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    Search for three alpha states around an 16^{16}O core in 28^{28}Si

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    We investigate the existence of weakly coupled gas-like states comprised of three α\alpha particles around an 16^{16}O core in 28^{28}Si. We calculate the excited states in 28^{28}Si using the multi-configuration mixing method based on the 16^{16}O + 3α\alpha cluster model. We also include the 16^{16}O + 12^{12}C and 24^{24}Mg + α\alpha basis wave functions prepared by the generator coordinate method. To identify the gas-like states, we calculate the isoscalar monopole transition strengths and the overlap of the obtained states with the geometrical cluster wave function and the Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-R\"{o}pke (THSR) wave function. The results show that the obtained fourth and twelfth states significantly overlap with the THSR wave function. These two states clearly coexist with the 16^{16}O + 12^{12}C cluster states, emerging at similar energies. The calculated isoscalar monopole strengths between those two states are significantly large, indicating that the states are members of the excitation mode. Furthermore, the calculated root-mean-squared (RMS) radii for these states also suggest that a layer of gas-like three α\alpha particles could exist around the surface of the 16^{16}O core, which can be described as a "two-dimensional gas" in the intermediate state before the Hoyle-like three α\alpha states emerge.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure


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    Pot experiments with different cultivars of beans, peas and soya spread in Bulgaria were carried out. The following cultivars were analyzed: beans - cultivars Plovdiv 10, Plovdiv 164 and Dobrudjanski 7; peas - cultivars Mira, Iskar, and Pulpudeva; soybeans - cultivars Pavlikeni 121, S – 134, and Hodzon. The plants were grown on the soil type Haplic chernosem, contaminated with the radionuclide Cs-134. It was established that the radiocesium was accumulated unevenly in the different plant organs, and the highest concentration was recorded in the leaves, while the lowest was found in the seeds of the studied crops. Cultivar differences with regard to the absorption of the radionuclide by the plants were established. The lowest degree of accumulation of Cs-134 was found in beans –cultivar Dobrudjanski 7, in peas – cultivar Mira, and soybeans – cultivars Hodzon and S 1346. No considerable cultivar differences were observed with respect to the radionuclide accumulation in all studied crops. A comparatively weaker extraction and accumulation of Cs134 was recorded in all above-soil organs of the bean plants, in comparison with the remaining crops.Провeдени бяха съдови опити с фасул – сортове Пловдив 10, Пловдив 164 и Добруджански 7; грах – сортове Мира, Искър и Пулпудева; и соя – сортове – Павликени 121, Ходзон и S - 1346, разпространени в България. Растенията бяха отгледани върху орницата на почвения тип излужен чернозем, контаминиран с радионуклида цезий-134. Констатирано бе, че радиоцезият се натрупва неравномерно в различните органи на растенията, като най-висока концентрация бе установена в листата, а най-ниска в семената на изследваните култури. Установени бяха сортови различия в адсорбцията на радионуклида в растенията. Най-ниска степен на натрупване на Cs-134 бе отбелязано при фасул-сорт Добруджански 7, грах - сорт Мира и соя – сортове Ходзон и S – 1346. Не се наблюдават съществени видови различия при натрупването на радионуклида в изследваните култури. Сравнително по-слабо извличане и акумулиране на Cs-134 е установено във всички надземни органи на фасула в сравнение с останалите култури

    Specific nucleotides at the 3′-terminal promoter of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus are important for virulence in vitro and in vivo

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    AbstractViral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV), a member of the Novirhabdovirus genus, contains an 11-nucleotide conserved sequence at the terminal 3′- and 5′-untranslated regions (UTRs) that are complementary. To study the importance of nucleotides in the 3′-UTR of VHSV for replication of novirhabdoviruses, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of selected residues at the 3′-terminus and generated mutant viruses using a reverse genetics approach. Assessment of growth kinetics and in vitro real-time cytopathogenicity studies showed that the order of two nucleotides (A4G5) of the 3′-terminus of VHSV directly affects growth kinetics in vitro. The mutant A4G-G5A virus has reduced total positive-strand RNA synthesis efficiency (51% of wild-type) at 48h post-transfection and 70h delay in causing complete cytopathic effect in susceptible fish cells, as compared to the WT-VHSV. Furthermore, when the A4G-G5A virus was used to challenge zebrafish, it exhibited reduced pathogenicity (54% lower end-point mortality) compared to the WT-VHSV. From these studies, we infer that specific residues in the 3′-UTR of VHSV have a promoter function and are essential to modulate the virulence in cells and pathogenicity in fish

    the role of elongational flow in morphology modification of polyethylene ommt nanocomposite system

