232 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance within vortex cores in the B phase of superfluid 3^3He

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    We investigate a magnetic susceptibility of vortices in the B phase of multicomponent triplet superfluid 3^3He focusing on a contribution of bound fermionic states localized within vortex cores. Several order parameter configurations relevant to different types of quantized vortices in 3^3He B are considered. It is shown quite generally that an ac magnetic susceptibility has a sharp peak at the frequency corresponding to the energy of interlevel spacing in the spectrum of bound fermions. We suggest that measuring of a magnetic resonance within vortex cores can provide a direct probe of a discrete spectrum of bound vortex core excitations

    Magnetization reversal of ferromagnetic nanodisc placed above a superconductor

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    Using numerical simulation we have studied a magnetization distribution and a process of magnetization reversal in nanoscale magnets placed above a superconductor plane. In order to consider an influence of superconductor on magnetization distribution in the nanomagnet we have used London approximation. We have found that for usual values of London penetration depth the ground state magnetization is mostly unchanged. But at the same time the fields of vortex nucleation and annihilation change significantly: the interval where vortex is stable enlarges on 100-200 Oe for the particle above the superconductor. Such fields are experimentally observable so there is a possibility of some practical applications of this effect.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Semi-empirical control method of solid wastes of medium and high activity

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    Semi-empirical method has been developed to monitor medium and high level solid radioactive wastes based on direct measurement of wastes radioactivity and nuclide composition in lorry body. The energy range of measurements was from 80 tо 3000 keV. The radioactive waste activity was from 106 to 1012 Bq. The proposed method was certified and measurement of basic errors were determined that not exceeding 60 %

    Gamma spectrometric method to control activity and nuclide composition of gaseous radioactive waste formed at operation of nuclear power plants

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    Gamma spectrometric method was developed to monitor continuously and on line radioactivity and nuclide composition of inert radioactive gases, radioactive aerosols and iodine in gas aerosol emissions from power reactor facilities. This method is based on continuous representative sampling of gas aerosol samples and quasi-continuous automated recording of nuclide composition and radioactive material emission rate. Low detectable level of the method is about 0,1 Bq/m3, highest detectable level for noble gases (Ar_41, isotopes Xe and Kr) is about 105 Bq/m

    Gamma spectrometric method to control activity and nuclide composition of gaseous radioactive waste formed at operation of nuclear power plants

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    Gamma spectrometric method was developed to monitor continuously and on line radioactivity and nuclide composition of inert radioactive gases, radioactive aerosols and iodine in gas aerosol emissions from power reactor facilities. This method is based on continuous representative sampling of gas aerosol samples and quasi-continuous automated recording of nuclide composition and radioactive material emission rate. Low detectable level of the method is about 0,1 Bq/m3, highest detectable level for noble gases (Ar_41, isotopes Xe and Kr) is about 105 Bq/m

    XUV-assisted high-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy

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    Using the analytic time-dependent effective range theory, we study two-color high-order harmonic generation (HHG) involving a weak extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulse and an intense infrared laser field. Our analysis shows that XUV-assisted HHG spectra contain multiple additional plateau structures originating from absorption of one or more XUV photons at the photorecombination step of HHG. We show also that the HHG rate corresponding to the nth plateau can be presented in a factorized form involving the XUV-assisted (multiphoton) photorecombination cross section (PRCS) corresponding to absorption of n XUV photons of energy Ω and emission of a harmonic of energy Ωh. This factorization allows one to extract the PRCS from the HHG spectrum and to retrieve the cross section of the inverse process: the photoionization cross section involving absorption of a single photon of energy Ωh and emission of n XUV photons of frequency Ω. The analytic HHG results are in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation

    XUV-assisted high-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy

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    Using the analytic time-dependent effective range theory, we study two-color high-order harmonic generation (HHG) involving a weak extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulse and an intense infrared laser field. Our analysis shows that XUV-assisted HHG spectra contain multiple additional plateau structures originating from absorption of one or more XUV photons at the photorecombination step of HHG. We show also that the HHG rate corresponding to the nth plateau can be presented in a factorized form involving the XUV-assisted (multiphoton) photorecombination cross section (PRCS) corresponding to absorption of n XUV photons of energy Ω and emission of a harmonic of energy Ωh. This factorization allows one to extract the PRCS from the HHG spectrum and to retrieve the cross section of the inverse process: the photoionization cross section involving absorption of a single photon of energy Ωh and emission of n XUV photons of frequency Ω. The analytic HHG results are in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation

    Analytic description of high-order harmonic generation in the adiabatic limit with application to an initial \u3ci\u3es\u3c/i\u3e state in an intense bicircular laser pulse

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    An analytic description of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) is proposed in the adiabatic (low-frequency) limit for an initial s state and a laser field having an arbitrary wave form. The approach is based on the two-state time-dependent effective range theory and is extended to the case of neutral atoms and positively charged ions by introducing ad hoc the Coulomb corrections for HHG. The resulting closed analytical form for the HHG amplitude is discussed in terms of real classical trajectories. The accuracy of the results of our analytic model is demonstrated by comparison with numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a strong bicircular field composed of two equally intense components with carrier frequencies ω and 2ω and opposite helicities. In particular, we demonstrate the effect of ionization gating on HHG in a bicircular field, both for the case that the two field components are quasimonochromatic and for the case that the field components are time-delayed short pulses. We show how ionization in a strong laser field not only smooths the usual peak structures in HHG spectra but also changes the positions and polarization properties of the generated harmonics, seemingly violating the standard dipole selection rules. These effects appear for both short and long incident laser pulses. In the case of time-delayed short laser pulses, ionization gating provides an effective tool for control of both the HHG yield and the harmonic polarizations [Frolov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 263203 (2018)]. For the case of short laser pulses, we introduce a simple two-dipole model that captures the physics underlying the harmonic emission process, describing both the oscillation patterns in HHG spectra and also the dependence of the harmonic polarizations on the harmonic energy

