9 research outputs found
Destabilization signs in behavioral and somatovegetative parameters of rats selected for catatonia
The article presents data on destabilization signs in response to selection for catatonia at an organismal level. Experiments were conducted with the unique GC (genetic catatonia) rat strain selected for long passive-defensive freezing. The goal of this study was to detect destabilization signs in the behavioral and somatovegetative parameters of GC rats emerging in response to selection. The destabilization manifested itself as changes in rat attitudes towards humans, as became apparent from the glove test. Altered hormone levels in GC rats were detected: corticosterone concentrations were reduced in feces and increased during handling. The metabolic system showed a decrease in energy stored accompanying the fast (glucose level) and slow (triglyceride level) responses. However, the strains did not differ in the concentration of insulin, which affects glucose transport through the cell membrane. Nor did we find differences between Wistar and GC rats in cholesterol level. This lipid is important for both energy and constructive metabolism. A side effect of selection for catatonia was the worse pelage status in GC rats. The overall physical condition of catatonic rats involved reduced body weight in both neonates and adults. All these changes point to the modification of behavioral and somatovegetative patterns and intensification of the passive-defensive component of selection in GC rats
Pancreatic toxicity of influenza A/H1N1-California virus infection in mice at the background of hyperglycemia induced by streptozotocin administration
Particular attention in the study of comorbid conditions is paid to viral diseases, in particular, those caused by the pandemic influenza virus type A subtype H1N1, as one of the most pathogenic and contagious. Investigation of the effect of this virus in the development of diabetes mellitus will make it possible to more effectively carry out preclinical studies to find the most effective methods of treating a viral infection against the background of a pre-existing somatic pathology. Purpose of the study was to evaluate the pancreatic toxicity effect of exposure to influenza A/H1N1-California virus in the development of streptozotocin diabetes in DBA/2 and BALB/c mice. Material and methods. Groups of mice DBA/2 (n = 36) and BALB/c (n = 58) were formed: infected with influenza A/H1N1-California virus (at different doses); with the introduction of a solution of streptozotocin at a dose of 150 mg / kg; with the combined use of agents. Life expectancy, blood glucose and insulin level, pathomorphological changes in the pancreas were assessed. Results and discussion. The death of animals was observed only in mice of the DBA/2 line: with the introduction of streptozotocin – 12.5 %, with intranasal infection with the virus (at a dose of 5.7 lg TCID50) – 80 %, with combined exposure – 78 %. A comparative study of mice of the DBA/2 and BALB/c lines showed the possibility of using mice of both lines to study the combined effect of influenza A/H1N1 virus and experimental diabetes, taking into account the dose of infection. Infection of BALB/c mice caused the formation of morphological changes only in the exocrine part of the pancreas. In mice of both lines, after the administration of streptozotocin, persistent hyperglycemia was formed, and pathomorphological changes in the pancreas were recorded mainly in the endocrine part. Similar changes in the pancreas, but more severe, involving the exocrine zone, were found during subsequent infection: in mice of the DBA/2 line in the form of a focal disorder of the acinar structure with degeneration of acinocytes and a compensatory regenerative reaction of cells in intact areas; in mice of the BALB/c line in the form of more significant damage to the ductal system than in DBA/2 with the formation of powerful periductal fibrosis and mononuclear infiltrates. Conclusions. A comparative study showed that DBA/2 mice had more pronounced changes in both the exocrine and endocrine apparatus of the pancreas when infected with influenza A/H1N1-California virus and experimental diabetes mellitus
Специализированные объекты ландшафтной архитектуры города Новосибирска
Today, a modern large city can only be imagined with specialised landscape objects. They belong to the group of public facilities, the functional feature of which is formed, as a rule, under the pressure of the city’s cultural, social and historical environment. The presence of such facilities provides a wide range of recreational activities and contributes to the multifaceted development of the personality of visitors. The article presents a methodology developed by the authors for assessing the attractiveness and integration into the urban gardening system of specialised objects of landscape architecture in Novosibirsk. The proposed method makes it possible to determine the popularity of an entity among the population, its accessibility, its performance of the prevailing function, the possibility of social integration of people with disabilities, and the organisation of the landscape on the territory. Five specialised objects of various functional orientations were identified in the structure of Novosibirsk. Among them, parks of communication with nature and protect flora and fauna prevail in number (Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Dendrological Park, Novosibirsk Zoo named after R.A. Shilo). These objects are also the most popular among the residents of the city. The main factor in attracting visitors to such sites is the cognitive function. The historical and architectural open-air museum needs to be better integrated into the system of urban landscaping due to poor awareness of citizens about this object, the lack of developed transport and pedestrian communications and unhindered access for all categories of citizens. The dendrological park needs a reconstruction of the landscape organisation and functional zoning of the territory; for this object, the problem of popularization among the city’s residents is also relevant in the course of the analysis of specialized landscape objects of Novosibirsk, the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, the Central Park, the Novosibirsk Zoo named after N.N. R.A. Awl. However, none of them fully meets all the necessary criteria. Reconstruction of varying degrees is required for each facility, considering social trends and modern processes.