277 research outputs found

    Massive Stars in the Range 13−25M⊙\rm 13-25 M_\odot: Evolution and Nucleosynthesis. II. the Solar Metallicity Models

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    We present the evolutionary properties of a set of massive stellar models (namely 13, 15, 20 and 25 M⊙\rm M_\odot) from the main sequence phase up to the onset of the iron core collapse. All these models have initial solar chemical composition, i.e. Y=0.285 and Z=0.02. A 179 isotope network, extending from neutron up to 68Zn\rm ^{68}Zn and fully coupled to the evolutionary code has been adopted from the Carbon burning onward. Our results are compared, whenever possible, to similar computations available in literature.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, 26 tables, accepted for publicatin in ApJ

    128Xe and 130Xe: Testing He-shell burning in AGB stars

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    The s-process branching at 128I has been investigated on the basis of new, precise experimental (n,g) cross sections for the s-only isotopes 128Xe and 130Xe. This branching is unique, since it is essentially determined by the temperature- and density-sensitive stellar decay rates of 128I and only marginally affected by the specific stellar neutron flux. For this reason it represents an important test for He-shell burning in AGB stars. The description of the branching by means of the complex stellar scenario reveals a significant sensitivity to the time scales for convection during He shell flashes, thus providing constraints for this phenomenon. The s-process ratio 128Xe/130Xe deduced from stellar models allows for a (9+-3)% p-process contribution to solar 128Xe, in agreement with the Xe-S component found in meteoritic presolar SiC grains.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astophysical Journa

    s-Process Nucleosynthesis in Carbon Stars

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    We present the first detailed and homogeneous analysis of the s-element content in Galactic carbon stars of N-type. Abundances of Sr,Y, Zr (low-mass s-elements, or ls) and of Ba, La, Nd, Sm and Ce (high-mass s-elements, hs) are derived using the spectral synthesis technique from high-resolution spectra. The N-stars analyzed are of nearly solar metallicity and show moderate s-element enhancements, similar to those found in S stars, but smaller than those found in the only previous similar study (Utsumi 1985), and also smaller than those found in supergiant post-AGB stars. This is in agreement with the present understanding of the envelope s-element enrichment in giant stars, which is increasing along the spectral sequence M-->MS-->S-->SC-->C during the AGB phase. We compare the observational data with recent ss-process nucleosynthesis models for different metallicities and stellar masses. Good agreement is obtained between low mass AGB star models (M < 3 M_o) and s-elements observations. In low mass AGB stars, the 13C(alpha, n)16O reaction is the main source of neutrons for the s-process; a moderate spread, however, must exist in the abundance of 13C that is burnt in different stars. By combining information deriving from the detection of Tc, the infrared colours and the theoretical relations between stellar mass, metallicity and the final C/O ratio, we conclude that most (or maybe all) of the N-stars studied in this work are intrinsic, thermally-pulsing AGB stars; their abundances are the consequence of the operation of third dredge-up and are not to be ascribed to mass transfer in binary systems.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables. Accepted in Ap

    The giant, horizontal and asymptotic branches of galactic globular clusters. I. The catalog, photometric observables and features

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    A catalog including a set of the most recent Color Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs) is presented for a sample of 61 Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs). We used this data-base to perform an homogeneous systematic analysis of the evolved sequences (namely, Red Giant Branch (RGB), Horizontal Branch (HB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)). Based on this analysis, we present: (1) a new procedure to measure the level of the ZAHB (V_ZAHB) and an homogeneous set of distance moduli obtained adopting the HB as standard candle; (2) an independent estimate for RGB metallicity indicators and new calibrations of these parameters in terms of both spectroscopic ([Fe/H]_CG97) and global metallicity ([M/H], including also the alpha-elements enhancement). The set of equations presented can be used to simultaneously derive a photometric estimate of the metal abundance and the reddening from the morphology and the location of the RGB in the (V,B-V)-CMD. (3) the location of the RGB-Bump (in 47 GGCs) and the AGB-Bump (in 9 GGCs). The dependence of these features on the metallicity is discussed. We find that by using the latest theoretical models and the new metallicity scales the earlier discrepancy between theory and observations (~0.4 mag) completely disappears.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, AAS Latex, macro rtrpp4.sty included, accepted by A

    Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Zero Metal Intermediate Mass Stars

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    New stellar models with mass ranging between 4 and 8 Mo, Z=0 and Y=0.23 are presented. The models have been evolved from the pre Main Sequence up to the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB). At variance with previous claims, we find that these updated stellar models do experience thermal pulses in the AGB phase. In particular we show that: a) in models with mass larger than 6 Mo, the second dredge up is able to raise the CNO abundance in the envelope enough to allow a "normal" AGB evolution, in the sense that the thermal pulses and the third dredge up settle on; b) in models of lower mass, the efficiency of the CNO cycle in the H-burning shell is controlled by the carbon produced locally via the 3alpha reactions. Nevertheless the He-burning shell becomes thermally unstable after the early AGB. The expansion of the overlying layers induced by these weak He-shell flashes is not sufficient by itself to allow a deep penetration of the convective envelope. However, immediately after that, the maximum luminosity of the He flash is attained and a convective shell systematically forms at the base of the H-rich envelope. The innermost part of this convective shell probably overlaps the underlying C-rich region left by the inter-shell convection during the thermal pulse, so that fresh carbon is dredged up in a "hot" H-rich environment and a H flash occurs. This flash favours the expansion of the outermost layers already started by the weak thermal pulse and a deeper penetration of the convective envelope takes place. Then, the carbon abundance in the envelope rises to a level high enough that the further evolution of these models closely resembles that of more metal rich AGB stars. These stars provide an important source of primary carbon and nitrogen.Comment: 28 pages, 5 tables and 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Properties of the 5- state at 839 keV in 176Lu and the s-process branching at A = 176

