2,784 research outputs found

    An HST Imaging Survey of Low-Mass Stars in the Chamaeleon I Star Forming region

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    We present new HST/WFPC2 observations of 20 fields centered around T Tauri stars in the Chamaeleon I star forming region. Images have been obtained in the F631N ([OI]6300A), F656N (Ha) and F673N ([SII]6716A+6731A) narrow-band filters, plus the Johnson V-band equivalent F547M filter. We detect 31 T Tauri stars falling within our fields. We discuss the optical morphology of 10 sources showing evidence of either binarity, circumstellar material, or mass loss. We supplement our photometry with a compilation of optical, infrared and sub-millimeter data from the literature, together with new sub-mm data for three objects, to build the Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) of 19 single sources. Using an SED model fitting tool, we self-consistently estimate a number of stellar and disk parameters, while mass accretion rates are directly derived from our Ha photometry. We find that bolometric luminosities derived from dereddened optical data tend to be underestimated in systems with high alpha(2-24} IR spectral index, suggesting that disks seen nearly edge-on may occasionally be interpreted as low luminosity (and therefore more evolved) sources. On the other hand, the same alpha(2-24) spectral index, a tracer of the amount of dust in the warmer layers of the circumstellar disks, and the mass accretion rate appear to decay with the isocronal stellar age, suggesting that the observed age spread (~0.5-5 Myr) within the cluster is real. Our sample contains a few outliers that may have dissipated their circumstellar disks on shorter time-scale.Comment: to appear on Astronomical Journal, accepted April 16, 2012 (AJ-10740


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    Στην εργασία παρουσιάζονται νέα γεωλογικά δεδομένα για ένα ενεργό ρήγμα της Νοτιοδυτικής Βοιωτίας. Η περιοχή αυτή χαρακτηρίζεται από χαμηλή παραμόρφωση συγκρινόμενη με τις νεοτεκτονικές τάφρους τόσο του Κορινθιακού (προς Δυσμάς) όσο και του Ευβοϊκού (προς ανατολάς). Το κανονικό ρήγμα της Κορύνης αποτελείται από δύο μεγάλα τμήματα και μερικά αρκετά μικρότερα με μέση παράταξη ΑΒΑ-ΔΝΔ (Β58°) και φορά κλίσεως προς ΝΑ. Το ρήγμα έχει συνολικό μήκος 12 km και έχει αναπτυχθεί στο ανθρακικό υπόβαθρο της Υποπελαγονικής. Η αρχιτεκτονική της ρηξιγενούς ζώνης χαρακτηρίζεται από την ύπαρξη ενός τεκτονικού λατυποπαγούς με μέσο πάχος 15 εκατοστών. Στην βάση του καθρέπτη της Κορύνης παρατηρείται λωρίδωση με μικρή έως καθόλου διάβρωση πάχους 20-30 εκατοστών, η οποία αντιπροσωπεύει την τελευταία σεισμική κίνηση του ρήγματος με άνοδο του σταθερού τεμάχους. Αναφορικά με την κινηματική το σημαντικότερο εύρημα έγκειται στο ότι ο ελάχιστος άξονας της κύριας τάσης έχει μέση διεύθυνση Β328°Α, η οποία περίπου ταυτίζεται με αυτή των ενεργών ρηγμάτων της νότιας ακτής της Κορινθιακής τάφρου (χερσόνησος Περαχώρας).The Corini normal fault is an active structure of Quaternary age in Southwestern Viotia. This is a region of low finite strain, located between the Quaternary rifts of the Gulf of Corinth and the Gulf of Evia. The fault is segmented into several segments with an average strike of N58°E and dip direction to the SE. The architecture of the fault zone is characterized by a 15 cm thick gouge rock, observed along the fault plane on the footwall side. At several localities along strike we observed a well-defined basal strip of un-eroded fault plane that represents the width (uplift) of the last co-seismic slip. The width of the strip ranges 20-30 cm. Slip inversion data show a mean orientation ofsigmaS (leastprincipal stress) as Ν328Έ which implies similar kinematics with the active faults of the south coast of the Gulf of Corinth

    Studying a hospital distribution network with a stochastic end-uses demand model

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    The schematization of a hospital water network through a probabilistic model of end-uses is the focus of this study. The idea is to realize a model to evaluate the water demand related to the use of individual water-demanding devices to define a strategy for the prevention and control of legionella risk. The modelling of hospital network has been carried out through EPANET 2.0 software [1], in which the hot and cold water networks can be implemented separately. The suggested probabilistic model has already been applied to several case studies [2], [3], [4] and [5], but never to a hospital network

    New cue-conflict experiments suggest a leading role of visual cues in the migratory orientation of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca

