1,830 research outputs found

    The Dynamics Moleculer Of Water Molecule Absorption In Silicate Zeolite

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    The water molecule dynamics absorbed at silicalite zeolite was studied with molecule dynamics technique using the computer. This paper reports the effect of temperature on behavior of dynamic system. The result showed the improvement of diffusion coefficient and diffusion activation energy along with the improvement of temperature. Improvement of temperature cause the change of the contact distance of the water molecule in zeolite molecule

    Nasser’s guardianship over Arab unity and the Palestinians between 1952 and 1970

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    The objective of this thesis will be to examine in detail, the infrequent notion of political guardianship within the Middle East, and how Nasser’s ideational development led him in becoming the guardian of the Arab and Palestinian causes. The foundations of Nasser’s rise, and his constant quest to propitiate the Arab people through political guardianship over the Palestinians will be investigated as overlapping endeavors within his overarching pan-Arabist vision. In fact, the ideas of anti-imperialism, Arab solidarity, and the Palestinian cause, are all inextricably linked to Nasser’s notion of pan-Arabist nationalism–all of which will converge under Nasser’s ideation of Arab unity. Nasser’s foundational ideation of Arab unity remains a constant force in his presidential tenure, despite seemingly deviating from his pan-Arabist objective–due to the regional Arab contentions. What this thesis will reveal is that, in light of Nasser’s actions, he held a genuine commitment to the Arab cause, as the Arab condition was a shared regional experience following the era of colonial influences. Implicit in Nasser’s commitment is that, since the Arab sentiment fueled Nasser’s political outlook, his political vocations–anti-imperialism, pan-Arabism, and the Palestinian cause–can be seen as true expressions of the aspirations of the Arab peoples

    Analisis Wacana Media terhadap Kebijakan dan Citra Pemerintah di Surat Kabar Daerah pada Tahun 2017

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    Surat kabar sebagai penyampai berita kepada masyarakat mempunyai agenda media dan agenda kebijakan publik. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana agenda pemberitaan, citra dan sikap surat kabar terhadap program kebijakan pemerintah saat ini. Tujuannya adalah melakukan analisis terhadap agenda setting, citra dan sikap surat kabar terhadap kebijakan pemerintah,. Studi ini bersifat deskriptif, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel systematic random sampling dari setiap edisi dari empat surat kabar, yakni Pikiran Rakyat, Radar Banten, Sumatera Ekspres, dan Tribun Lampung. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa agenda pemberitaan program dan kebijakan pemerintah lebih banyak berisi rubrik pembangunan masyarakat dan berita daerah. Pembingkaian berita telah memunculkan pencitraan yang membentuk opini publik terhadap tokoh maupun institusi pemerintahan. Adapun sikap media, yang tampak dari news tone atau nada pemberitaannya adalah cenderung mendukung kebijakan pemerintah

    Implementasi Algoritma Fuzzy C-means Dan Metode Recency Frequency Monetary (Rfm) Pada Aplikasi Data Mining Untuk Pengelompokan Pelanggan

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    Pada dunia retail, konsumen merupakan salah satu aset yang sangat berpengaruh. Oleh sebab itu konsumen menjadi alasan Perusahaan retail harus merencanakan dan mempunyai strategi yang baik dalam memperlakukan konsumennya. Dengan banyaknya jumlah konsumen yang dimiliki oleh suatu Perusahaan retail, maka masalah yang harus dihadapi adalah bagaimana menentukan konsumen potensial dan menerapkan strategi pemasaran yang tepat sehingga mendatangkan keuntungan bagi pihak Perusahaan. Maka dari itu, dengan menerapkan konsep CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Perusahaan dapat melakukan penerapan konsumen potensial dengan melakukan segmentasi pengelompokan konsumen. Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses data mining menggunakan data konsumen dan data transaksi pada PT Eka Cipta Rasa. Proses data mining dimulai dengan melakukan proses clustering menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). Output dari FCM adalah deretan pusat cluster dan beberapa derajat keanggotaan untuk setiap titik data. Hasil clustering digunakan untuk melakukan segmentasi kelas konsumen dengan menggunakan model Fuzzy RFM. Model Fuzzy RFM yaitu dengan menggabungkan teori himpunan fuzzy dengan model RFM dengan segmentasi berdasarkan atribut Recency, Frequency, dan Monetary. Umumnya Perusahaan retail menggunakan metode ini untuk proses segmentasi konsumennya. Pengelompokkan (cluster) pelanggan berdasarkan karakteristik dan sifat saat bertransaksi dapat dijadikan suatu alternatif dalam pemecahan masalah. Dalam hal  ini, pelanggan akan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok atau cluster pelanggan diantaranya  Golden, Silver, Bronze, dan Iron adapun variabel yang menjadi acuan pengelompokannya adalah tanggal pembelian akhir , frekuensi beli, dan total pembelian. Data yang digunakan merupakan data transaksi pelanggan periode Januari sampai Juni 2016. Total data adalah 4007 transaksi dari 328 pelanggan. Setelah data tersebut diolah dengan algoritma Fuzzy C-Means dan metode RFM, hasil akhir pada proses ini menunjukkan iterasi berakhir pada iterasi ke – 9 dengan total fungsi objektif sebesar 102,2 dan Perubahan fungsi objektif sebesar 51,1. Cluster pelanggan yang dihasilkan adalah Golden : 38, Silver: 186, Bronze : 103 dan Iron : 0