На сегодняшний день современный крупный город невозможно представить без системы специализированных ландшафтных объектов. Они относятся к группе объектов общественного назначения, функциональная особенность которых формируется, как правило, под давлением культурно-социальной и исторической среды города. Наличие таких объектов обеспечивает широкий выбор рекреационной деятельности и способствует многогранному развитию личности посетителей. В статье приводится разработанная авторами методика по оценке привлекательности и интегрированности в систему городского озеленения специализированных объектов ландшафтной архитектуры Новосибирска. Предложенная методика позволяет оценить популярность объекта у населения, его доступность, выполнение им превалирующей функции, возможности социальной интеграции людей с ограниченными возможностями, организацию ландшафта на территории. Всего в структуре Новосибирска было выделено пять специализированных объектов различной функциональной направленности. Среди них по численности преобладают парки общения с природой и охранной флоры и фауны (Центральный сибирский ботанический сад, Дендрологический парк, Новосибирский зоопарк им. Р.А. Шило). Эти объекты являются и наиболее популярными среди жителей города. Основным фактором привлечения посетителей на таких объектах становится познавательная функция. Историко-архитектурный музей под открытым небом слабо интегрирован в систему городского озеленения вследствие плохой информированности граждан о данном объекте, отсутствия развитых транспортных и пешеходных коммуникаций и беспрепятственного доступа для всех категорий граждан. Дендрологический парк нуждается в реконструкции ландшафтной организации и функциональной зональности территории, для этого объекта также актуальна проблема популяризации среди жителей города. В ходе анализа специализированных ландшафтных объектов Новосибирска большее количество баллов получили Центральный сибирский ботанический сад, Центральный парк, Новосибирский зоопарк им. Р.А. Шило. Однако ни один из них в полной мере не отвечает всем необходимым критериям. Требуется реконструкция различной степени для каждого объекта с учетом социальных тенденций и современных процессов
Эколого-биологические аспекты оценки древесных растений в озеленении Новосибирска
The ecological and biological characteristics of woody plants growing in the most popular squares of the Novosibirsk city (Teatralny, Pervomaisky, and Slavy square) have been investigated. 73 species of woody plants have been recorded. 13 of them are common to three landscape objects. Ornamental garden forms of woody plants are found separately (13 intraspecific forms, hybrids and varieties of woody plants). Some species of molded plants that are not suitable for landscaping public urban space due to their low winter hardiness were recorded. The greatest species diversity is distinguished by the green spaces of the Slavy square. The correlation between the place of growth and the vital state of plants has not been found. Plants on the objects are in satisfactory vital condition. Species in an unsatisfactory condition are found singly. Shrubs (49% of the total) and trees of the first and second sizes (32%) predominate in terms of life forms. The plantations contain species of natural flora of the Novosibirsk region and introduced plants from other geographic regions (27 and 73%, respectively). Among the introduced plants, species with a wide Eurasian type of area prevail. Analysis of the history of the creation and reconstruction of landscape objects showed that the assortment of plants on the territory of Pervomaisky Square has changed to a greater extent, the species composition of plants in the Teatralny Square has changed insignificantly. To form a better spatial structure of landscape objects, we recommend to increase the species and form diversity of plantings by introduction of plants of various life forms and species that have passed introductory tests in local climatic conditions. This will provide the creation of landscapes and landscape compositions of various expressiveness and to form a comfortable environment for the rest of the citizens.Исследованы эколого-биологические особенности древесных растений, произрастающих внаиболее популярных скверах города Новосибирска (Театральный, Первомайский, сквер Славы). Зафиксировано 73 вида древесных растений, из которых 13 являются общими для трех ландшафтных объектов. Декоративные садовые формы древесных растений встречаются единично (13 внутривидовых форм, гибридов и сортов древесных растений). Среди формовых растений зафиксированы образцы, которые не подходят для озеленения общественного городского пространства в силу своей низкой зимостойкости. Наибольшим видовым разнообразием отличаются зеленые насаждения сквера Славы. Взаимосвязи между местом произрастания и жизненным состоянием растений не обнаружено. Растения на объектах находятся в хорошем и удовлетворительном жизненном состоянии, экземпляры в неудовлетворительном состоянии встречаются единично. По жизненным формам преобладают кустарники (49 % от общего числа) и деревья первойвторой величины (32 %). В насаждениях отмечены виды природной флоры Новосибирской области и интродуцированные растения из других географических районов (27 и 73% соответственно). Среди интродуцированных растений преобладают виды с широким евроазиатским типом ареала. Анализ истории создания и реконструкции ландшафтных объектов показал, что в большей степени изменился ассортимент растений на территории Первомайского сквера, видовой состав растений Театрального сквера изменился незначительно. Для формирования более качественной пространственной структуры ландшафтных объектов рекомендуем увеличить видовое и формовое разнообразие насаждений путем привлечения растений различных жизненных форм и экземпляров, прошедших интродукционные испытания в местных климатических условиях. Это позволит создать разнообразные по выразительности пейзажи и ландшафтные композиции, сформировать комфортную среду для отдыха горожан
Роль и оценка психоэмоционального состояния у пациентов с нарушениями ритма сердца
The aim is to study the influence and assessment of mental and emotional states in patients with arrhythmias.Materials and methods. Literature search was performed using the following resources: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, as well as in the search system Google Scholar by the key words “psychoarrhythmology”, “neural-cardiac axis”, “psychocardiology”, “arrhythmogenesis”, and “stress-induced arrhythmia”. Articles should be freely available and should represent the most relevant information on the topic. Studies were selected by the largest sample and citation index.Results. In this review of studies on the correlation of psychosocial factors and constitutional features of personality in patients with arrhythmias, the available data on the pathogenesis of cardiac pathology, including the main arrhythmological disorders in nervous excitation caused by negative emotions and stress are presented. The article also reflects the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to risk prediction, potential risk modifiers and approaches to the treatment of cardiac pathology, taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the patient.Conclusion. Reducing the severity of the disease requires a comprehensive approach, in particular, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy and psychopharmacotherapy. Further development of this approach to this problem will lead to the creation of new programs for early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiac pathology. Цель – изучение вопроса влияния и оценки психоэмоционального состояния у пациентов с нарушениями ритма сердца.Материалы и методы. Поиск литературы производился по базам данных PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, а также в системе Google Scholar по ключевым словам «психоаритмология», «нервно-кардиальная ось», психокардиология», «аритмогенез». Статьи должны были находиться в свободном доступе и представлять собой наиболее актуальную информацию по теме. Исследования отбирались по принципу наибольшей выборки и индекса цитирования.Результаты. В обзоре исследований о корреляции психосоциальных факторов и конституциональных особенностей личности у пациентов с нарушениями ритма приведены имеющиеся данные о патогенезе развития кардиальной патологии, в том числе основных аритмологических нарушениях в условиях нервного возбуждения, вызванного негативными эмоциями и стрессом. Отражена важность мультидисциплинарного подхода к прогнозированию риска, описаны потенциальные модификаторы риска и подходы к лечению кардиальной патологии с учетом психоэмоционального состояния пациента.Выводы. Снижение тяжести заболевания требует комплексного подхода, в частности психодиагностики, психокоррекции, психотерапии и психофармакотерапии. Дальнейшее развитие такого подхода к данной проблеме нарушений ритма требует создания новых программ ранней диагностики, профилактики и лечения кардиальной патологии
The role and assesment of mental and emotional state in patients with arrhythmias
The aim is to study the influence and assessment of mental and emotional states in patients with arrhythmias.Materials and methods. Literature search was performed using the following resources: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, as well as in the search system Google Scholar by the key words “psychoarrhythmology”, “neural-cardiac axis”, “psychocardiology”, “arrhythmogenesis”, and “stress-induced arrhythmia”. Articles should be freely available and should represent the most relevant information on the topic. Studies were selected by the largest sample and citation index.Results. In this review of studies on the correlation of psychosocial factors and constitutional features of personality in patients with arrhythmias, the available data on the pathogenesis of cardiac pathology, including the main arrhythmological disorders in nervous excitation caused by negative emotions and stress are presented. The article also reflects the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to risk prediction, potential risk modifiers and approaches to the treatment of cardiac pathology, taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the patient.Conclusion. Reducing the severity of the disease requires a comprehensive approach, in particular, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy and psychopharmacotherapy. Further development of this approach to this problem will lead to the creation of new programs for early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiac pathology
Assessment of the Herd Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 among the Population of the Leningrad Region during the COVID-19 Epidemic