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    Migratory birds use both geomagnetic and celestial cues to select and maintain their seasonally appropriate migratory direction. The integration of the different compass cues is still poorly understood. Previous cue-conflict experiments suggested that Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca did not recalibrate their magnetic compass against the polarization pattern at twilight, but the available evidence is problematic given the high variability of birds’ directional preferences. We performed a new set of cue-conflict experiments where (1) we modified the protocol in order to try to reduce scatter of data and (2) we integrated the results of two experimental approaches, i.e. orientation cages and releases of radio-tagged birds. Pied Flycatchers were tested in Emlen funnels without access to celestial cues before and after being exposed to conflicting visual and geomagnetic information. After the second test, birds were equipped with radio-transmitters and followed until the vanishing of the radio signal. Contrary to previous experiments, our data showed a general dominance of celestial cues: polarized light sun-related pattern in captive birds tested without access to stars and stellar dominance in free-flying birds released under a starry sky at night-time. These results underline the importance of experimental protocols when testing ways in which birds integrate their compass systems

    Can Valproic Acid be an Inducer of Clozapine Metabolism?

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    Introduction: Prior clozapine studies indicated no effects, mild inhibition or induction of valproic acid (VPA) on clozapine metabolism. The hypotheses that (i) VPA is a net inducer of clozapine metabolism, and (ii) smoking modifies this inductive effect were tested in a therapeutic drug monitoring study. Methods: After excluding strong inhibitors and inducers, 353 steady-state total clozapine (clozapine plus norclozapine) concentrations provided by 151 patients were analyzed using a random intercept linear model. Results: VPA appeared to be an inducer of clozapine metabolism since total plasma clozapine concentrations in subjects taking VPA were significantly lower (27% lower; 95% confidence interval, 14-39%) after controlling for confounding variables including smoking (35% lower, 28-56%). Discussion: Prospective studies are needed to definitively establish that VPA may (i) be an inducer of clozapine metabolism when induction prevails over competitive inhibition, and (ii) be an inducer even in smokers who are under the influence of smoking inductive effects on clozapine metabolism

    Off-line washing effectiveness on a multistage axial compressor

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    The interaction between gas turbines and airborne particles determines detrimental effects on the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the power unit. When it is possible, the interaction is reduced by the use of inlet separators and filtration systems. In an aero engine, these barriers are difficult to implement, and only bigger particles (usually greater than 10 µm) are separated from the airflow. Small units, especially those equips helicopters, are usually affected by fouling issues, especially when the aircraft is employed in harsh environments such as firefighting and rescue activities. To recover this contamination, the unit is washed after the mission by ground operations to restore the unit performance by removing the deposits. This operation occurs during a sub-idle unit operation, and the washing process has to be effective when the engine operates in this off-design condition. In this paper, the evaluation of the washing performance during a sub-idle unit operation is carried out. The compressor unit is a multistage axial compressor that equips the Allison 250-C18 engine. The washing operation was performed by water, and a sensitivity analysis is carried out to discover the capability of water droplets to remove the contaminants. The experimental analysis involves the contamination of the unit by micro-sized soot particles and a washing operation by micro-sized water droplets. These experimental results are compared to numerical simulations to discover the effects of the washing operation on a small power unit during sub-idle operating conditions. The off-design regime imposes a specific evaluation of the proper setup of the washing strategy: flow separations involve wider regions in the compressor unit, and the removal capability is strongly related to the droplet path through the stages. The results show how in the off-design washing operation, the droplet diameter has greater importance than the water flow rate for reducing the deposits over the compressor stages. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    A strategy for the robust forecasting of gas turbine health subjected to fouling

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    Fouling represents a major problem for Gas Turbines (GTs) in both heavy-duty and aeropropulsion applications. Solid particles entering the engine can stick to the internal surfaces and form deposits. Components' lifetime and performance can dramatically vary as a consequence of this phenomenon. These effects impact the whole engine in terms of residual life, operating stability, and maintenance costs. In the High-Pressure Turbine (HPT), in particular, the high temperatures soft the particles and promote their adhesion, especially in the short term. Unfortunately, predicting the GT response to this detrimental issue is still an open problem for scientists. Furthermore, the stochastic variations of the components operating conditions increase the uncertainty of the forecasting results. In this work, a strategy to predict the effects of turbine fouling on the whole engine is proposed. A stationary Gas Path Analysis (GPA) has been performed for this scope to predict the GT health parameters. Their alteration as a consequence of fouling has been evaluated by scaling the turbine map. The scaling factor has been found by performing Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations of a HPT nozzle with particle injection. Being its operating conditions strongly uncertain, a stochastic analysis has been conducted. The uncertainty sources considered are the circumferential hot core location and the turbulence level at the inlet. The study enables to build of confidence intervals on the GT health parameters predictions and represents a step forward towards a robust forecasting tool