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    The s-process branching at mass number A = 176 depends on the coupling between the high-K ground state and a low-lying low-K isomer in 176Lu. This coupling is based on electromagnetic transitions via intermediate states at higher energies. The properties of the lowest experimentally confirmed intermediate state at 839 keV are reviewed, and the transition rate between low-K and high-K states under stellar conditions is calculated on the basis of new experimental data for the 839 keV state. Properties of further candidates for intermediate states are briefly analyzed. It is found that the coupling between the high-K ground state and the low-K isomer in 176Lu is at least one order of magnitude stronger than previously assumed leading to crucial consequences for the interpretation of the 176Lu/176Hf pair as an s-process thermometer.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.


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    International audienceIn order to study the internal friction of thin films a nodal suspension system called GeNS (Gentle Nodal Suspension) has been developed. The key features of this system are: i) the possibility to use substrates easily available like silicon wafers; ii) extremely low excess losses coming from the suspension system which allows to measure Q factors in excess of 2×10^8 on 3 " diameter wafers; iii) reproducibility of measurements within few percent on mechanical losses and 0.01% on resonant frequencies; iv) absence of clamping; v) the capability to operate at cryogenic temperatures. Measurements at cryogenic temperatures on SiO 2 and at room temperature only on Ta2O5 films deposited on silicon are presented

    Neurofascin (NFASC) gene mutation causes autosomal recessive ataxia with demyelinating neuropathy

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    Introduction: Neurofascin, encoded by NFASC, is a transmembrane protein that plays an essential role in nervous system development and node of Ranvier function. Anti-Neurofascin autoantibodies cause a specific type of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) often characterized by cerebellar ataxia and tremor. Recently, homozygous NFASC mutations were recently associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder in two families. Methods: A combined approach of linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing was performed to find the genetic cause of early-onset cerebellar ataxia and demyelinating neuropathy in two siblings from a consanguineous Italian family. Functional studies were conducted on neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from the patients. Results: Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous p.V1122E mutation in NFASC. This mutation, affecting a highly conserved hydrophobic transmembrane domain residue, led to significant loss of Neurofascin protein in the iPSC-derived neurons of affected siblings. Conclusions: The identification of NFASC mutations paves the way for genetic research in the developing field of nodopathies, an emerging pathological entity involving the nodes of Ranvier, which are associated for the first time with a hereditary ataxia syndrome with neuropathy

    Galactic chemical evolution of heavy elements: from Barium to Europium

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    We follow the chemical evolution of the Galaxy for elements from Ba to Eu, using an evolutionary model suitable to reproduce a large set of Galactic (local and non local) and extragalactic constraints. Input stellar yields for neutron-rich nuclei have been separated into their s-process and r-process components. The production of s-process elements in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars of low mass proceeds from the combined operation of two neutron sources: the dominant reaction 13C(alpha,n)16O, which releases neutrons in radiative conditions during the interpulse phase, and the reaction 22Ne(alpha,n)25Mg, marginally activated during thermal instabilities. The resulting s-process distribution is strongly dependent on the stellar metallicity. For the standard model discussed in this paper, it shows a sharp production of the Ba-peak elements around Z = Z_sun/4. Concerning the r-process yields, we assume that the production of r-nuclei is a primary process occurring in stars near the lowest mass limit for Type II supernova progenitors. The r-contribution to each nucleus is computed as the difference between its solar abundance and its s-contribution given by the Galactic chemical evolution model at the epoch of the solar system formation. We compare our results with spectroscopic abundances of elements from Ba to Eu at various metallicities (mainly from F and G stars) showing that the observed trends can be understood in the light of the present knowledge of neutron capture nucleosynthesis. Finally, we discuss a number of emerging features that deserve further scrutiny.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figures. accepted by Ap

    The s Process: Nuclear Physics, Stellar Models, Observations

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    Nucleosynthesis in the s process takes place in the He burning layers of low mass AGB stars and during the He and C burning phases of massive stars. The s process contributes about half of the element abundances between Cu and Bi in solar system material. Depending on stellar mass and metallicity the resulting s-abundance patterns exhibit characteristic features, which provide comprehensive information for our understanding of the stellar life cycle and for the chemical evolution of galaxies. The rapidly growing body of detailed abundance observations, in particular for AGB and post-AGB stars, for objects in binary systems, and for the very faint metal-poor population represents exciting challenges and constraints for stellar model calculations. Based on updated and improved nuclear physics data for the s-process reaction network, current models are aiming at ab initio solution for the stellar physics related to convection and mixing processes. Progress in the intimately related areas of observations, nuclear and atomic physics, and stellar modeling is reviewed and the corresponding interplay is illustrated by the general abundance patterns of the elements beyond iron and by the effect of sensitive branching points along the s-process path. The strong variations of the s-process efficiency with metallicity bear also interesting consequences for Galactic chemical evolution.Comment: 53 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables; Reviews of Modern Physics, accepte
