201 research outputs found

    Nigeria's political leadership and a haunting past: A postcolonial interpretation of Ojo Rasaki's this land must sacrifice

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    Ojo Bakare Rasaki's This Land Must Sacrifice is a compelling commentary on the Nigerian project. The play paints a vivid picture, albeit metaphorically on the genesis of the scepter of failed political leadership that hangs over the Nigerian nation and in fact most of Africa today. In addition to the often advanced thesis of mutual disunity, distrust and tribal irredentism often identified as the root of the problem, this paper seeks to use Rasaki's play toargue a post-colonial dimension that traces the beginnings of the country's failed leadership to the structure created by the former colonial masters at the dawn of their departure

    The case for gynaecologist-led point of care ultrasound services in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Prepared herbal remedy use among artisans in Nsukka (Nigeria) motor-mechanic village

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    An indeterminate amount of alcohol is concealed in prepared herbal remedies. This deception requires focused and concerted efforts to address the problem. The present study used a mixed-method design to evaluate two objectives. The first objective was to determine the prevalence of use of some common variants of prepared herbal remedies among artisans in Nsukka motor-mechanic village. The second objective was to determine why artisans use herbal medicines. Data for this study were conducted using unobtrusive observation, interviews, and a structured questionnaire. Participants for study 1 (n = 94) were sampled from about 205 artisans in Nsukka motor-mechanic village. Descriptive statistics showed that there was high prevalence of use of prepared herbal remedies among the sample. Twelve (12) participants (study 2; participants were not part of the 94 in study 1) were interviewed at different spots in the motor-mechanic village. Qualitative data, which were analyzed by relating outstanding points of   response to the objectives of the study showed craving for alcohol, belief in the efficacy of herbal remedies, poverty, and poor treatment of artisans by health workers as some of the reasons that sustain the use of prepared herbal remedies among the sample. Keywords: herbal remedies, alcohol, artisans, Nsukk

    Inclusive Education and Sustainable Peace in Africa

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    Inclusive education is an innovative approach to education by which all children, youths and adults on the globe have equal opportunities to learn comfortably in the same academic environment regardless their intellectual and physical ability/disability and irrespective of their political, ethnic and socio-economic background. It is a brain child of UNESCO (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization); part of its Education For All (EFA) initiative which seeks to overcome the global challenges of marginalization, discrimination and exclusion. In this light, this paper examines the concept of inclusive education as a means of attaining long-lasting peace in Africa, which in turn will rekindle socio-economic and political progress. The paper provides copious evidence of the fact that socio-economic and political exclusion and marginalization are major sources of conflict and instability in Africa. Its underlying assumption is that inclusive education is a sure means of attaining optimum integral development and sustainable peace in Africa. Keywords: Inclusive education, sustainable peace in Afric

    Religious Education in Context: Evangelization of the Igbo People and Culture

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    The context, content and process, by which the Church brings the good news of Christ into all aspects of human life and endeavors, influencing its transformation from within, constitute what is known as evangelization. Evangelization is about people and their way of life, that is their culture. It is a process of religious education which seeks to transform adherents of the Christian faith, whether new or old members, into persons who are Christ-like. In this regard, this paper grapples with the question: ‘what will it take to produce the kind of Christians, today and in the future, who are Christ-like in mentality, behavior, and attitudes?’ Using case stories from the mission fields in conjunction with available literature, including various post-synodal apostolic exhortations, the paper proposes ‘integral evangelization as inculturation,’ coupled with a prophetic stance, which keeps Christ central to the entire process. Key words: religious education, context, Igbo culture, evangelization, inculturatio


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    This study aimed at isolating and identifying fungal contaminants of some selected food items (rice, maize, beans, groundnut, and peanut) in Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. An oral ethical approval was obtained from the Market Master before sample collection. Different fungal contaminants were isolated from all the selected raw and boiled food items that were directly seeded unto Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) supplemented with chloramphenicol, incubated at room temperature for 7 days, and were checked for growth daily. From the results obtained, a total of six (6) fungi were isolated and identified from all the samples cultured. The total of each mycotoxin-producing fungi isolated is Aspergillus spp. 8 (29.6%), Penicillium spp. 5 (18.5%), Mucor spp. 5 (18.5%), Rhizopus spp. 5 (18.5%), Geotrichum spp. 3 (11.1%) and Botrytis spp.1 (3.7%). Out of all the fungal isolates, a frequency of 3.3 (55.6%) was identified from the raw food samples and 2.7 (44.4%) from the boiled samples. The slight dissimilarity seen between the raw and boiled food fungal isolates is a result of the denaturation of the nutrient value of the grains during boiling and the ability of the fungal spores (that are thermoduric and heat-stable) to form a biofilm that can resist deactivation


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    Many years have seen the offshoring phenomenon to be a continuous occurrence in different parts of the world because it yields major benefits for the firm carrying out the activity but the tide seems to be changing in the market today especially due to the identification of the hidden costs and other. The paper begins by discussing the concepts which are associated with the topic and the various progressions to which it occurs. The drivers to which have caused repatriation to the UK are similar to other counties but a few factors have being identified to be specific to just the UK. Hence, the factors to which drives reshoring were addressed while UK specific drivers such as brand name, quality, skill base and regulated legal frameworks which protects manufacturers were elaborated upon; some barriers which included high labour cost, taxes and energy cost were also identified by manufacturers whom considered repatriation to the UK. The findings provide a comprehensive framework for the analysis of the impact (positive and negative) of reshoring on the economic, social, political, and environmental aspects of the entire UK economy. The research conducted further shows that the integration of manufacturing processes with other forms of businesses can severely boost the economy alongside the right structures and processes to encourage the sustainability of the reshoring occurrence within the UK

    A Rationalist Critique of Sally Gadow’s Relational Nursing Ethics

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    The ethic of care proposed by Carol Gilligan in late twentieth century instantly elicited a wide range of adaptations and elaborations in numerous disciplines, under the banner of ‘relational ethics’. Sally Gadow’s ‘relational narrative’ is one of these adaptations. Like Gilligan, Gadow aims to dismantle ethical rationalism or universalism, wherein the foregoing mainstream nursing practice had purportedly focused on applying existing philosophical theories of ethics to all conceivable clinical situations. For Gadow, every moral engagement, such as that between a nursing professional and a patient, comes with inherent unique features that render impotent any attempt at universalisation. Each clinical encounter is rather defined by the ability of the professional to engage the client in an intimate, caring relationship that enables healing to take place. Against this backdrop, this paper argues that the theory of Relational Narrative, particularly as  conceptualised and articulated by Sally Gadow, cannot be carried through without making some rationalist assumptions, because professionalism in nursing practice is by definition, a deeply embedded ingredient of rational reflection. Furthermore, nursing professionals can make progress or impact only by having recourse to the code of ethics; also, direct application of Gadow’s theory puts the nurse in a dilemma when it comes to dealing with patients suffering from chronic contagious diseases, such as the Ebola or the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Finally, juxtaposing Gadow’s work with the ideas of the earlier scholars she criticises unsparingly, the paper found that traces of universalist, rationalist assumptions abound in her thought precisely because of the wealth of influence she has garnered from philosophers and psychologists; influences going as far back as Descartes and Kant, down to Rawls and Kohlberg. The data used for this study came from library and archival materials, as well as from internet resources. &nbsp

    Modalities for the Implementation of Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS) by Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme (ENADEP), Nigeria

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    The overall purpose of this study was to investigate the modalities for the implementation of the special programme for food security in Enugu State by Enugu State Agricultural Development Project. The area of study was Enugu state ADP Agricultural zones. Survey research design was used and the instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. Five research questions were formulated in line with five specific objectives of the study. Similarly, three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study comprised 420 farmers and 18 extension staff involved in the special programme for food security in Enugu State. A representative sample of 210 farmers and 18 extension staff were randomly selected from the population. The data collected were analysed using mean scores for answering research questions while t-test was used in testing the null hypotheses. The following findings were made: (1) farmers and extension staff established that livestock and fishery activities were promoted by ENADEP through group formation, supervision, provision of inputs, credit facilities etc; (2) the measures adopted by ENADEP in increasing crop production and profitability include farmer group formation, supervision, use of demonstration farm, etc; (3) the various ways irrigation scheme was carried out include development of tube well, micro earth dams, etc (4) the implementation of special programmes for food security by Enugu State ADP was hindered by some constraints such as lack of land, capital, communication facilities, etc; (5) some alternative ways of overcoming the constraints include implementation of Land Use Decree of 1978, provision of communication facilities at zero interest rate, etc. The following recommendations were made: government should establish adult or evening schools and standard markets for the farmers’ benefits and finally, the monthly allowances of ENADEP Staff and their mobility facilities should be improved considerably. Keywords: food security, farmer improvement, extension services, agriculture, agricultural development programm

    Water Safety Plan and Water Policy as an Instrument for Improved Quality of Drinking Water in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    Reliable, safe drinking water and sanitation are the fundamental requirements for people trying to reach their greatest potential in life. Water and sanitation are some of the primary drivers of public health and critical elements in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A country that secures access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities for the people irrespective of the difference in their living condition has won a huge battle against all kinds of diseases. The study empirically looks at the use of a water safety plan to know the extent to which the water is safe for drinking in Anambra State. This study is a qualitative study which the researcher adopted a descriptive approach to analyze and present data. Primary and secondary sources of data collection was used. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection which involves people in the "WASH" communities while the secondary source was materials collected from health workers. The study found that the identified risks in the 2 WASH communities are: dirty fetcher, a dirty tank, dirty environment, no fence around the dug well, dirty concrete floor, cobwebs around the water tank which makes water unsafe for human consumption. The major challenges experienced by the community in providing safe water is the high cost of water treatment and inadequate finance. The study recommended that there is a need for water policy in the state and the country at large to ensure safe drinking water. Keywords: Water policy, Water safety plan, Water quality JEL: Q25, Q28, O18 DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-4-09 Publication date: February 28th 202
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