8 research outputs found

    Proteotoxic stress induced by Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus infection of Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9 cells

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    AbstractBaculovirus AcMNPV causes proteotoxicity in Sf9 cells as revealed by accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins and aggresomes in the course of infection. Inhibition of proteasomes by lactacystin increased markedly the stock of ubiquitinated proteins indicating a primary role of proteasomes in detoxication. The proteasomes were present in Sf9 cells as 26S and 20S complexes whose protease activity did not change during infection. Proteasome inhibition caused a delay in the initiation of viral DNA replication suggesting an important role of proteasomes at early stages in infection. However, lactacystin did not affect ongoing replication indicating that active proteasomes are not required for genome amplification. At late stages in infection (24–48hpi), aggresomes containing the ubiquitinated proteins and HSP/HSC70s showed gradual fusion with the vacuole-like structures identified as lysosomes by antibody to cathepsin D. This result suggests that lysosomes may assist in protection against proteotoxicity caused by baculoviruses absorbing the ubiquitinated proteins

    Relationship of depressive disorders with hypertension, its control and other metabolic risk factors in the Tyumen Oblast population of men and women. Data from the study “Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases and their Risk Factors in Regions of Russian Federation” (ESSE-RF)

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    Aim. To study the association between depression and metabolic cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension (HTN) and its control in a random sample of Tyumen Oblast population of men and women aged 25-64 years.Material and methods. The study object was a random sample of the population of the Tyumen and the Tyumen Oblast aged 25-64 years, examined as part of the ESSE-RF epidemiological study. The study included 1658 participants. Among them, 30,3% (n=503) were men, while 69,7% (n=1155) — women. Mean age was 48,9±11,4 years. The prevalence of metabolic risk factors (hyperlipidemia, carbohydrate metabolism disorder, obesity), hypertension and the likelihood of its control in men and women with different levels of depressive disorders diagnosed using the HADS scale were assessed.Results. Compared with participants without depression, persons with psychological disorders were significantly more likely to have HTN (55,5% vs 47,6%, p<0,01), elevated levels of total cholesterol (TC) (63,9% vs 54,0%, p<0,01) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) (66,7% vs 60,3%, p<0,05), carbohydrate metabolism disorders (8,3% vs 5,2% p<0,05), obesity (49,2% vs 37,7%, p<0,01). Significantly more often hypertensive subjects without depression took antihypertensive drugs effectively (odds ratio (OR) — 1,747, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,001-3,053) and controlled blood pressure (OR — 1,533, 95% CI, 1,05-2,36). There was no association between the use of antihypertensives and the level of depressive disorders. Among women with depression (HADS>7), dyslipidemia (65,5% vs 57,4% for TC, p<0,05; 71,0% vs 62,9% for LDL, p<0,05), carbohydrate metabolism disorders (10,1% vs 5,2%, p<0,01), obesity (53,3% vs 43,2%, p<0,01), HTN (60,6% vs 45,6%, p<0,01) were more common. Men with clinical depression were more likely to have HTN (69,0% vs 47,7%, p<0,05), with a high level of depression — hyperlipidemia (58,9% vs 46,7% for TC, p<0,05; 67,1% vs 53,9% for LDL, p<0,05). Women with elevated depression levels were less likely to take antihypertensive drugs (30% vs 49,4%, p<0,01) and control hypertension (13,8% vs 21,2%, p<0,05).Conclusion. The data obtained confirm the association of depressive disorders with metabolic risk factors and the likelihood of HTN control, which is especially significant among women

    Predictors Perioperative Myocardial Infarction in connection with revascularization Infarction in patients with chronic coronary artery disease

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    Objective: То identify independent predictors of myocardial infarction due to coronary bypass surgery in patients with stable angina. Materials and methods. The study included 1.16 patients with stable angina II-IV functional class at age 58 7.5 years and disease duration 5.6 5.4 years. Previously suffered a myocardial infarction 89 (76.7%) patients, aneurysm of the left ventricle was recorded in 6 (5.1%) persons. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 59 +11%. Arterial hypertension was available in 106 (91,4%), diabetes - in 15 (12,9%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - in 35 (30.2%) patients. Coronary artery bypass surgery under extracorporeal circulation was performed in 105 (90,5%), ’on a beating heart1 - in 11 (9.5%) patients. The duration of СРВ was 89.7 38.9 min., Occlusion of the aorta - 43,814.5 min. Per patient on average 3.10.9 implanted shunts. Results. Myocardial infarction associated with coronary bypass surgery, was diagnosed in 11 (9.5%) patients. The proportion of patients with perioperative myocardial injury was 87.1% (101 people). Predictor of myocardial infarction associated with coronary artery bypass surgery is the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass. Duration of cardiopulmonary bypass 22.6 86 min. or more increases the risk of perioperative Ml on average in 2,6 times.Цель: выявление независимых предикторов развития инфаркта миокарда в связи с операцией коронарного шунтирования у больных стабильной стенокардией. Материал и методы. В исследование включено 116 больных стабильной стенокардией II-IV функционального класса в возрасте 58+7,5 лет и длительностью заболевания 5,6+5,4 года. Инфаркт миокарда ранее перенесли 89 (76,7%) человек, аневризма левого желудочка зарегистрирована у 6 (5,1 %) лиц. Фракция выброса левого желудочка составляла 59+11 %. Артериальная гипертония имелась у 106 (91,4%), сахарный диабет - у 15 (12,9%), хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких - у 35 (30,2%) пациентов. Коронарное шунтирование в условиях искусственного кровообращения выполнено у 105 (90,5%), «на работающем сердце» - у 11 (9,5%) больных. Длительность искусственного кровообращения составила 89,7+38,9 мин., окклюзии аорты - 43,8+14,5 мин. На одного больного в среднем имплантировано 3,1+0,9 шунтов. Результаты. Инфаркт миокарда, ассоциированный с коронарным шунтированием, диагностирован у 11 (9,5%) больных. Доля пациентов с периоперационным повреждением миокарда составила 87,1% (101 человек). Предиктором инфаркта миокарда, ассоциированного с коронарным шунтированием, является продолжительность искусственного кровообращения. Длительность искусственного кровообращения 86+22,6 мин. и более повышает риск периоперационного ИМ в среднем в 2,6 раза

    Еволюція і вікові особливості вродженої і адаптивної імунної системи

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    The article describes the basic principles of the immune systems' function. Its given notions of organs and cells of the immune system, especially native and adaptive immunity. The article presents the evolution of age-related features of the immune response.Key words: immunity, native immunity, adaptive immunity.В статье отражены основные принципы функционирования иммунной системы. Даны представления об органах и клетках иммунной системы, врожденном и адаптивном иммунитете. Показаны возрастные особенности эволюционирования иммунного ответа.Ключевые слова: иммунитет, врожденный иммунитет, адаптивный иммунитет.У статті відображені основні принципи функціонування імунної системи. Дано уявлення про органи та клітини імунної системи, особливості вродженного та адаптивного імунітету. Показано вікові особливості еволюціонування імунної відповіді.Ключові слова: імунітет, вродженний імунітет, адаптивний імунітет