    Gamma-spectrometric control method of activity and nuclide composition of low-active solid radioactive waste

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    The gamma-spectrometric control method of low-active solid radioactive waste, based on direct measurement of activity and nuclide composition has been developed. The measurements were carried out in the geometry of standard steel container of 200 l. volume, where low-active wastes were placed. To take into account distribution non-homogeneities of solid waste over the geometry measured a special rotating platform was used, the low-active radioactive wastes being placed on it. Metrological certification was performed and the main errors of this method for 95 % of confidence probability were determined

    Оцінка професійної компетенції фармацевтичних працівників з питань реалізації противірусних та імуностимулюючих засобів для лікування ГРВІ у дітей

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    The article presents the results of a survey of 380 pharmacy workers on the issues of antiviral and immunostimulating agents for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children.Aim. To assess professional competence of pharmaceutical employees on the issue of selling antiviral and immunostimulating drugs for treating children with ARVI in the pharmacy network.Materials and methods. The survey was conducted in Kharkiv among the students studying in the correspondence course of the 5th and 6th years of theNationalUniversity of Pharmacy and working in the pharmacy. The questionnaire included two parts. The first part concerned the general information about the respondents (age, gender, specialty, the length of service, position in the pharmacy, the range of drugs in the pharmacy). In the second part pharmacists responded to the questions on peculiarities of selling antiviral drugs and immunostimulants for the treatment of children with ARVI in pharmacies.Results. The results obtained have shown that, in their opinion, the interrogated pharmacists have the sufficient level of professional competence concerning the recommendations of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs for children with ARVI. By the objective assessment 70 % respondents sell antiviral drugs without a prescription, breaking the rules for dispensing prescription drugs.Conclusions. Pharmaceutical employees do not sufficiently use regulatory documents in their work with the evidence base for effectiveness and safety of medicines (National Drug Formulary ofUkraine, clinical protocols); it indicates an insufficient level of professional competence regarding awareness of the sources of information on the evidence base of drugs.В статье представлены результаты анкетирования 380 работников аптек по вопросам реализации противовирусных и иммуностимулирующих средств для лечения ОРВИ у детей. Цель работы – оценка профессиональной компетенции фармацевтических специалистов по вопросу отпуска в аптечной сети противовирусных и иммуностимулирующих средств, предназначенных для лечения ОРВИ у детей.Методы исследования. Анкетирование проведено в г. Харькове среди студентов заочной формы обучения 5 и 6 курсов НФаУ, работающих в аптеках. Анкета включала две части. Первая часть касалась общих сведений о респондентах (возраст, пол, специальность, стаж работы, должность в аптеке, ассортимент ЛС в аптеке). Во второй части анкеты по ряду вопросов работники аптек предоставили ответы относительно особенностей реализации в аптеках противовирусных и иммуностимулирующих средств для лечения детей с ОРВИ.Результаты исследования. Полученные результаты показали, что по собственному мнению опрошенные фармацевты и провизоры имеют достаточный уровень профессиональной компетенции по рекомендациям противовирусных и иммуностимулирующих ЛС для лечения детей с ОРВИ. По объективной оценке большинство опрошенных (70 %) отпускает рецептурные противовирусные ЛС без рецепта, нарушая правила отпуска рецептурных препаратов.Вывод. Фармацевтические работники недостаточно используют в работе нормативные документы с доказательной базой эффективности и безопасности ЛС (ГФЛСУ, клинические протоколы), что свидетельствует о недостаточном уровне их профессиональной компетенции относительно осведомленности об источниках информации о доказательной базе препаратов.У статті представлені результати анкетування 380 фармацевтичних працівників щодо питань реалізації противірусних та імуностимулюючих засобів для лікування ГРВІ у дітей. Мета роботи. Оцінка професійної компетенції фармацевтичних фахівців з питань відпуску в аптечній мережі противірусних та імуностимулюючих засобів, призначених для лікування ГРВІ у дітей.Методи дослідження. Анкетування проведене у м. Харкові серед студентів заочної форми навчання 5 і 6 курсів НФаУ, що працюють в аптеці. Анкета включала дві частини. Перша частина питань стосувалася загальних відомостей про респондентів (їх віку, статі, спеціальності, стажу роботи, посади в аптеці, асортименту ЛЗ в аптеці). У другій частині анкети за низкою питань працівники аптек дали відповіді стосовно особливостей реалізації в аптеках противірусних та імуностимулюючих засобів для лікування дітей з ГРВІ. Результати дослідження. Отримані результати показали, що за власною думкою опитані фармацевти та провізори мають достатній рівень професійної компетенції щодо рекомендацій противірусних та імуностимулюючих ЛЗ для дітей з ГРВІ. За об’єктивною оцінкою більшість опитуваних (70 %) відпускає рецептурні противірусні ЛЗ без рецепта, порушуючи правила відпуску рецептурних препаратів.Висновок. Фармацевтичні працівники недостатньо використовують у роботі нормативні документи про доказову базу клінічної ефективності та безпеки ЛЗ (ДФЛЗУ, клінічні протоколи), що свідчить про недостатній рівень їх професійної компетенції та обізнаності про джерела інформації з доказовою базою препаратів