20 research outputs found

    Processing of a large-sized cement kiln bandage by a robotic machine

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    In this paper, we describe the concept of setting the base of large-sized parts with a diameter of up to 8300 mm and a mass of up to 120 tons, such as a bandage of a rotating cement kiln during machining using a mobile robotic machine. The issue of controlled cutting to ensure accurate shaping of a large-sized part with a thickness of the removed metal layer up to 6 mm is considere

    Innovative technology of large-size products manufacture

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    Advantages and prospects for the use of mobile robotic machine-tools in the manufacture of large parts in the mining, cement and nuclear industries are considered, as well as the importance of using welded structures to reduce production costs. Schemes for finishing mechanical machining of welded large-sized parts such as bodies of revolution with the use of mobile robotic machine-tools equipped with a belt-grinding tool, an enlarged description of the technological process for manufacturing a large-sized shell of a welded structure are presented. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to take into consideration the use in the industry of frameless production technology, especially for the machining of large-sized parts, and the use of small mobile robotic machine-tools is a productive approach and has a prospective character. The technological approaches proposed in the article make it possible to remove the restriction on the overall size and mass of the parts being manufactured, which are proposed to be manufactured directly at the site of future operation. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed both by theoretical research and by practical data of the authors. It was noted that the production by the domestic machine-tool industry of mobile universal and special robotic machine-tools will allow the country's engineering industry to be brought to a new, high-quality world level


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    In order to determine the amount of resection of the small intestine area child with necrotizing enterocolitis, the parameters of the emission in the high field section of healthy tissue biopsies were studied area with paranecrosis and necrosis of the small intestine. All biopsy specimens obtained edge emission (Kirlian effect). In areas paranecrosis and necrobiosis took place inside the fabric glow. At a later stage of necrosis inner glow disappeared. Brightness, wavelength range in the early stages of necrosis exceed those parameters when paranecrosis. It is the distinctive features in the assessment of small bowel segments

    Oxygen mobility and surface ractivity of PrNi1 − xCoxO3+δ–Ce0.9Y0.1O2 − δ cathode nanocomposites

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    Cobalt-doped praseodymiumnickelate PrNi1 − xCoxO3 − δ (PNCx) and Y-doped ceria Ce0.9Y0.1O2 − δ (YDC) oxideswere synthesized via Pechini route. PNCx+YDC composites were prepared via ultrasonic dispersion of the mixtureof perovskite and fluorite nanopowders in isopropanol with addition of polyvinyl butyral followed by drying,pressing and sintering at 1300 °C. The oxygenmobility and reactivity of powdered PNCx and composites obtainedby crushing and milling of dense pellets were estimated by O2-TPD and oxygen isotope exchange with 18O2 andC18O2 using both static and flow (SSITKA) reactors in isothermal and temperature-programmed (TPIE) modes.For PNCx samples sintered at 1300 °C comprised of (Ni,Co)O and Ruddlesden–Popper type phases (Pr2NiO4,Pr4(Ni,Co)3O10), the oxygenmobility and reactivity tend to decrease with Co content. For composites, the oxygenmobility ismuch higher due to Pr transfer into YDC thus disordering perovskite-like and fluorite-like phases. TPIEC18O2 SSITKA experiments combined with SIMS analysis of the depth profiles of Pr18O and Ce18O suggest thatfast oxygen diffusion in composites is provided by domains of disordered perovskite-like phases as well as Pr,Y-doped ceria. For best composites, the value of the oxygen chemical diffusion coefficient estimated by theweight relaxation technique exceeds that of well known LSFC–GDC composite

    Changes of rats’ sublingual gland’s structure after introduction of adrenalin and acetylcholinum

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    У дослідженні виявлено, що введення адреналіну та ацетилхоліну впливає на морфофункціональний стан під'язикової залози щурів. Реакція з боку мукоцитів кінцевих відділів є мінімальною на обидва подразника. Лише після введення ацетилхоліну гландулоціти серозних півмісяців активно виводять секреторні гранули, що підвищує вміст органічних речовин у складі «парасимпатичної» остаточної слини і покращує її якісний склад. З боку протокової системи спостерігалося збільшення морфометричних показників і активізація секреторною активності протокових епітеліоцитів. Спостерігалося значне розширення просвітів вставних проток і поява розширених внутрішньоклітинних щілин між епітеліоцитами; В исследовании обнаружено, что введение адреналина и ацетилхолина влияет на морфо-функциональное состояние подъязычной железы крыс. Реакция со стороны мукоцитов концевых отделов является минимальной на оба раздражителя. Лишь после введения ацетилхолина гландулоциты серозных полумесяцев активно выводят секреторные гранулы, что повышает содержание органических веществ в составе «парасимпатической» окончательной слюны и улучшает ее качественный состав. Со стороны протоковой системы наблюдалось увеличение морфометрических показателей и активизация секреторной активности протокових епителиоцитов. Наблюдалось значительное расширение просветов вставных протоков и появление расширенных внутриклеточных щелей между епителиоцитами; It is discovered in research, that introduction of adrenalin and acetylcholinum influences on the morphofunctional state of sublingual gland of rats. Reaction outside mucocytes of end-pieces is minimum on both irritants. Only after introduction of acetylcholinum glandulocytes of serousl demilunes actively destroy of secretory granules, that promotes maintenance of organic matters in composition of «parasympathetic» final saliva and improves its high-quality composition. From the side of the ductal system there was an increase of morphometric indexes and activation of secretory activity of ductal epitheliocytes. There was considerable expansion of the intercalated ducts’ lumens and appearance of the extended intracellular spaces between еpitheliocytes