8 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Subak di Bali: Mampukah Bertahan Menghadapai Berbagai Tantangan

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    This paper discusses the present and future challenges faced by the Balinese subak.Those challenges are: increasing competition in the marketing of agricultural products due tothe trade liberalization; the declining interest of the rural youth to work as farmers; financialburden of the farmers due to irrigation management transfer and payment of irrigation servicefee; the decline of irrigated land areas due to the conversion for other uses; degradation ofenvironment; and limited availability of water resources.It is argued that subak has strengths and therefore may be able to cope with suchchallenges because subak is indeed a viable institution as indicated by the fact that it has beenin existence for many centuries. However, subak also has some weaknesses. It is necessarytherefore, that some efforts need to be done to empower subak so that it can survive to copewith those challenges

    Transformasi Sistem Irigasi Subak yang Berlandaskan Konsep Tri Hita Karana

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    Subak irrigation system beside as an appropriate technological system, but as acultural system as well. This fenomenon indicate that basically subak irrigationsystem is a technological system that has been developed as a part of cultural society.Because subak system is viewed as a technological system, so this system has anability to be transformed. Meanwhile, limitation of the ability of subak irrigationsystem to overcome the extreem conditions, basically can be solved through theharmony and togetherness, based on the Tri Hita Karana (THK) principles as a basicof subak system. Futhermore, through inverse technique, it can be seen the ability ofsubak system, that can be transformed. And then, through Fuzzy Set Theory, it can beseen the dominance or ranks of the all elements of subak system, which are also as aconsideration on the transformation process

    Sistem Irigasi Subak Dengan Landasan Tri Hita Karana (Thk) Sebagai Teknologi Sepadan Dalam Pertanian Beririgasi

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    Subak system is a custom law community with socio-technical-religious characteristics,consists of a group of farmers that manage irrigation water at their irrigarted area (sawah).The existance of subak irrigation systems are dynamic, due to the socio-cultural conditionsof the society. Subak as a irrigation system which is based on Tri Hita Karana (THK)concept, is implemented on the system of irrigation in Bali. Its based on socio-technicalconcept which technologically integrated with the socio-cultural of the society.Furthermore, the form of subak system as an appropriate technology, is implemented onthe form of thinking-pattern, social system, and the development of artefax of the system.The final goals of the system are in order to achieve the harmony and togetherness in theirrigation management

    The Subak in Diaspora: Balinese Farmers and the Subak in South Sulawesi

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    The subak has a long history as an irrigators’ institution on Bali. It has also spread across Indonesia along with Balinese farmers who were resettled by colonial and post-colonial governments or who have migrated spontaneously since colonial times. While subaks have been much researched in Bali itself, little is known about subaks outside Bali. Luwu District in South Sulawesi is one of the areas where thousands of Balinese families settled in the last four decades. Based on research in this transmigration area, this paper analyzes the emergence and development of the subak in relation to the development of irrigation infrastructure of a state-built irrigation system. A comparison between two Balinese settlements in the same system shows that differences in infrastructural and managerial conditions and arrangements between parts of the irrigation system were major determinants of the institutional space allowed for the subak and ways in which the subaks developed