of terrorism, and the Islamic Republic of Iran have been aided by congressional statutes passed precisely to enhance their ability to bring such lawsuits, whereas plaintiffs bringing suit against Israel or Israeli leaders have not had the benefit of such laws. Although the courts have sought to give effect to the congressional authorization embodied in these statutes, they have faced the resistance at times half-hearted of the executive branch, which regards such legislative and judicial involvement as an intrusion on its foreign policy prerogatives. Though these lawsuits have been subject to criticism and have not fully achieved the goals attributed to them, U.S. courts have largely acted within the authority given them by Congress and the executive branch in hearing the suits, and there is at least some evidence that such lawsuits constitute an effective tool in the fight against terrorism

    Influence of dietary linoleic acid intake with different fat intakes on arachidonic acid concentrations in plasma and platelet lipids and eicosanoid biosynthesis in female volunteers

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    Background/Aim: N-6 fatty acids are considered to promote diseases prevalent in industrialized countries and characterized by an increased eicosanoid biosynthesis from arachidonic acid (AA). We investigated the impact of the linoleic acid (LA) intake on AA levels in humans. Methods: Six healthy female volunteers (age range 2334 years) were given liquid formula diets (LFD) devoid of AA for 6 weeks, providing a constant intake of zero energy% (LFD 0: protein 15%, carbohydrates 85%) or 20 energy% (LFD 20: protein 15%, carbohydrates 55%, fat 30%) LA, for 3 weeks each. Fatty acids of plasma cholesteryl esters and platelet lipids were determined each week, and the prostaglandin biosynthesis was measured in 24-hour urine samples. Results: LFD 0 increased (+31% of initial value) and LFD 20 lowered (-30% of initial value) the percentage of AA in plasma cholesteryl esters and platelet lipids. Moreover, absence of dietary AA lowered the percentages of AA in plasma (-31% week 0 vs. week 6) and platelet (-11%) lipids, indicating a low transformation of LA. LFD 0 reduced urinary metabolite levels of prostaglandins D, E, and F in 24-hour urine samples (-48%, p < 0.001) within 24 h, but did not significantly affect platelet aggregation (-10%) and thromboxane formation (-25%). LFD 20 significantly lowered platelet aggregation (-25%) and thromboxane formation (-43%). The prostaglandin metabolite levels increased during the first 10 days, declined thereafter, and were lower than the preexperimental values at the end of the 3-week period. Conclusions: The results show that dietary LA does not increase the AA levels in plasma or platelet lipids and does not persistently contribute to prostaglandin biosynthesis which is increased by AA intake with Western diets

    Does talk matter after all? Inflation targeting and central bank behavior

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    Since 1990, a number of countries have adopted inflation targeting as their declared monetary strategy. Interpretations of the significance of this movement, however, have differed widely. To some, inflation targeting mandates the single-minded, rule-like pursuit of price stability without regard for other policy objectives; to others, inflation targeting represents nothing more than the latest version of cheap talk by central banks unable to sustain monetary commitments. Advocates of inflation targeting, including the adopting central banks themselves, have expressed the view that the efforts at transparency and communication in the inflation targeting framework grant the central bank greater short-run flexibility in pursuit of its long-run inflation goal. This paper assesses whether the talk that inflation targeting central banks engage in matters to central bank behavior, and which interpretation of the strategy is consistent with that assessment. We identify five distinct interpretations of inflation targeting, consistent with various strands of the current literature, and identify those interpretations as movements between various strategies in a conventional model of time-inconsistency in monetary policy. The empirical implications of these interpretations are then compared to the response of central banks to movements in inflation of three countries that adopted inflation targets in the early 1990s: The United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand. For all three, the evidence shows a break in the behavior of inflation consistent with a strengthened commitment to price stability. In no case, however, is there evidence that the strategy entails a single-minded pursuit of the inflation target. For the U.K., the results are consistent with the successful implementation the optimal state-contingent rule, thereby combining flexibility and credibility; similarly, New Zealand's improved inflation performance was achieved without a discernable increase in counter-inflationary conservatism. The results for Canada are less clear, perhaps reflecting the broader fiscal and international developments affecting the Canadian economy during this period

    Acoustic metafluids made from three acoustic fluids

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    Significant reduction in target strength and radiation signature can be achieved by surrounding an object with multiple concentric layers comprised of three acoustic fluids. The idea is to make a finely layered shell with the thickness of each layer defined by a unique transformation rule. The shell has the effect of steering incident acoustic energy around the structure, and conversely, reducing the radiation strength. The overall effectiveness and the precise form of the layering depends upon the densities and compressibilities of the three fluids. Nearly optimal results are obtained if one fluid has density equal to the background fluid, while the other two densities are much greater and much less than the background values. Optimal choices for the compressibilities are also found. Simulations in 2D and 3D illustrate effectiveness of the three fluid shell. The limited range of acoustic metafluids that are possible using only two fluid constituents is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure
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