85 research outputs found

    A New Contact Mat Wireless System for Estimating Vertical Jump Height

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    Abstract Among the different devices available for the assessment of the vertical jump height based on the flight time measurement, the contact mats are surely one of the simplest and portable systems and, for this reason, they are more widely used. This paper deals with the comparative evaluation of the performances of a new contact mat system with respect to a force platform. Some tests have been performed and the relative comparative results will be presented. The study shows a significant concurrent validity of Wi-JumpLe system for the flight and ground contact time measurements. In conclusion, the new contact mat structure together with the electronic measurement system is legitimate to assess vertical jump height and leg extensors muscle power

    An Integrated Approach for Finding Overlooked Genes in Shigella

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    Background: The completion of numerous genome sequences introduced an era of whole-genome study. However, many genes are missed during genome annotation, including small RNAs (sRNAs) and small open reading frames (sORFs). In order to improve genome annotation, we aimed to identify novel sRNAs and sORFs in Shigella, the principal etiologic agents of bacillary dysentery. Methodology/Principal Findings: We identified 64 sRNAs in Shigella, which were experimentally validated in other bacteria based on sequence conservation. We employed computer-based and tiling array-based methods to search for sRNAs, followed by RT-PCR and northern blots, to identify nine sRNAs in Shigella flexneri strain 301 (Sf301) and 256 regions containing possible sRNA genes. We found 29 candidate sORFs using bioinformatic prediction, array hybridization and RT-PCR verification. We experimentally validated 557 (57.9%) DOOR operon predictions in the chromosomes of Sf301 and 46 (76.7%) in virulence plasmid.We found 40 additional co-expressed gene pairs that were not predicted by DOOR. Conclusions/Significance: We provide an updated and comprehensive annotation of the Shigella genome. Our study increased the expected numbers of sORFs and sRNAs, which will impact on future functional genomics and proteomics studies. Our method can be used for large scale reannotation of sRNAs and sORFs in any microbe with a known genom

    The Challenge of Regulation in a Minimal Photoautotroph: Non-Coding RNAs in Prochlorococcus

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    Prochlorococcus, an extremely small cyanobacterium that is very abundant in the world's oceans, has a very streamlined genome. On average, these cells have about 2,000 genes and very few regulatory proteins. The limited capability of regulation is thought to be a result of selection imposed by a relatively stable environment in combination with a very small genome. Furthermore, only ten non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which play crucial regulatory roles in all forms of life, have been described in Prochlorococcus. Most strains also lack the RNA chaperone Hfq, raising the question of how important this mode of regulation is for these cells. To explore this question, we examined the transcription of intergenic regions of Prochlorococcus MED4 cells subjected to a number of different stress conditions: changes in light qualities and quantities, phage infection, or phosphorus starvation. Analysis of Affymetrix microarray expression data from intergenic regions revealed 276 novel transcriptional units. Among these were 12 new ncRNAs, 24 antisense RNAs (asRNAs), as well as 113 short mRNAs. Two additional ncRNAs were identified by homology, and all 14 new ncRNAs were independently verified by Northern hybridization and 5β€²RACE. Unlike its reduced suite of regulatory proteins, the number of ncRNAs relative to genome size in Prochlorococcus is comparable to that found in other bacteria, suggesting that RNA regulators likely play a major role in regulation in this group. Moreover, the ncRNAs are concentrated in previously identified genomic islands, which carry genes of significance to the ecology of this organism, many of which are not of cyanobacterial origin. Expression profiles of some of these ncRNAs suggest involvement in light stress adaptation and/or the response to phage infection consistent with their location in the hypervariable genomic islands

    Aspetti metodologici per il miglioramento della forza e della potenza muscolare

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    Allenamento della forza muscolare con e senza ipertrofia

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    L'allenamento della forza muscolare ha trovato ambiti di applicazione molto diversi per obiettivi e contenuti. Per molti anni atleti e frequentatori di quella che ora viene definita l'area del fitness, si sono applicati al training con prospettive diverse. Anche oggi esistono modalit\ue0 differenti di lavoro, anche all'interno delle diverse categorie. In questo articolo, si affronta l'argomento del training muscolare per l'incremento della forza nelle discipline definite di potenza, allo scopo di stabilire quando sia possibile ottenere miglioramenti sfruttando o al contrario limitando l'incremento di ipertrofia che l'allenamento stesso comporta

    Il paradosso dell’allenamento della forza a bassa velocità

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    Il lavoro di potenziamento a bassa velocit\ue0 pu\uf2 apparire un \u201cparadosso\u201d. La spiegazione di questo va vista in quello che accade: durante la contrazione muscolare \u201clenta\u201d si riduce, nel muscolo, il flusso del sangue: oltre alla produzione di metaboliti si verifica un intervento precoce delle fibre veloci. Di seguito, alcuni vantaggi del metodo: uso di sovraccarichi moderati, marcato stimolo dei parametri ormonali, immediata sensazione di \u201cpresa\u201d di tono muscolare, ridotto o nullo indolenzimento muscolare dopo il lavoro, esecuzione degli esercizi anche a carico naturale. Una delle varianti della metodologia, quella definita \u201cantalgica\u201d, si sta sempre pi\uf9 segnalando come molto efficace, non solo nell\u2019attenuare alcuni disturbi di natura muscolo-tendinea e articolare, ma anche nel favorire la loro risoluzione

    Design of a Wireless Wearable DAQ System for the Evaluation of Sports Performances

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    An accurate monitoring of the professional athletes’ exercises during training sessions is able to improve their performance by helping them in improving the effectiveness of the movement, in the injury prevention and in the rehabilitation protocols. Wearable and non-encumbrance DAQ (Digital Acquisition) systems are required because it is important to collect data from the athlete’s performance in his natural environment rather than in the unspecific spaces of a laboratory. This paper deals with the design of a wireless data logger for the evaluation and analysis of the sport performance. In particular, the system is composed of a multichannel sEMG (surface Electromyography) system synchronized the kinematic signals obtained by an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) placed on the back of the athlete by the use of a belt. The system can be wirelessly connected with a proper terminal for data display and analysis
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