The first case of COVID-19 was registered in the Leningrad Region on March 13, 2020. The period of increasing intensity of the epidemic process lasted 8 weeks. One month after reaching the maximum incidence rate, a study was organized to determine seroprevalence to COVID-19 among the population of the Region.Objective of the study was to determine the level and structure of community immunity to SARS-CoV-2 virus in the population of the Leningrad Region in the period of intensive COVID-19 transmission.Materials and methods. The work was carried out within the framework of the Rospotrebnadzor project on assessment of community immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the population of the Russian Federation. The content of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 was determined applying ELISA using a kit for the analysis of human serum or blood plasma for the presence of specific IgG to the nucleocapsid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus , manufactured by the State Scientific Center of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Obolensk) in accordance with the instructions for use.Results and discussion. The study has showed that the herd immunity of the population of the Leningrad Region was 20.7 %. The maximum level has been established in children 1–6 years old (42.3 %) and people over 70 years old (29.0 %). The highest level of seropositivity, except for children and older people, was found among the unemployed (25.1 %). The lowest level of seroprevalence was detected in civil servants (12.8 %) and military personnel (16.7 %). It has been shown that the risk of infection increases by 1.5 times in case of contacts with COVID-19 patients. After exposure to COVID-19 virus, antibodies are produced in 82.1 % of the cases. In individuals with a positive PCR test result obtained earlier, antibodies are detected in 82.8 % of cases. The share of asymptomatic forms among seropositive residents of the Leningrad Region was 86.9 %. The results of assessing the herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population of the Leningrad Region indicate that during the period of intensive COVID-19 transmission, an average level of seroprevalence was formed. A significant proportion of asymptomatic forms of infection characterizes the high intensity of the latently developing epidemic process. The results obtained should be taken into account when organizing preventive measures, including vaccination, and predicting morbidity rates
Event rates and incidence of post-COVID-19 condition in hospitalised SARS-CoV-2 positive children and young people and controls across different pandemic waves: exposure-stratified prospective cohort study in Moscow (StopCOVID)
Background: Long-term health outcomes in children and young people (CYP) after COVID-19 infection are not well understood and studies with control groups exposed to other infections are lacking. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) and incomplete recovery in CYP after hospital discharge and compare outcomes between different SARS-CoV-2 variants and non-SARS-CoV-2 infections. Methods: A prospective exposure-stratified cohort study of individuals under 18 years old in Moscow, Russia. Exposed cohorts were paediatric patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection between April 2 and December 11, 2020 (Wuhan variant cohort) and between January 12 and February 19, 2022 (Omicron variant cohort). CYP admitted with respiratory and intestinal infections, but negative lateral flow rapid diagnostic test and PCR-test results for SARS-CoV-2, between January 12 and February 19, 2022, served as unexposed reference cohort. Comparison between the ‘exposed cohorts’ and ‘reference cohort’ was conducted using 1:1 matching by age and sex. Follow-up data were collected via telephone interviews with parents, utilising the long COVID paediatric protocol and survey developed by the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC). The WHO case definition was used to categorise PCC. Results: Of 2595 CYP with confirmed COVID-19, 1707 (65.7%) participated in follow-up interviews, with 1183/1707 (69%) included in the final ‘matched’ analysis. The median follow-up time post-discharge was 6.7 months. The incidence of PCC was significantly higher in the Wuhan variant cohort (89.7 cases per 1000 person-months, 95% CI 64.3–120.3) compared to post-infection sequalae in the reference cohort (12.2 cases per 1000 person-months, 95% CI 4.9–21.9), whereas the difference with the Omicron variant cohort and reference cohort was not significant. The Wuhan cohort had higher incidence rates of dermatological, fatigue, gastrointestinal, sensory, and sleep manifestations, as well as behavioural and emotional problems than the reference cohort. The only significant difference between Omicron variant cohort and reference cohort was decreased school attendance. When comparing the Wuhan and Omicron variant cohorts, higher incidence of PCC and event rates of fatigue, decreased physical activity, and deterioration of relationships was observed. The rate of incomplete recovery was also significantly higher in the Wuhan variant cohort than in both the reference and the Omicron variant cohorts. Conclusions: Wuhan variant exhibited a propensity for inducing a broad spectrum of physical symptoms and emotional behavioural changes, suggesting a pronounced impact on long-term health outcomes. Conversely, the Omicron variant resulted in fewer post-infection effects no different from common seasonal viral illnesses. This may mean that the Omicron variant and subsequent variants might not lead to the same level of long-term health consequences as earlier variants. © 2024, The Author(s)