308 research outputs found

    The Status of Social Rights Protection in Tanzania (2001-2012)

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    Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 facilitated and strengthened a number of developments necessary in internationalization of human rights.  As a result, protection of human rights has acquired global status and importance and has grown tremendously both in conception and content over the years. One dimension of human right which has achieved growth is Social rights. Michael, K (2013), asserts that, social rights are human rights which guarantee a social system whereby the state assumes primary responsibility for the welfare of its citizens in matters such as adequate health care, quality education, safe and clean water, enough food, housing and social security. This paper starts by providing an understanding of social rights and how they are being protected in Tanzania. It gives an overview of social rights guaranteed as well as impediments to full realization in promotion and protection of such rights caused by prevailing legal framework. Furthermore, the paper used results from Afro-barometer to analyze trend of protection of social rights in Tanzania over the period of 12 years (2001 – 2012). Findings reveal that, the status of the state in assuming its primary responsibility for the welfare of its citizens is deteriorating. As such the proportion of citizens with access to and who affords adequate food, enough fuel for cooking, safe water, appropriate medical care, and quality education has been declining. The paper argues that although Tanzania is a signatory to major international human rights instruments, which are also involved in promoting and protecting of social rights; large-scale human rights abuses still exist in the country and social rights have become a neglected category of human rights. It also prescribes roles which the government and NGOs must play so as to ensure optimal realization on promotion and protection of social rights within the country. Keywords: Human Rights, Social Rights Protection, Tanzania

    Perkembangan Kesenian Wayang Gantung di Kalangan Etnis Tionhoa Kota Singkawang

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    :The purpose of this reserch is to describe historical development and the process of puppet art show hanging Singkawang among ethnic Chinese. The research methods is descriptive, qualitative shaped with the approach of dance anthropology. Techniques and tools of data collection using observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study: (1) The history of puppets hanging among ethnic Chinese Singkawang is not independent of the arrival and persistence of ethnic Chinese into West Kalimantan, which was introduced by the puppet hanging Ajo or A Jong in 1929. In the new order, hanging puppet shows decline since banned by the New Order government through Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1967. Post-reform such provision is revoked, the puppet hanging back Singkawang can exist as usual; and (2) performing arts puppet hanging process among ethnic Chinese Singkawang through several stages, among others, performing a ritual before the show, the implementation stage, and closing rituals


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    Pada era teknologi, otomatisasi menjadi sesuatu yang wajar dengan tujuan penghematan biaya dan akurasi kerja sistem yang lebih dibandingkan apabila dikelola oleh manusia. dan proses otomatisasi ini bisa diterapkan kedalam bidang jual beli, contohnya sebagai pengganti kasir. seperti diketahui kasir biasanya dikelola oleh pegawai toko, untuk bisa melakukan pembayaran terkadang pembeli antri terlebih dahulu, dikarenakan tidak semua kasa terbuka dan juga pegawai toko bisa melakukan kesalahan yang dapat merugikan toko dan pembeli. oleh sebab itu perlu kami rancang sebuah sistem yang mampu melakukan perhitungan sendiri dan melakukan pembayaran yang mudah. Tugas akhir ini membahas alat yang berfungsi sebagai sistem perbelanjaan yang berdasarkan sensor berat, barcode reader dan di kendalikan oleh sebuah SBC (Single Board Computer). sensor berat akan di posisikan di bawah troli belanjaan. Setiap pelanggan mengambil barang perlu menyecan pada barcode reader terlebih dahulu baru memesukkan kedalam troli. Sensor berat akan mendeteksi berat barang dan mengecek kecocokan berat tersebut dan mengakumulasikan berat yang ada di troli. ketika pembayaran di kasir otomatis, pelanggan hanya melakukan pembayaran menggunakan kartu identitas anggota dan pintu kasa akan terbuka apabila pembayaran berhasil dilakukan. Hasil uji dari pendetiksian barcode barang menunjukkan penggunaan webcam cepat dengan rata – rata waktu yang dibutuhkan adalah 2.59 detik. Dan kegagalan pencocokan berat dengan database sebesar 10.598%

    Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Sebelum Initial Public Offerngs Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Yang Melakukan Initial Public Offerings Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2013)

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    The aim of this research was to determined the effect of earnings management before IPO on financial's performance after IPO. This research was measured by Modified Model Jones while financial's performance was measured by three proxies profitability ratios, Return on Investment, Return on Equity, and Net Profit Margin. The sample of this research was 40 companies that conducted IPO in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2009-2013. The regression analysis showed that; first, earnings management before IPO had a negative impact and significantly on Return on Investment after IPO; second, earnings management before IPO did not had an impact on Return on Equity after IPO; third, earnings management before IPO did not had an impact on Net Profit Margin after I PO. The result indicated that earnings management before IPO did not become prime factor that would influence financial's performance after IPO

    Co-firing of biomass and other wastes in fluidised bed systems

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    A project on co-firing in large-scale power plants burning coal is currently funded by the European Commission. It is called COPOWER. The project involves 10 organisations from 6 countries. The project involves combustion studies over the full spectrum of equipment size, ranging from small laboratory-scale reactors and pilot plants, to investigate fundamentals and operating parameters, to proving trials on a commercial power plant in Duisburg. The power plant uses a circulating fluidized bed boiler. The results to be obtained are to be compared as function of scale-up. There are two different coals, 3 types of biomass and 2 kinds of waste materials are to be used for blending with coal for co-firing tests. The baseline values are obtained during a campaign of one month at the power station and the results are used for comparison with those to be obtained in other units of various sizes. Future tests will be implemented with the objective to achieve improvement on baseline values. The fuels to be used are already characterized. There are ongoing studies to determine reactivities of fuels and chars produced from the fuels. Reactivities are determined not only for individual fuels but also for blends to be used. Presently pilot-scale combustion tests are also undertaken to study the effect of blending coal with different types of biomass and waste materials. The potential for synergy to improve combustion is investigated. Early results will be reported in the Conference. Simultaneously, studies to verify the availability of biomass and waste materials in Portugal, Turkey and Italy have been undertaken. Techno-economic barriers for the future use of biomass and other waste materials are identified. The potential of using these materials in coal fired power stations has been assessed. The conclusions will also be reported

    Composition of primary cosmic rays at energies 10(15) to approximately 10(16) eV

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    The sigma epsilon gamma spectrum in 1 approx. 5 x 1000 TV observed at Mt. Fuji suggests that the flux of primary protons 10 to the 15 approx 10th eV is lower by a factor of 2 approx. 3 than a simple extrapolation from lower energies; the integral proton spectrum tends to be steeper than around to the power V and the spectral index tends to be steeper than Epsilon to the -17th power around 10 to the 14th power eV and the spectral index becomes approx. 2.0 around 10 to the 15th power eV. If the total flux of primary particles has no steepening up to approx 10 to the 15th power eV, than the fraction of primary protons to the total flux should be approx 20% in contrast to approx 45% at lower energies

    High energy gamma-rays and hadrons at Mount Fuji

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    The energy spectra of high energy gamma-rays and hadrons were obtained by the emulsion chamber with 40 c.u. thickness at Mt. Fuji (3750 m). These results are compared with the Monte Carlo calculation based on the same model which is used in a family analysis. Our data are compatible with the model of heavy-enriched primary and scaling in the fragmentation region

    Particle interactions at energies over 1000 TeV inferred from gamma-families observed at Mount Fuji

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    Scaling, mean P sub t, high P sub t jets and others at energies over 1000 TeV are discussed on the basis of gamma-family data with sigma E sub gamma 100 TeV, observed at Mt. Fuji (3750 m). These quantities were examined in connection with the primary composition