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Jenis Ikan yang Berbeda terhadap Kualitas Pempek

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    This research was designed for analyzing the effect of using different types of fish on the quality of Pempek in terms of froms, colors, flavors, textures, and taste. This research was classified into true experimental study which applied complete random sampling method. This research was conducted in three repetitions by involving 5 experts. The instrument of the research was a questionnaire of Likert scale. The data gathered through questionnaire were analyzed by using organoleptic test. To test the hypothesis, ANAVA was used, and if there was a difference occurred among the samples, Duncan test was needed. The result of the research revealed that the use of different fish affected the quality of Pempek in term of colors; golden yellow and white grayish, and in terms of texture which was chewy. Meanwhile the use of different types of fish did not influence the quality of pempek in terms of forms; cleanly, cylindrical, in the length of ± 10 cm and diameter of 3 cm, in terms of flavors; garlic, fish, not fishy, in terms of texture which was soft, and in the terms of taste which was tasteful and fishy

    Teaching Reading Comprehension By Using 3h (Here, Hidden, And In My Head) Strategy

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    : The purpose of this research is to find out the effectiveness of the use of 3H strategy (Here, Hidden, and in my Head) in teaching reading comprehension to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental research with the non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this research were class VIIIB as the experimental class and class VIIID as the control class. The data were collected through pre-test and post test by using the essay test consisting of twenty items and were analyzed by using Effect Size (ES) formula. The finding shows that the effect of treatment is 1.53 (> 1.00) or categorized as strong effect. It indicates that the use of 3H strategy is effective in teaching reading comprehension

    Pertumbuhan Beberapa Jenis Leguminosa Tumbuh-cepat Di Lapangan Setelah Semabsfya Diinokulasi Dengan Rhizobium

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    S. DANIMIHARDJA,SAEFUDIN,F. SYARIF & N.SETYOWATMNDARTO. 1987. The growthof some fast-growing legume species in the field after seedling inoculation with Rhizobium.Berita Biologi 3(8): 377 - 381.Eleven species of fast growing legumes were grown in the field after their root seedlings were inoculated with two selected strains of Rhizobium sp.The results indicated that Acacia villosa was the fastest growing species (324.8 cm in height and 28.35 mm in diameter after 13 months of planting).The slowest one was Albizia procera (86.20 cm and 10.45 mm).The statistical analysis indicated that between species there were highly significant differences either in height or in diameter of the plants. Between treatments there was significant difference in diameter, but not in height.The interaction between treatments and species was highly significant difference in diameter, but not significant one in height. After 13 months of planting 6 species had already produced pods,namely Acacia villosa,Albizia lebbeck,Bauhinia acurninata, B. purpurea, Caesalpinia pulcherrima and 7 C.sappan.The death rates were ranging from 19% (in Albizia chinensis),30%(in A. falcatariaj, 46% (in A. procera),47% (in A. lebbeck), until 50% (in Acacia auriculiformis)

    Pemanfaatan Salvinia Molesta D.s. Mitchell, Akumulator Merkuri Di Sawah Tercemar Limbah Penambangan Emas

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    Mercury is one of important contaminants in mine lands. One approach to remediaterisks from this metal pollutant is phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants. Theseremarkable plant species accumulate appreciable high concentrations of metals thando normal plants when the normal plants suffer yield reduction from metal phytotoxicity.Some plant species growing in gold mine contaminated areas indicated high toleranceand potentially effective in accumulating mercury in their roots and above groundportions. Salvinia molesta is one of them. This plant could be utilized as hyperaccumulatorfor cleaning up mercury contaminated sites. This research aim to study phytoextractionof mercury by Salvinia molesta and the effectiveness of mercury degradator bacteria onplant tolerance and mercury phytoextraction. In this study Salvinia molesta was grown inmercury contaminated liquid gold mine waste, added with Mercury (II) Chloride (HgCl2)0 ppm Hg, 10 ppm Hg, 30 ppm Hg and 50 ppm Hg. Mercury degradator bacteria wasapplied in the media. The results showed that Salvinia molesta was able to survive evenin media with high level of mercury concentration (50 ppm), although the number ofplant survival tend to decrease with the increase of mercury concentration. Variables ofsurface coverage and live plants decreased with the increase of mercury concentrationin the media. There was a close correlation between plant growth variables and mercuryconcentration in the media. The effects of mercury toxicity on plants seems to decreasein bacteria treated plants. It was indicated by the higher percentage of surface coverageand plant survival in bacteria treated plants than that of untreated plants up to 30 ppm Hg.Recovery from toxicity was shown in bacteria treated plants up to 30 ppm Hg. Mercuryaccumulation in plants tent to increase with the increase of mercury concentration inmedia. It can be concluded that plant performance was better and mercury concentrationdecreased in bacteria treated plants
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