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    The formulation of high-performance polymer based nanocomposites depend on many factors, such as polymeric matrix type, nanoparticle type, loading and morphology, affinity between the polymeric matrix and nanoparticles, presence of compatibilizer and processing conditions [1-4]. During the industrial processing the polymer based systems are subjected to two different processing flows, i.e. the shear and elongational flow. The shear flow plays a significant role in polyethylene/OMMt manufacture processing but it is not able to change the system morphology, while, the elongational flow, involved in spinning and film-blowing processing operations, can induce considerably clay morphology variations [5-13]. In order to evaluate the effect of the elongational flow on the polyethylene/OMMt system morphology, the affinity between the matrix and the OMMt particles can be considered. In particular, the presence of some compatibilizer, as maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene can modify the system affinity and subsequently, the clay morphology changes are different than the uncompatibilized system also upon the extensional flow. Nevertheless, the obtained morphology changes upon the elongational flow in the polyethylene/OMMt system, without and with good system affinity, lead to significant mechanical improvements than the unfilled systems, more larger than the simple macromolecular orientation [10, 12]. If considering, from "flow point of view", the polyethylene/OMMt system as a biphasic incompatible mixture, composed by an inorganic phase dispersed in a polymeric matrix, the applied extensional flow can be able to change strongly the clay morphology. In particular, the clay nanoparticles can be broken and/or fragmentized, dispersed and oriented along the flow direction, giving rise to flow induced intercalation/exfoliation morphology transition. Indeed, the OMMt particles can be considered as hard but breakable particles, i.e. polymeric particles in a polymeric blends, while, the conventional filler particles are elastic but unbreakable. The elongational flow leads to exfoliation of intercalated OMMt tactoids and/or to some more intercalation of the same tactoids. For the systems with good affinit

    Structure-properties relationships of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) filled PS nanocomposites

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    The polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) additivated polystyrene (PS) based nanocomposites were prepared by melt processing and the structure-properties relationships of the POSS-PS systems were compared to those of the neat PS. In order to investigate the effect of these structural parameters on the final properties of the polymer nanocomposites, five different kinds of POSS samples were used, in particular, POSS with different inorganic cage and with different organic pendent groups. The rheological investigation suggests clearly that the POSS acts as a plasticizer and that the processability of the PS was positively modified. The affinity between the POSS samples and the PS matrix was estimated by the calculated theoretical solubility parameters, considering the Hoy’s method and by morphology analysis. Minor difference between the solubility parameter of POSS and the matrix means better compatibility and no aggregation tendency. Furthermore, the POSS loading leads to a decrease of the rigidity, of the glass transition temperature and of the damping factor of the nanocomposite systems. The loading of different POSS molecules with open cage leads to a more pronounced effect on all the investigated properties that the loading of the POSS molecules with closed cage. Moreover, the melt properties are significantly influenced by the type of inorganic framework, by the type of the pendent organic groups and by the interaction between the POSS organic groups and the host matrix, while, the solid state properties appears to be influenced more by the kind of cage

    New Measurement of the Direct 3α Decay from the 12C Hoyle State

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    Excited states in certain atomic nuclei possess an unusual structure, where the dominant degrees of freedom are those of α clusters rather than individual nucleons. It has been proposed that the diffuse 3α system of the 12C Hoyle state may behave like a Bose-Einstein condensate, where the α clusters maintain their bosonic identities. By measuring the decay of the Hoyle state into three α particles, we obtained an upper limit for the rare direct 3α decay branch of 0.047%. This value is now at a level comparable with theoretical predictions and could be a sensitive probe of the structure of this state

    AMI galactic plane survey at 16 GHz - II. Full data release with extended coverage and improved processing

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    The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Galactic Plane Survey (AMIGPS) provides mJy-sensitivity, arcminute-resolution interferometric images of the northern Galactic plane at \approx 16 GHz. The first data release covered 7617076^{\circ} \lessapprox \ell \lessapprox 170^{\circ} between latitudes of b5|b| \lessapprox 5^{\circ}; here we present a second data release, extending the coverage to 5319353^{\circ} \lessapprox \ell \lessapprox 193^{\circ} and including high-latitude extensions to cover the Taurus and California giant molecular cloud regions, and the recently discovered large supernova remnant G159.6+7.3. The total coverage is now 1777 deg2^2 and the catalogue contains 6509 sources. We also describe the improvements to the data processing pipeline which improves the positional and flux density accuracies of the survey.We thank the staff of the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory for their invaluable assistance in the commissioning and operation of AMI, which is supported by Cambridge University and the Science and Technologies Facilities Council. YCP acknowledges support from a CCT/Cavendish Laboratory studentship and a Trinity College Junior Research Fellowship. CR and TZJ acknowledge support from Science and Technology Facilities Council studentships.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv172